# OpenBMC Web User Interface The OpenBMC WebUI is a Web-based user interface for the OpenBMC firmware stack. The WebUI uses AngularJS. Features include: * View system overview data such as model information and serial number * View and manage event logs * View inventory data * View sensor data * Power On/Off server operations * Reboot BMC * Manage and update BMC and Host firmware * IPv4 network settings * SoL console ## Requirements nodejs npm ## Installation `npm install` ## Running locally `npm run-script server` This will start a server instance and begin listening for connections at `http://localhost:8080`. This development server provides live reloading on code changes. NOTE: Browsing to `https://` and accepting the self-signed certificate might be required to prevent your browser from blocking traffic to the BMC. ## Logging in Enter the BMC Host or BMC IP address, username, and password. The default username and password are `root`/`0penBmc`.