#include "bios.hpp" #include "libpldmresponder/utils.hpp" #include "registration.hpp" #include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp" #include <array> #include <boost/crc.hpp> #include <chrono> #include <ctime> #include <memory> #include <numeric> #include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp> #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <variant> #include <vector> using namespace pldm::responder::bios; using namespace bios_parser; namespace pldm { using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error; using EpochTimeUS = uint64_t; using BIOSTableRow = std::vector<uint8_t>; using BIOSJsonName = std::string; constexpr auto dbusProperties = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; constexpr auto padChksumMax = 7; namespace responder { namespace utils { void epochToBCDTime(uint64_t timeSec, uint8_t& seconds, uint8_t& minutes, uint8_t& hours, uint8_t& day, uint8_t& month, uint16_t& year) { auto t = time_t(timeSec); auto time = localtime(&t); seconds = decimalToBcd(time->tm_sec); minutes = decimalToBcd(time->tm_min); hours = decimalToBcd(time->tm_hour); day = decimalToBcd(time->tm_mday); month = decimalToBcd(time->tm_mon + 1); // The number of months in the range // 0 to 11.PLDM expects range 1 to 12 year = decimalToBcd(time->tm_year + 1900); // The number of years since 1900 } size_t getTableTotalsize(size_t sizeWithoutPad) { return sizeWithoutPad + pldm_bios_table_pad_checksum_size(sizeWithoutPad); } void padAndChecksum(Table& table) { auto sizeWithoutPad = table.size(); auto padAndChecksumSize = pldm_bios_table_pad_checksum_size(sizeWithoutPad); table.resize(table.size() + padAndChecksumSize); pldm_bios_table_append_pad_checksum(table.data(), table.size(), sizeWithoutPad); } } // namespace utils Response getDateTime(const pldm_msg* request, size_t /*payloadLength*/) { uint8_t seconds = 0; uint8_t minutes = 0; uint8_t hours = 0; uint8_t day = 0; uint8_t month = 0; uint16_t year = 0; constexpr auto timeInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Time.EpochTime"; constexpr auto hostTimePath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/time/host"; Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_DATE_TIME_RESP_BYTES, 0); auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data()); std::variant<EpochTimeUS> value; auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); try { auto service = getService(bus, hostTimePath, timeInterface); auto method = bus.new_method_call(service.c_str(), hostTimePath, dbusProperties, "Get"); method.append(timeInterface, "Elapsed"); auto reply = bus.call(method); reply.read(value); } catch (std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>("Error getting time", entry("PATH=%s", hostTimePath), entry("TIME INTERACE=%s", timeInterface)); encode_get_date_time_resp(request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_ERROR, seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year, responsePtr); return response; } uint64_t timeUsec = std::get<EpochTimeUS>(value); uint64_t timeSec = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>( std::chrono::microseconds(timeUsec)) .count(); utils::epochToBCDTime(timeSec, seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year); encode_get_date_time_resp(request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_SUCCESS, seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year, responsePtr); return response; } /** @brief Construct the BIOS string table * * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * @param[in] transferHandle - transfer handle to identify part of transfer * @param[in] transferOpFlag - flag to indicate which part of data being * transferred * @param[in] instanceID - instance ID to identify the command */ Response getBIOSStringTable(BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, uint32_t /*transferHandle*/, uint8_t /*transferOpFlag*/, uint8_t instanceID) { Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_BIOS_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES, 0); auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data()); if (!BIOSStringTable.isEmpty()) { encode_get_bios_table_resp(instanceID, PLDM_SUCCESS, 0, /* next transfer handle */ PLDM_START_AND_END, nullptr, response.size(), responsePtr); // filling up the header here BIOSStringTable.load(response); return