#include "fru.hpp" #include "common/utils.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PHOSPHOR_LOG2_USING; namespace pldm { namespace responder { constexpr auto root = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/"; std::optional FruImpl::getEntityByObjectPath(const dbus::InterfaceMap& intfMaps) { for (const auto& intfMap : intfMaps) { try { pldm_entity entity{}; entity.entity_type = parser.getEntityType(intfMap.first); return entity; } catch (const std::exception& e) { continue; } } return std::nullopt; } void FruImpl::updateAssociationTree(const dbus::ObjectValueTree& objects, const std::string& path) { if (path.find(root) == std::string::npos) { return; } std::stack tmpObjPaths{}; tmpObjPaths.emplace(path); auto obj = pldm::utils::findParent(path); while ((obj + '/') != root) { tmpObjPaths.emplace(obj); obj = pldm::utils::findParent(obj); } std::stack tmpObj = tmpObjPaths; while (!tmpObj.empty()) { std::string s = tmpObj.top(); tmpObj.pop(); } // Update pldm entity to assocition tree std::string prePath = tmpObjPaths.top(); while (!tmpObjPaths.empty()) { std::string currPath = tmpObjPaths.top(); tmpObjPaths.pop(); do { if (objToEntityNode.contains(currPath)) { pldm_entity node = pldm_entity_extract(objToEntityNode.at(currPath)); if (pldm_entity_association_tree_find_with_locality( entityTree, &node, false)) { break; } } else { if (!objects.contains(currPath)) { break; } auto entityPtr = getEntityByObjectPath(objects.at(currPath)); if (!entityPtr) { break; } pldm_entity entity = *entityPtr; for (auto& it : objToEntityNode) { pldm_entity node = pldm_entity_extract(it.second); if (node.entity_type == entity.entity_type) { entity.entity_instance_num = node.entity_instance_num + 1; break; } } if (currPath == prePath) { auto node = pldm_entity_association_tree_add_entity( entityTree, &entity, 0xFFFF, nullptr, PLDM_ENTITY_ASSOCIAION_PHYSICAL, false, true, 0xFFFF); objToEntityNode[currPath] = node; } else { if (objToEntityNode.contains(prePath)) { auto node = pldm_entity_association_tree_add_entity( entityTree, &entity, 0xFFFF, objToEntityNode[prePath], PLDM_ENTITY_ASSOCIAION_PHYSICAL, false, true, 0xFFFF); objToEntityNode[currPath] = node; } } } } while (0); prePath = currPath; } } void FruImpl::buildFRUTable() { if (isBuilt) { return; } fru_parser::DBusLookupInfo dbusInfo; // Read the all the inventory D-Bus objects auto& bus = pldm::utils::DBusHandler::getBus(); dbus::ObjectValueTree objects; try { dbusInfo = parser.inventoryLookup(); auto method = bus.new_method_call( std::get<0>(dbusInfo).c_str(), std::get<1>(dbusInfo).c_str(), "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects"); auto reply = bus.call(method, dbusTimeout); reply.read(objects); } catch (const std::exception& e) { error( "Look up of inventory objects failed and PLDM FRU table creation failed"); return; } auto itemIntfsLookup = std::get<2>(dbusInfo); for (const auto& object : objects) { const auto& interfaces = object.second; bool isPresent = pldm::utils::checkForFruPresence(object.first.str); // Do not create fru record if fru is not present. // Pick up the next available fru. if (!isPresent) { continue; } for (const auto& interface : interfaces) { if (itemIntfsLookup.find(interface.first) != itemIntfsLookup.end()) { // An exception will be thrown by getRecordInfo, if the item // D-Bus interface name specified in FRU_Master.json does // not have corresponding config jsons try { updateAssociationTree(objects, object.first.str); pldm_entity entity{}; if (objToEntityNode.contains(object.first.str)) { pldm_entity_node* node = objToEntityNode.at(object.first.str); entity = pldm_entity_extract(node); } auto recordInfos = parser.getRecordInfo(interface.first); populateRecords(interfaces, recordInfos, entity); associatedEntityMap.emplace(object.first, entity); break; } catch (const std::exception& e) { error( "Config JSONs missing for the item interface type, interface = {INTF}", "INTF", interface.first); break; } } } } int rc = pldm_entity_association_pdr_add_check(entityTree, pdrRepo, false, TERMINUS_HANDLE); if (rc < 0) { // pldm_entity_assocation_pdr_add() assert()ed