#!/bin/sh -e set -euo pipefail OPTS="bmcstate,bootprogress,chassiskill,chassisoff,chassison,chassisstate,hoststate,\ osstate,power,poweroff,poweron,state,status,hostrebootoff,hostrebooton,recoveryoff,recoveryon,\ bmcrebootoff, bmcrebooton" USAGE="Usage: obmcutil [-h] [--wait] [--verbose] {$OPTS}" INTERFACE_ROOT=xyz.openbmc_project STATE_INTERFACE=$INTERFACE_ROOT.State CONTROL_INTERFACE=$INTERFACE_ROOT.Control OBJECT_ROOT=/xyz/openbmc_project STATE_OBJECT=$OBJECT_ROOT/state CONTROL_OBJECT=$OBJECT_ROOT/control HOST_TIMEOUT_TARGET=obmc-host-timeout@0.target HOST_CRASH_TARGET=obmc-host-crash@0.target ## NOTE: The following global variables are used only in the run_timeout cmd. ## By declaring these globally instead of passing them through the ## intermediary functions, which may not be "best practice", the readability ## and cleanliness of the code should at least be increased. # The command passed in to be executed (e.g. poweron/off, status, etc.) # This will be be used in some instances of error reporting G_ORIG_CMD= # The state an interface should be in after executing the requested command. G_REQUESTED_STATE= # The query to run during a poweron/off or chassison/off to check that # the requested state (G_REQUESTED_STATE) of the interface has been reached. G_QUERY= # Wait the set period of time for state transitions to be successful before # continuing on with the program or reporting an error if timeout reached. G_WAIT= # Print the journal to the console G_VERBOSE= print_help () { echo "$USAGE" echo "" echo "positional arguments:" echo " {$OPTS}" echo "" echo "Examples:" echo "" echo "obmcutil hostrebootoff Disable auto reboot of Host from Quiesce state" echo "obmcutil hostrebooton Enable auto reboot of Host from Quiesce state" echo "" echo "obmcutil bmcrebootoff Disable reboot of BMC" echo "obmcutil bmcrebooton Enable reboot of BMC" echo "" echo "obmcutil recoveryoff Disable handling boot watchdog timeout and host crash" echo " Also, disable BMC and Host auto reboots" echo "" echo "obmcutil recoveryon Enable handling boot watchdog timeout and host crash" echo " Also, enable BMC and Host auto reboots" echo "" echo "optional arguments:" echo " -h, --help show this help message and exit" echo " -w, --wait block until state transition succeeds or fails" echo " -v, --verbose print the journal to stdout if --wait is supplied" exit 0 } run_timeout () { local timeout="$1"; shift local cmd="$@" local verbose_child= if [ -n "$G_VERBOSE" ]; then journalctl -f & verbose_child=$! fi $cmd # Run a background query for the transition to the expected state # This will be killed if the transition doesn't succeed within # a timeout period. ( while ! grep -q $G_REQUESTED_STATE <<< $(handle_cmd $G_QUERY) ; do sleep 1 done ) & wait_child=$! # Could be bad if process is killed before 'timeout' occurs if # transition doesn't succeed. trap -- "" SIGTERM # Workaround for lack of 'timeout' command. ( sleep $timeout kill $wait_child ) > /dev/null 2>&1 & if ! wait $wait_child; then echo "Unable to confirm '$G_ORIG_CMD' success" \ "within timeout period (${timeout}s)" fi if [ -n "$verbose_child" ]; then kill $verbose_child fi } run_cmd () { local cmd="$@"; if [ -n "$G_WAIT" ]; then run_timeout $G_WAIT "$cmd" else $cmd fi } set_property () { run_cmd busctl set-property "$@" } get_property () { G_WAIT="" run_cmd busctl get-property "$@" } state_query () { local state=$(get_property "$@" | cut -d '"' -f2) printf "%-20s: %s\n" $4 $state } print_usage_err () { echo "ERROR: $1" >&2 echo "$USAGE" exit 1 } mask_systemd_target () { target="$@" systemctl mask $target } unmask_systemd_target () { target="$@" systemctl unmask $target } disable_bmc_reboot () { dir="/run/systemd/system/" file="reboot-guard.conf" units=("reboot" "poweroff" "halt") for unit in "${units[@]}"; do mkdir -p ${dir}${unit}.target.d echo -e "[Unit]\nRefuseManualStart=yes" >> ${dir}${unit}.target.d/${file} done } enable_bmc_reboot () { dir="/run/systemd/system/" file="reboot-guard.conf" units=("reboot" "poweroff" "halt") for unit in "${units[@]}"; do rm -rf ${dir}${unit}.target.d/${file} rm -rf ${dir}${unit}.target.d done } handle_cmd () { case "$1" in chassisoff) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/chassis0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.Chassis