response; } auto biosStrings = bios_parser::getStrings(); std::sort(biosStrings.begin(), biosStrings.end()); // remove all duplicate strings received from bios json biosStrings.erase(std::unique(biosStrings.begin(), biosStrings.end()), biosStrings.end()); size_t sizeWithoutPad = std::accumulate( biosStrings.begin(), biosStrings.end(), 0, [](size_t sum, const std::string& elem) { return sum + pldm_bios_table_string_entry_encode_length(elem.length()); }); Table stringTable; stringTable.reserve(utils::getTableTotalsize(sizeWithoutPad)); stringTable.resize(sizeWithoutPad); auto tablePtr = stringTable.data(); for (const auto& elem : biosStrings) { auto entry_length = pldm_bios_table_string_entry_encode_length(elem.length()); pldm_bios_table_string_entry_encode(tablePtr, sizeWithoutPad, elem.c_str(), elem.length()); tablePtr += entry_length; sizeWithoutPad -= entry_length; } utils::padAndChecksum(stringTable); BIOSStringTable.store(stringTable); response.resize(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_BIOS_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES + stringTable.size(), 0); responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data()); encode_get_bios_table_resp( instanceID, PLDM_SUCCESS, 0 /* nxtTransferHandle */, PLDM_START_AND_END, stringTable.data(), response.size(), responsePtr); return response; } /** @brief Find the string handle from the BIOS string table given the name * * @param[in] name - name of the BIOS string * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * @return - uint16_t - handle of the string */ StringHandle findStringHandle(const std::string& name, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable) { Table table; BIOSStringTable.load(table); auto stringEntry = pldm_bios_table_string_find_by_string( table.data(), table.size(), name.c_str()); if (stringEntry == nullptr) { log<level::ERR>("Reached end of BIOS string table,did not find the " "handle for the string", entry("STRING=%s", name.c_str())); elog<InternalFailure>(); } return pldm_bios_table_string_entry_decode_handle(stringEntry); } /** @brief Find the string name from the BIOS string table for a string handle * * @param[in] stringHdl - string handle * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * * @return - std::string - name of the corresponding BIOS string */ std::string findStringName(StringHandle stringHdl, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable) { Table table; BIOSStringTable.load(table); auto stringEntry = pldm_bios_table_string_find_by_handle( table.data(), table.size(), stringHdl); std::string name; if (stringEntry == nullptr) { log<level::ERR>("Reached end of BIOS string table,did not find " "string name for handle", entry("STRING_HANDLE=%d", stringHdl)); } auto strLength = pldm_bios_table_string_entry_decode_string_length(stringEntry); name.resize(strLength); pldm_bios_table_string_entry_decode_string(stringEntry, name.data(), name.size()); return name; } namespace bios_type_enum { using namespace bios_parser::bios_enum; /** @brief Find the indices into the array of the possible values of string * handles for the current values.This is used in attribute value table * * @param[in] possiVals - vector of string handles comprising all the possible * values for an attribute * @param[in] currVals - vector of strings comprising all current values * for an attribute * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * * @return - std::vector<uint8_t> - indices into the array of the possible * values of string handles */ std::vector<uint8_t> findStrIndices(PossibleValuesByHandle possiVals, CurrentValues currVals, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable) { std::vector<uint8_t> stringIndices; for (const auto& currVal : currVals) { StringHandle curHdl; try { curHdl = findStringHandle(currVal, BIOSStringTable); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { log<level::ERR>("Exception fetching handle for the string", entry("STRING=%s", currVal.c_str())); continue; } uint8_t i = 0; for (auto possiHdl : possiVals) { if (possiHdl == curHdl) { stringIndices.push_back(i); break; } i++; } } return stringIndices; } /** @brief Find the indices into the array of the possible values of string * handles for the default values. This is used in attribute table * * @param[in] possiVals - vector of strings comprising all the possible values * for an