window.angular && (function(angular) { 'use strict'; /** * * Controller for bmcTable Component * * To use: * The component expects a 'model' attribute * that will contain all the data needed to render the table. * * The model object should contain 'header', 'data', and 'actions' * properties. * * model: { * header: [], // Array of header labels * data: [], // Array of each row object * actions: [] // Array of action labels * } * * The header property will render each label as a in the table. * * The data property will render each item as a in the table. * Each row object in the array should also have a 'uiData' * property that should be an array of the properties that will render * as each table cell . * * The actions property will render into clickable buttons at the end * of each row. * When a user clicks an action button, the component * will emit the action label with the associated row object. * */ const TableController = function() { /** * Init model data * @param {any} model : table model object * @returns : table model object with defaults */ const setModel = (model) => { model.header = model.header === undefined ? [] : model.header; = === undefined ? [] :; = => { if (row.uiData === undefined) { row.uiData = []; } return row; }) model.actions = model.actions === undefined ? [] : model.actions; if (model.actions.length > 0) { // If table actions were provided, push an empty // string to the header array to account for additional // table actions cell model.header.push(''); } return model; }; /** * Callback when table row action clicked * Emits user desired action and associated row data to * parent controller * @param {string} action : action type * @param {any} row : user object */ this.onClickAction = (action, row) => { if (action !== undefined && row !== undefined) { const value = {action, row}; this.emitAction({value}); } }; /** * onInit Component lifecycle hooked */ this.$onInit = () => { this.model = setModel(this.model); }; }; /** * Register bmcTable component */ angular.module('app.common.components').component('bmcTable', { template: require('./table.html'), controller: TableController, bindings: {model: '<', emitAction: '&'} }) })(window.angular);