on failure error("Failed to add PLDM entity association PDR: {LIBPLDM_ERROR}", "LIBPLDM_ERROR", rc); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add PLDM entity association PDR"); } // save a copy of bmc's entity association tree pldm_entity_association_tree_copy_root(entityTree, bmcEntityTree); if (table.size()) { padBytes = pldm::utils::getNumPadBytes(table.size()); table.resize(table.size() + padBytes, 0); // Calculate the checksum checksum = crc32(table.data(), table.size()); } isBuilt = true; } std::string FruImpl::populatefwVersion() { static constexpr auto fwFunctionalObjPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/functional"; auto& bus = pldm::utils::DBusHandler::getBus(); std::string currentBmcVersion; try { auto method = bus.new_method_call(pldm::utils::mapperService, fwFunctionalObjPath, pldm::utils::dbusProperties, "Get"); method.append("xyz.openbmc_project.Association", "endpoints"); std::variant> paths; auto reply = bus.call(method, dbusTimeout); reply.read(paths); auto fwRunningVersion = std::get>(paths)[0]; constexpr auto versionIntf = "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version"; auto version = pldm::utils::DBusHandler().getDbusPropertyVariant( fwRunningVersion.c_str(), "Version", versionIntf); currentBmcVersion = std::get(version); } catch (const std::exception& e) { error("failed to make a d-bus call Asociation, ERROR= {ERR_EXCEP}", "ERR_EXCEP", e.what()); return {}; } return currentBmcVersion; } void FruImpl::populateRecords( const pldm::responder::dbus::InterfaceMap& interfaces, const fru_parser::FruRecordInfos& recordInfos, const pldm_entity& entity) { // recordSetIdentifier for the FRU will be set when the first record gets // added for the FRU uint16_t recordSetIdentifier = 0; auto numRecsCount = numRecs; static uint32_t bmc_record_handle = 0; for (const auto& [recType, encType, fieldInfos] : recordInfos) { std::vector tlvs; uint8_t numFRUFields = 0; for (const auto& [intf, prop, propType, fieldTypeNum] : fieldInfos) { try { pldm::responder::dbus::Value propValue; // Assuming that 0 container Id is assigned to the System (as // that should be the top most container as per dbus hierarchy) if (entity.entity_container_id == 0 && prop == "Version") { propValue = populatefwVersion(); } else { propValue = interfaces.at(intf).at(prop); } if (propType == "bytearray") { auto byteArray = std::get>(propValue); if (!byteArray.size()) { continue; } numFRUFields++; tlvs.emplace_back(fieldTypeNum); tlvs.emplace_back(byteArray.size()); std::move(std::begin(byteArray), std::end(byteArray), std::back_inserter(tlvs)); } else if (propType == "string") { auto str = std::get(propValue); if (!str.size()) { continue; } numFRUFields++; tlvs.emplace_back(fieldTypeNum); tlvs.emplace_back(str.size()); std::move(std::begin(str), std::end(str), std::back_inserter(tlvs)); } } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) { continue; } } if (tlvs.size()) { if (numRecs == numRecsCount) { recordSetIdentifier = nextRSI(); bmc_record_handle = nextRecordHandle(); int rc = pldm_pdr_add_fru_record_set_check( pdrRepo, TERMINUS_HANDLE, recordSetIdentifier, entity.entity_type, entity.entity_instance_num, entity.entity_container_id, &bmc_record_handle); if (rc) { // pldm_pdr_add_fru_record_set() assert()ed on failure throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to add PDR FRU record set"); } } auto curSize = table.size(); table.resize(curSize + recHeaderSize + tlvs.size()); encode_fru_record(table.data(), table.size(), &curSize, recordSetIdentifier, recType, numFRUFields, encType, tlvs.data(), tlvs.size()); numRecs++; } } } void FruImpl::getFRUTable(Response& response) { auto hdrSize = response.size(); response.resize(hdrSize + table.size() + sizeof(checksum), 0); std::copy(table.begin(), table.end(), response.begin() + hdrSize); // Copy the checksum to response data auto iter = response.begin() + hdrSize + table.size(); std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast(&checksum), sizeof(checksum), iter); } int FruImpl::getFRURecordByOption(std::vector& fruData, uint16_t /* fruTableHandle */, uint16_t recordSetIdentifer, uint8_t recordType, uint8_t fieldType) { using sum = uint32_t; // FRU table is built lazily, build if not done. buildFRUTable(); /* 7 is sizeof(checksum,4) + padBytesMax(3) * We can not know size of the record table got by options in advance, but * it must be less than the source table. So it's safe to use sizeof the * source table + 7 as the buffer length */ size_t recordTableSize = table.size() - padBytes + 7; fruData.resize(recordTableSize, 0); int rc = get_fru_record_by_option_check( table.data(), table.size() - padBytes, fruData.data(), &recordTableSize, recordSetIdentifer, recordType, fieldType); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS || recordTableSize == 0) { return PLDM_FRU_DATA_STRUCTURE_TABLE_UNAVAILABLE; } auto pads = pldm::utils::getNumPadBytes(recordTableSize); crc32(fruData.data(), recordTableSize + pads); auto iter = fruData.begin() + recordTableSize + pads; std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast(&checksum), sizeof(checksum), iter); fruData.resize(recordTableSize + pads + sizeof(sum)); return PLDM_SUCCESS; } namespace fru { Response Handler::getFRURecordTableMetadata(const pldm_msg* request, size_t /*payloadLength*/) { // FRU table is built lazily, build if not done. buildFRUTable(); constexpr uint8_t major = 0x01; constexpr uint8_t minor = 0x00; constexpr uint32_t maxSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_FRU_RECORD_TABLE_METADATA_RESP_BYTES, 0); auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast(response.data()); auto rc = encode_get_fru_record_table_metadata_resp( request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_SUCCESS, major, minor, maxSize, impl.size(), impl.numRSI(), impl.numRecords(), impl.checkSum(), responsePtr); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc); } return response; } Response Handler::getFRURecordTable(const pldm_msg* request, size_t payloadLength) { // FRU table is built lazily, build if not done. buildFRUTable(); if (payloadLength != PLDM_GET_FRU_RECORD_TABLE_REQ_BYTES) { return ccOnlyResponse(request, PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH); } Response response( sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_FRU_RECORD_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES, 0); auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast(response.data()); auto rc = encode_get_fru_record_table_resp(request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_SUCCESS, 0, PLDM_START_AND_END, responsePtr); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc); } impl.getFRUTable(response); return response; } Response Handler::getFRURecordByOption(const pldm_msg* request, size_t payloadLength) { if (payloadLength != sizeof(pldm_get_fru_record_by_option_req)) { return ccOnlyResponse(request, PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH); } uint32_t retDataTransferHandle{}; uint16_t retFruTableHandle{}; uint16_t retRecordSetIdentifier{}; uint8_t retRecordType{}; uint8_t retFieldType{}; uint8_t retTransferOpFlag{}; auto rc = decode_get_fru_record_by_option_req( request, payloadLength, &retDataTransferHandle, &retFruTableHandle, &retRecordSetIdentifier, &retRecordType, &retFieldType, &retTransferOpFlag); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc); } std::vector fruData; rc = impl.getFRURecordByOption(fruData, retFruTableHandle, retRecordSetIdentifier, retRecordType, retFieldType); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc); } auto respPayloadLength = PLDM_GET_FRU_RECORD_BY_OPTION_MIN_RESP_BYTES + fruData.size(); Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + respPayloadLength, 0); auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast(response.data()); rc = encode_get_fru_record_by_option_resp( request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_SUCCESS, 0, PLDM_START_AND_END, fruData.data(), fruData.size(), responsePtr, respPayloadLength); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return ccOnlyResponse(request, rc); } return response; } } // namespace fru } // namespace responder } // namespace pldm