attribute * @param[in] defVals - vector of strings comprising all the default values * for an attribute * @return - std::vector<uint8_t> - indices into the array of the possible * values of string */ std::vector<uint8_t> findDefaultValHandle(const PossibleValues& possiVals, const DefaultValues& defVals) { std::vector<uint8_t> defHdls; for (const auto& defs : defVals) { auto index = std::lower_bound(possiVals.begin(), possiVals.end(), defs); if (index != possiVals.end()) { defHdls.push_back(index - possiVals.begin()); } } return defHdls; } /** @brief Construct the attibute table for BIOS type Enumeration and * Enumeration ReadOnly * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * @param[in] biosJsonDir - path where the BIOS json files are present * @param[in,out] attributeTable - the attribute table * */ void constructAttrTable(const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& attributeTable) { const auto& attributeMap = getValues(); StringHandle strHandle; for (const auto& [key, value] : attributeMap) { try { strHandle = findStringHandle(key, BIOSStringTable); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { log<level::ERR>("Could not find handle for BIOS string", entry("ATTRIBUTE=%s", key.c_str())); continue; } bool readOnly = (std::get<0>(value)); PossibleValues possiVals = std::get<1>(value); DefaultValues defVals = std::get<2>(value); // both the possible and default values are stored in sorted manner to // ease in fetching back/comparison std::sort(possiVals.begin(), possiVals.end()); std::sort(defVals.begin(), defVals.end()); std::vector<StringHandle> possiValsByHdl; for (const auto& elem : possiVals) { try { auto hdl = findStringHandle(elem, BIOSStringTable); possiValsByHdl.push_back(std::move(hdl)); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { log<level::ERR>("Could not find handle for BIOS string", entry("STRING=%s", elem.c_str())); continue; } } auto defValsByHdl = findDefaultValHandle(possiVals, defVals); auto entryLength = pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_encode_length( possiValsByHdl.size(), defValsByHdl.size()); auto attrTableSize = attributeTable.size(); attributeTable.resize(attrTableSize + entryLength, 0); struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_info info = { strHandle, readOnly, (uint8_t)possiValsByHdl.size(), possiValsByHdl.data(), (uint8_t)defValsByHdl.size(), defValsByHdl.data(), }; pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_encode( attributeTable.data() + attrTableSize, entryLength, &info); } } void constructAttrValueEntry( const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* attrTableEntry, const std::string& attrName, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& attrValueTable) { CurrentValues currVals; try { currVals = getAttrValue(attrName); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>("getAttrValue returned error for attribute", entry("NAME=%s", attrName.c_str()), entry("ERROR=%s", e.what())); return; } uint8_t pv_num = pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_decode_pv_num(attrTableEntry); PossibleValuesByHandle pvHdls(pv_num, 0); pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_enum_decode_pv_hdls(attrTableEntry, pvHdls.data(), pv_num); std::sort(currVals.begin(), currVals.end()); auto currValStrIndices = findStrIndices(pvHdls, currVals, BIOSStringTable); auto entryLength = pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_enum_length( currValStrIndices.size()); auto tableSize = attrValueTable.size(); attrValueTable.resize(tableSize + entryLength); pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_enum( attrValueTable.data() + tableSize, entryLength, attrTableEntry->attr_handle, attrTableEntry->attr_type, currValStrIndices.size(), currValStrIndices.data()); } } // end namespace bios_type_enum namespace bios_type_string { using namespace bios_parser::bios_string; /** @brief Construct the attibute table for BIOS type String and * String ReadOnly * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * @param[in] biosJsonDir - path where the BIOS json files are present * @param[in,out] attributeTable - the attribute table * */ void constructAttrTable(const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& attributeTable) { const auto& attributeMap = getValues(); StringHandle strHandle; for (const auto& [key, value] : attributeMap) { try { strHandle = findStringHandle(key, BIOSStringTable); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { log<level::ERR>("Could not find handle for BIOS string", entry("ATTRIBUTE=%s", key.c_str())); continue; } const auto& [readOnly, strType, minStrLen, maxStrLen, defaultStrLen, defaultStr] = value; auto entryLength = pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_encode_length(defaultStrLen); struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_info info = { strHandle, readOnly, strType, minStrLen, maxStrLen, defaultStrLen, defaultStr.data(), }; auto attrTableSize = attributeTable.size(); attributeTable.resize(attrTableSize + entryLength, 0); pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_string_encode( attributeTable.data() + attrTableSize, entryLength, &info); } } void constructAttrValueEntry(const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* attrTableEntry, const std::string& attrName, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& attrValueTable) { std::ignore = BIOSStringTable; std::string currStr; uint16_t currStrLen = 0; try { currStr = getAttrValue(attrName); currStrLen = currStr.size(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>("getAttrValue returned error for attribute", entry("NAME=%s", attrName.c_str()), entry("ERROR=%s", e.what())); return; } auto entryLength = pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_string_length(currStrLen); auto tableSize = attrValueTable.size(); attrValueTable.resize(tableSize + entryLength); pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_string( attrValueTable.data() + tableSize, entryLength, attrTableEntry->attr_handle, attrTableEntry->attr_type, currStrLen, currStr.c_str()); } } // end namespace bios_type_string namespace bios_type_integer { using namespace bios_parser::bios_integer; /** @brief Construct the attibute table for BIOS type Integer and * Integer ReadOnly * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * @param[in,out] attributeTable - the attribute table * */ void constructAttrTable(const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& attributeTable) { const auto& attributeMap = getValues(); StringHandle strHandle; for (const auto& [key, value] : attributeMap) { try { strHandle = findStringHandle(key, BIOSStringTable); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { log<level::ERR>("Could not find handle for BIOS string", entry("ATTRIBUTE=%s", key.c_str())); continue; } const auto& [readOnly, lowerBound, upperBound, scalarIncrement, defaultValue] = value; auto entryLength = pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_encode_length(); struct pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_info info = { strHandle, readOnly, lowerBound, upperBound, scalarIncrement, defaultValue, }; auto attrTableSize = attributeTable.size(); attributeTable.resize(attrTableSize + entryLength, 0); pldm_bios_table_attr_entry_integer_encode( attributeTable.data() + attrTableSize, entryLength, &info); } } void constructAttrValueEntry(const pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* attrTableEntry, const std::string& attrName, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& attrValueTable) { std::ignore = BIOSStringTable; uint64_t currentValue; try { currentValue = getAttrValue(attrName); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>("Failed to get attribute value", entry("NAME=%s", attrName.c_str()), entry("ERROR=%s", e.what())); return; } auto entryLength = pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_integer_length(); auto tableSize = attrValueTable.size(); attrValueTable.resize(tableSize + entryLength); pldm_bios_table_attr_value_entry_encode_integer( attrValueTable.data() + tableSize, entryLength, attrTableEntry->attr_handle, attrTableEntry->attr_type, currentValue); } } // namespace bios_type_integer void traverseBIOSAttrTable(const Table& biosAttrTable, AttrTableEntryHandler handler) { std::unique_ptr<pldm_bios_table_iter, decltype(&pldm_bios_table_iter_free)> iter(pldm_bios_table_iter_create(biosAttrTable.data(), biosAttrTable.size(), PLDM_BIOS_ATTR_TABLE), pldm_bios_table_iter_free); while (!pldm_bios_table_iter_is_end(iter.get())) { auto table_entry = pldm_bios_table_iter_attr_entry_value(iter.get()); try { handler(table_entry); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>("handler fails when