#include #include "config.h" #include "bmc_epoch.hpp" #include "host_epoch.hpp" #include "manager.hpp" int main() { auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); sd_event* event = nullptr; auto eventDeleter = [](sd_event* e) { e = sd_event_unref(e); }; using SdEvent = std::unique_ptr; // acquire a referece to the default event loop sd_event_default(&event); SdEvent sdEvent {event, eventDeleter}; event = nullptr; // attach bus to this event loop bus.attach_event(sdEvent.get(), SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_NORMAL); // Add sdbusplus ObjectManager sdbusplus::server::manager::manager bmcEpochObjManager(bus, OBJPATH_BMC); sdbusplus::server::manager::manager hostEpochObjManager(bus, OBJPATH_HOST); phosphor::time::Manager manager(bus); phosphor::time::BmcEpoch bmc(bus, OBJPATH_BMC); phosphor::time::HostEpoch host(bus,OBJPATH_HOST); manager.addListener(&bmc); manager.addListener(&host); bmc.setBmcTimeChangeListener(&host); bus.request_name(BUSNAME); // Start event loop for all sd-bus events and timer event sd_event_loop(bus.get_event()); bus.detach_event(); return 0; }