#include "config.h" #include "utils.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include PHOSPHOR_LOG2_USING; constexpr auto PROPERTY_INTERFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; using LoggingSettings = sdbusplus::client::xyz::openbmc_project::logging::Settings<>; // Check if the TPM measurement file exists and has a valid value. // If the TPM measurement is invalid, it logs an error message. void checkTpmMeasurement() { bool tpmError = false; std::string errorMsg; if (!std::filesystem::exists(std::string(SYSFS_TPM_MEASUREMENT_PATH))) { tpmError = true; errorMsg = "TPM measurement file does not exist: " + std::string(SYSFS_TPM_MEASUREMENT_PATH); } else { std::string tpmValueStr; std::ifstream tpmFile(std::string(SYSFS_TPM_MEASUREMENT_PATH)); tpmFile >> tpmValueStr; if (tpmValueStr.empty()) { tpmError = true; errorMsg = "TPM measurement value is empty: " + std::string(SYSFS_TPM_MEASUREMENT_PATH); } else if (tpmValueStr == "0") { tpmError = true; errorMsg = "TPM measurement value is 0: " + std::string(SYSFS_TPM_MEASUREMENT_PATH); } tpmFile.close(); } if (tpmError) { // Doesn't have valid TPM measurement, log an error message std::map additionalData; error("{ERROR}", "ERROR", errorMsg); additionalData.emplace("ERROR", errorMsg); auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); phosphor::state::manager::utils::createError( bus, "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Error.TpmMeasurementFail", sdbusplus::server::xyz::openbmc_project::logging::Entry::Level:: Error, additionalData); } return; } // Utilize the QuiesceOnHwError setting as an indication that the system // is operating in an environment where the user should be notified of // security settings (i.e. "Manufacturing") bool isMfgModeEnabled() { auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); std::string path = "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/settings"; std::string interface = LoggingSettings::interface; std::string propertyName = "QuiesceOnHwError"; std::variant mfgModeEnabled; std::string service = phosphor::state::manager::utils::getService(bus, path, interface); auto method = bus.new_method_call(service.c_str(), path.c_str(), PROPERTY_INTERFACE, "Get"); method.append(interface, propertyName); try { auto reply = bus.call(method); reply.read(mfgModeEnabled); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t& e) { error("Error in property Get, error {ERROR}, property {PROPERTY}", "ERROR", e, "PROPERTY", propertyName); throw; } return std::get(mfgModeEnabled); } int main() { // Read the secure boot gpio auto secureBootGpio = phosphor::state::manager::utils::getGpioValue("bmc-secure-boot"); if (secureBootGpio == -1) { debug("bmc-secure-boot gpio not present or can not be read"); } else if (secureBootGpio == 0) { info("bmc-secure-boot gpio found and indicates it is NOT enabled"); } else { info("bmc-secure-boot found and indicates it is enabled"); } // Now read the /sys/kernel/debug/aspeed/ files std::string dbgVal; std::ifstream dbgFile; int secureBootVal = -1; int abrImage = -1; dbgFile.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit | std::ifstream::eofbit); if (std::filesystem::exists(SYSFS_SECURE_BOOT_PATH)) { try { dbgFile.open(SYSFS_SECURE_BOOT_PATH); dbgFile >> dbgVal; dbgFile.close(); info("Read {SECURE_BOOT_VAL} from secure_boot", "SECURE_BOOT_VAL", dbgVal); secureBootVal = std::stoi(dbgVal); } catch (std::exception& e) { error("Failed to read secure boot sysfs file: {ERROR}", "ERROR", e); // just continue and error will be logged at end if in mfg mode } } else { info("sysfs file secure_boot not present"); } if (std::filesystem::exists(SYSFS_ABR_IMAGE_PATH)) { try { dbgFile.open(SYSFS_ABR_IMAGE_PATH); dbgFile >> dbgVal; dbgFile.close(); info("Read {ABR_IMAGE_VAL} from abr_image", "ABR_IMAGE_VAL", dbgVal); abrImage = std::stoi(dbgVal); } catch (std::exception& e) { error("Failed to read abr image sysfs file: {ERROR}", "ERROR", e); // just continue and error will be logged at end if in mfg mode } } else { info("sysfs file abr_image not present"); } if (isMfgModeEnabled()) { if ((secureBootGpio != 1) || (secureBootVal != 1) || (abrImage != 0)) { error("The system is not secure"); std::map additionalData; additionalData.emplace("SECURE_BOOT_GPIO", std::to_string(secureBootGpio)); additionalData.emplace("SYSFS_SECURE_BOOT_VAL", std::to_string(secureBootVal)); additionalData.emplace("SYSFS_ABR_IMAGE_VAL", std::to_string(abrImage)); auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); phosphor::state::manager::utils::createError( bus, "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Error.SecurityCheckFail", sdbusplus::server::xyz::openbmc_project::logging::Entry::Level:: Warning, additionalData); } } // Check the TPM measurement if TPM is enabled if (std::filesystem::exists(std::string(SYSFS_TPM_DEVICE_PATH))) { checkTpmMeasurement(); } return 0; }