traversing BIOSAttrTable", entry("ERROR=%s", e.what())); } pldm_bios_table_iter_next(iter.get()); } } using typeHandler = std::function<void(const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& attributeTable)>; std::map<BIOSJsonName, typeHandler> attrTypeHandlers{ {bios_parser::bIOSEnumJson, bios_type_enum::constructAttrTable}, {bios_parser::bIOSStrJson, bios_type_string::constructAttrTable}, {bios_parser::bIOSIntegerJson, bios_type_integer::constructAttrTable}, }; /** @brief Construct the BIOS attribute table * * @param[in] BIOSAttributeTable - the attribute table * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * @param[in] transferHandle - transfer handle to identify part of transfer * @param[in] transferOpFlag - flag to indicate which part of data being * transferred * @param[in] instanceID - instance ID to identify the command * @param[in] biosJsonDir - path where the BIOS json files are present */ Response getBIOSAttributeTable(BIOSTable& BIOSAttributeTable, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, uint32_t /*transferHandle*/, uint8_t /*transferOpFlag*/, uint8_t instanceID, const char* biosJsonDir) { Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_BIOS_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES, 0); auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data()); uint32_t nxtTransferHandle = 0; uint8_t transferFlag = PLDM_START_AND_END; if (BIOSAttributeTable.isEmpty()) { // no persisted table, constructing fresh table and response Table attributeTable; fs::path dir(biosJsonDir); for (auto it = attrTypeHandlers.begin(); it != attrTypeHandlers.end(); it++) { fs::path file = dir / it->first; if (fs::exists(file)) { it->second(BIOSStringTable, attributeTable); } } if (attributeTable.empty()) { // no available json file is found encode_get_bios_table_resp(instanceID, PLDM_BIOS_TABLE_UNAVAILABLE, nxtTransferHandle, transferFlag, nullptr, response.size(), responsePtr); return response; } utils::padAndChecksum(attributeTable); BIOSAttributeTable.store(attributeTable); response.resize(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_BIOS_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES + attributeTable.size()); responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data()); encode_get_bios_table_resp(instanceID, PLDM_SUCCESS, nxtTransferHandle, transferFlag, attributeTable.data(), response.size(), responsePtr); } else { // persisted table present, constructing response encode_get_bios_table_resp(instanceID, PLDM_SUCCESS, nxtTransferHandle, transferFlag, nullptr, response.size(), responsePtr); // filling up the header here BIOSAttributeTable.load(response); } return response; } using AttrValTableEntryConstructHandler = std::function<void(const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* tableEntry, const std::string& attrName, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& table)>; using AttrType = uint8_t; const std::map<AttrType, AttrValTableEntryConstructHandler> AttrValTableConstructMap{ {PLDM_BIOS_STRING, bios_type_string::constructAttrValueEntry}, {PLDM_BIOS_STRING_READ_ONLY, bios_type_string::constructAttrValueEntry}, {PLDM_BIOS_ENUMERATION, bios_type_enum::constructAttrValueEntry}, {PLDM_BIOS_ENUMERATION_READ_ONLY, bios_type_enum::constructAttrValueEntry}, {PLDM_BIOS_INTEGER, bios_type_integer::constructAttrValueEntry}, {PLDM_BIOS_INTEGER_READ_ONLY, bios_type_integer::constructAttrValueEntry}, }; void constructAttrValueTableEntry( const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* attrEntry, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, Table& attributeValueTable) { auto attrName = findStringName(attrEntry->string_handle, BIOSStringTable); if (attrName.empty()) { log<level::ERR>("invalid string handle", entry("STRING_HANDLE=%d", attrEntry->string_handle)); return; } AttrValTableConstructMap.at(attrEntry->attr_type)( attrEntry, attrName, BIOSStringTable, attributeValueTable); } /** @brief Construct the BIOS attribute value table * * @param[in] BIOSAttributeValueTable - the attribute value table * @param[in] BIOSAttributeTable - the attribute table * @param[in] BIOSStringTable - the string table * @param[in] transferHandle - transfer handle to identify part of transfer * @param[in] transferOpFlag - flag to indicate which part of data being * transferred * @param[in] instanceID - instance ID to identify