PROPERTY=RequestedPowerTransition VALUE=$INTERFACE.Transition.Off G_REQUESTED_STATE=$INTERFACE.PowerState.Off G_QUERY="chassisstate" set_property $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY "s" $VALUE ;; chassison) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/chassis0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.Chassis PROPERTY=RequestedPowerTransition VALUE=$INTERFACE.Transition.On G_REQUESTED_STATE=$INTERFACE.PowerState.On G_QUERY="chassisstate" set_property $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY "s" $VALUE ;; poweroff) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/host0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.Host PROPERTY=RequestedHostTransition VALUE=$INTERFACE.Transition.Off G_REQUESTED_STATE=$INTERFACE.HostState.Off G_QUERY="hoststate" set_property $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY "s" $VALUE ;; poweron) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/host0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.Host PROPERTY=RequestedHostTransition VALUE=$INTERFACE.Transition.On G_REQUESTED_STATE=$INTERFACE.HostState.Running G_QUERY="hoststate" set_property $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY "s" $VALUE ;; bmcstate) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/bmc0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.BMC PROPERTY=CurrentBMCState state_query $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY ;; chassisstate) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/chassis0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.Chassis PROPERTY=CurrentPowerState state_query $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY ;; hoststate) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/host0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.Host PROPERTY=CurrentHostState state_query $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY ;; osstate) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/host0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.OperatingSystem.Status PROPERTY=OperatingSystemState state_query $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY ;; state|status) for query in bmcstate chassisstate hoststate bootprogress osstate do handle_cmd $query done ;; bootprogress) OBJECT=$STATE_OBJECT/host0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$STATE_INTERFACE.Boot.Progress PROPERTY=BootProgress state_query $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY ;; power) OBJECT=/org/openbmc/control/power0 SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=org.openbmc.control.Power for property in pgood state pgood_timeout do # get_property can potentially return several # different formats of values, so we do the parsing outside # of get_property depending on the query. These queries # return 'i VALUE' formatted strings. STATE=$(get_property $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $property \ | sed 's/i[ ^I]*//') printf "%s = %s\n" $property $STATE done ;; chassiskill) /usr/libexec/chassiskill ;; hostrebootoff) OBJECT=$CONTROL_OBJECT/host0/auto_reboot SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$CONTROL_INTERFACE.Boot.RebootPolicy PROPERTY=AutoReboot VALUE=false set_property $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY "b" $VALUE ;; hostrebooton) OBJECT=$CONTROL_OBJECT/host0/auto_reboot SERVICE=$(mapper get-service $OBJECT) INTERFACE=$CONTROL_INTERFACE.Boot.RebootPolicy PROPERTY=AutoReboot VALUE=true set_property $SERVICE $OBJECT $INTERFACE $PROPERTY "b" $VALUE ;; bmcrebootoff) disable_bmc_reboot ;; bmcrebooton) enable_bmc_reboot ;; recoveryoff) handle_cmd hostrebootoff handle_cmd bmcrebootoff mask_systemd_target $HOST_TIMEOUT_TARGET mask_systemd_target $HOST_CRASH_TARGET ;; recoveryon) handle_cmd hostrebooton handle_cmd bmcrebooton unmask_systemd_target $HOST_TIMEOUT_TARGET unmask_systemd_target $HOST_CRASH_TARGET ;; *) print_usage_err "Invalid command '$1'" ;; esac } for arg in "$@"; do case $arg in -w|--wait) G_WAIT=30 continue ;; -h|--help) print_help ;; -v|--verbose) G_VERBOSE=y ;; -*) print_usage_err "Unknown option: $arg" ;; *) G_ORIG_CMD=$arg handle_cmd $arg break ;; esac done