#include "dbus_to_host_effecters.hpp" #include "libpldm/pdr.h" #include "libpldm/platform.h" #include "libpldm/requester/pldm.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace pldm::utils; namespace pldm { namespace host_effecters { using InternalFailure = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InternalFailure; constexpr auto hostEffecterJson = "dbus_to_host_effecter.json"; void HostEffecterParser::populatePropVals( const Json& dBusValues, std::vector& propertyValues, const std::string& propertyType) { for (const auto& elem : dBusValues) { auto value = jsonEntryToDbusVal(propertyType, elem); propertyValues.emplace_back(value); } } void HostEffecterParser::parseEffecterJson(const std::string& jsonPath) { fs::path jsonDir(jsonPath); if (!fs::exists(jsonDir) || fs::is_empty(jsonDir)) { std::cerr << "Host Effecter json path does not exist, DIR=" << jsonPath << "\n"; return; } fs::path jsonFilePath = jsonDir / hostEffecterJson; if (!fs::exists(jsonFilePath)) { std::cerr << "json does not exist, PATH=" << jsonFilePath << "\n"; throw InternalFailure(); } std::ifstream jsonFile(jsonFilePath); auto data = Json::parse(jsonFile, nullptr, false); if (data.is_discarded()) { std::cerr << "Parsing json file failed, FILE=" << jsonFilePath << "\n"; throw InternalFailure(); } const Json empty{}; const std::vector emptyList{}; auto entries = data.value("entries", emptyList); for (const auto& entry : entries) { EffecterInfo effecterInfo; effecterInfo.mctpEid = entry.value("mctp_eid", 0xFF); auto jsonEffecterInfo = entry.value("effecter_info", empty); auto effecterId = jsonEffecterInfo.value("effecterID", PLDM_INVALID_EFFECTER_ID); effecterInfo.containerId = jsonEffecterInfo.value("containerID", 0); effecterInfo.entityType = jsonEffecterInfo.value("entityType", 0); effecterInfo.entityInstance = jsonEffecterInfo.value("entityInstance", 0); effecterInfo.compEffecterCnt = jsonEffecterInfo.value("compositeEffecterCount", 0); auto effecters = entry.value("effecters", emptyList); for (const auto& effecter : effecters) { DBusEffecterMapping dbusInfo{}; auto jsonDbusInfo = effecter.value("dbus_info", empty); dbusInfo.dbusMap.objectPath = jsonDbusInfo.value("object_path", ""); dbusInfo.dbusMap.interface = jsonDbusInfo.value("interface", ""); dbusInfo.dbusMap.propertyName = jsonDbusInfo.value("property_name", ""); dbusInfo.dbusMap.propertyType = jsonDbusInfo.value("property_type", ""); Json propertyValues = jsonDbusInfo["property_values"]; populatePropVals(propertyValues, dbusInfo.propertyValues, dbusInfo.dbusMap.propertyType); const std::vector emptyStates{}; auto state = effecter.value("state", empty); dbusInfo.state.stateSetId = state.value("id", 0); auto states = state.value("state_values", emptyStates); if (dbusInfo.propertyValues.size() != states.size()) { std::cerr << "Number of states do not match with" << " number of D-Bus property values in the json. " << "Object path " << dbusInfo.dbusMap.objectPath << " and property " << dbusInfo.dbusMap.propertyName << " will not be monitored \n"; continue; } for (const auto& s : states) { dbusInfo.state.states.emplace_back(s); } auto effecterInfoIndex = hostEffecterInfo.size(); auto dbusInfoIndex = effecterInfo.dbusInfo.size(); createHostEffecterMatch( dbusInfo.dbusMap.objectPath, dbusInfo.dbusMap.interface, effecterInfoIndex, dbusInfoIndex, effecterId); effecterInfo.dbusInfo.emplace_back(std::move(dbusInfo)); } hostEffecterInfo.emplace_back(std::move(effecterInfo)); } } void HostEffecterParser::processHostEffecterChangeNotification( const DbusChgHostEffecterProps& chProperties, size_t effecterInfoIndex, size_t dbusInfoIndex, uint16_t effecterId) { const auto& propertyName = hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex] .dbusInfo[dbusInfoIndex] .dbusMap.propertyName; const auto& it = chProperties.find(propertyName); if (it == chProperties.end()) { return; } if (effecterId == PLDM_INVALID_EFFECTER_ID) { constexpr auto localOrRemote = false; effecterId = findStateEffecterId( pdrRepo, hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex].entityType, hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex].entityInstance, hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex].containerId, hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex] .dbusInfo[dbusInfoIndex] .state.stateSetId, localOrRemote); if (effecterId == PLDM_INVALID_EFFECTER_ID) { std::cerr << "Effecter id not found in pdr repo \n"; return; } } constexpr auto hostStateInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress"; constexpr auto hostStatePath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0"; try { auto propVal = dbusHandler->getDbusPropertyVariant( hostStatePath, "BootProgress", hostStateInterface); const auto& currHostState = std::get(propVal); if ((currHostState != "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress." "ProgressStages.SystemInitComplete") && (currHostState != "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress." "ProgressStages.OSRunning") && (currHostState != "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress." "ProgressStages.OSStart") && (currHostState != "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress." "ProgressStages.SystemSetup")) { std::cout << "Host is not up. Current host state: " << currHostState.c_str() << "\n"; return; } } catch (const sdbusplus::exception::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error in getting current host state. Will still " "continue to set the host effecter \n"; } uint8_t newState{}; try { newState = findNewStateValue(effecterInfoIndex, dbusInfoIndex, it->second); } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) { std::cerr << "new state not found in json" << "\n"; return; } std::vector stateField; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex].compEffecterCnt; i++) { if (i == dbusInfoIndex) { stateField.push_back({PLDM_REQUEST_SET, newState}); } else { stateField.push_back({PLDM_NO_CHANGE, 0}); } } int rc{}; try { rc = setHostStateEffecter(effecterInfoIndex, stateField, effecterId); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { std::cerr << "Could not set host state effecter \n"; return; } if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { std::cerr << "Could not set the host state effecter, rc= " << rc << " \n"; } } uint8_t HostEffecterParser::findNewStateValue(size_t effecterInfoIndex, size_t dbusInfoIndex, const PropertyValue& propertyValue) { const auto& propValues = hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex] .dbusInfo[dbusInfoIndex] .propertyValues; auto it = std::find(propValues.begin(), propValues.end(), propertyValue); uint8_t newState{}; if (it != propValues.end()) { auto index = std::distance(propValues.begin(), it); newState = hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex] .dbusInfo[dbusInfoIndex] .state.states[index]; } else { throw std::out_of_range("new state not found in json"); } return newState; } int HostEffecterParser::setHostStateEffecter( size_t effecterInfoIndex, std::vector& stateField, uint16_t effecterId) { uint8_t& mctpEid = hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex].mctpEid; uint8_t& compEffCnt = hostEffecterInfo[effecterInfoIndex].compEffecterCnt; auto instanceId = requester->getInstanceId(mctpEid); std::vector requestMsg( sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + sizeof(effecterId) + sizeof(compEffCnt) + sizeof(set_effecter_state_field) * compEffCnt, 0); auto request = reinterpret_cast(requestMsg.data()); auto rc = encode_set_state_effecter_states_req( instanceId, effecterId, compEffCnt, stateField.data(), request); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { std::cerr << "Message encode failure. PLDM error code = " << std::hex << std::showbase << rc << "\n"; requester->markFree(mctpEid, instanceId); return rc; } auto setStateEffecterStatesRespHandler = [](mctp_eid_t /*eid*/, const pldm_msg* response, size_t respMsgLen) { if (response == nullptr || !respMsgLen) { std::cerr << "Failed to receive response for " << "setStateEffecterStates command \n"; return; } uint8_t completionCode{}; auto rc = decode_set_state_effecter_states_resp( response, respMsgLen, &completionCode); if (rc) { std::cerr << "Failed to decode setStateEffecterStates response," << " rc " << rc << "\n"; pldm::utils::reportError( "xyz.openbmc_project.bmc.pldm.SetHostEffecterFailed"); } if (completionCode) { std::cerr << "Failed to set a Host effecter " << ", cc=" << static_cast(completionCode) << "\n"; pldm::utils::reportError( "xyz.openbmc_project.bmc.pldm.SetHostEffecterFailed"); } }; rc = handler->registerRequest( mctpEid, instanceId, PLDM_PLATFORM, PLDM_SET_STATE_EFFECTER_STATES, std::move(requestMsg), std::move(setStateEffecterStatesRespHandler)); if (rc) { std::cerr << "Failed to send request to set an effecter on Host \n"; } return rc; } void HostEffecterParser::createHostEffecterMatch(const std::string& objectPath, const std::string& interface, size_t effecterInfoIndex, size_t dbusInfoIndex, uint16_t effecterId) { using namespace sdbusplus::bus::match::rules; effecterInfoMatch.emplace_back( std::make_unique( pldm::utils::DBusHandler::getBus(), propertiesChanged(objectPath, interface), [this, effecterInfoIndex, dbusInfoIndex, effecterId](sdbusplus::message::message& msg) { DbusChgHostEffecterProps props; std::string iface; msg.read(iface, props); processHostEffecterChangeNotification( props, effecterInfoIndex, dbusInfoIndex, effecterId); })); } } // namespace host_effecters } // namespace pldm