the command */ Response getBIOSAttributeValueTable(BIOSTable& BIOSAttributeValueTable, const BIOSTable& BIOSAttributeTable, const BIOSTable& BIOSStringTable, uint32_t& /*transferHandle*/, uint8_t& /*transferOpFlag*/, uint8_t instanceID) { Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_BIOS_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES, 0); auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data()); uint32_t nxtTransferHandle = 0; uint8_t transferFlag = PLDM_START_AND_END; if (!BIOSAttributeValueTable.isEmpty()) { encode_get_bios_table_resp(instanceID, PLDM_SUCCESS, nxtTransferHandle, transferFlag, nullptr, response.size(), responsePtr); // filling up the header here BIOSAttributeValueTable.load(response); return response; } Table attributeValueTable; Table attributeTable; BIOSAttributeTable.load(attributeTable); traverseBIOSAttrTable( attributeTable, [&BIOSStringTable, &attributeValueTable]( const struct pldm_bios_attr_table_entry* tableEntry) { constructAttrValueTableEntry(tableEntry, BIOSStringTable, attributeValueTable); }); if (attributeValueTable.empty()) { encode_get_bios_table_resp(instanceID, PLDM_BIOS_TABLE_UNAVAILABLE, nxtTransferHandle, transferFlag, nullptr, response.size(), responsePtr); return response; } utils::padAndChecksum(attributeValueTable); BIOSAttributeValueTable.store(attributeValueTable); response.resize(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_BIOS_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES + attributeValueTable.size()); responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data()); encode_get_bios_table_resp(instanceID, PLDM_SUCCESS, nxtTransferHandle, transferFlag, attributeValueTable.data(), response.size(), responsePtr); return response; } Response getBIOSTable(const pldm_msg* request, size_t payloadLength) { fs::create_directory(BIOS_TABLES_DIR); auto response = internal::buildBIOSTables(request, payloadLength, BIOS_JSONS_DIR, BIOS_TABLES_DIR); return response; } namespace bios { void registerHandlers() { registerHandler(PLDM_BIOS, PLDM_GET_DATE_TIME, std::move(getDateTime)); registerHandler(PLDM_BIOS, PLDM_GET_BIOS_TABLE, std::move(getBIOSTable)); } namespace internal { Response buildBIOSTables(const pldm_msg* request, size_t payloadLength, const char* biosJsonDir, const char* biosTablePath) { Response response(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + PLDM_GET_BIOS_TABLE_MIN_RESP_BYTES, 0); auto responsePtr = reinterpret_cast<pldm_msg*>(response.data()); if (setupConfig(biosJsonDir) != 0) { encode_get_bios_table_resp( request->hdr.instance_id, PLDM_BIOS_TABLE_UNAVAILABLE, 0 /* nxtTransferHandle */, PLDM_START_AND_END, nullptr, response.size(), responsePtr); return response; } uint32_t transferHandle{}; uint8_t transferOpFlag{}; uint8_t tableType{}; auto rc = decode_get_bios_table_req(request, payloadLength, &transferHandle, &transferOpFlag, &tableType); if (rc == PLDM_SUCCESS) { BIOSTable BIOSStringTable( ((std::string(biosTablePath) + "/stringTable")).c_str()); BIOSTable BIOSAttributeTable( ((std::string(biosTablePath) + "/attributeTable")).c_str()); BIOSTable BIOSAttributeValueTable( ((std::string(biosTablePath) + "/attributeValueTable")).c_str()); switch (tableType) { case PLDM_BIOS_STRING_TABLE: response = getBIOSStringTable(BIOSStringTable, transferHandle, transferOpFlag, request->hdr.instance_id); break; case PLDM_BIOS_ATTR_TABLE: if (BIOSStringTable.isEmpty()) { rc = PLDM_BIOS_TABLE_UNAVAILABLE; } else { response = getBIOSAttributeTable( BIOSAttributeTable, BIOSStringTable, transferHandle, transferOpFlag, request->hdr.instance_id, biosJsonDir); } break; case PLDM_BIOS_ATTR_VAL_TABLE: if (BIOSAttributeTable.isEmpty() || BIOSStringTable.isEmpty()) { rc = PLDM_BIOS_TABLE_UNAVAILABLE; } else { response = getBIOSAttributeValueTable( BIOSAttributeValueTable, BIOSAttributeTable, BIOSStringTable, transferHandle, transferOpFlag, request->hdr.instance_id); } break; default: rc = PLDM_INVALID_BIOS_TABLE_TYPE; break; } } if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { uint32_t nxtTransferHandle{}; uint8_t transferFlag{}; size_t respPayloadLength{}; encode_get_bios_table_resp(request->hdr.instance_id, rc, nxtTransferHandle, transferFlag, nullptr, respPayloadLength, responsePtr); } return response; } } // end namespace internal } // namespace bios } // namespace responder } // namespace pldm