/** * Copyright © 2017 IBM Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp> #include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp> #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Sensor/Device/error.hpp> #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Control/Device/error.hpp> #include <org/open_power/Witherspoon/Fault/error.hpp> #include "elog-errors.hpp" #include "names_values.hpp" #include "power_supply.hpp" #include "pmbus.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Control::Device::Error; using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Sensor::Device::Error; using namespace sdbusplus::org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault::Error; namespace witherspoon { namespace power { namespace psu { constexpr auto INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory"; constexpr auto INVENTORY_INTERFACE = "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item"; constexpr auto PRESENT_PROP = "Present"; constexpr auto POWER_OBJ_PATH = "/org/openbmc/control/power0"; constexpr auto POWER_INTERFACE = "org.openbmc.control.Power"; PowerSupply::PowerSupply(const std::string& name, size_t inst, const std::string& objpath, const std::string& invpath, sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, event::Event& e, std::chrono::seconds& t) : Device(name, inst), monitorPath(objpath), pmbusIntf(objpath), inventoryPath(invpath), bus(bus), event(e), powerOnInterval(t), powerOnTimer(e, [this]() { this->powerOn = true; }) { using namespace sdbusplus::bus; auto present_obj_path = INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH + inventoryPath; presentMatch = std::make_unique<match_t>(bus, match::rules::propertiesChanged( present_obj_path, INVENTORY_INTERFACE), [this](auto& msg) { this->inventoryChanged(msg); }); // Get initial presence state. updatePresence(); // Subscribe to power state changes powerOnMatch = std::make_unique<match_t>(bus, match::rules::propertiesChanged( POWER_OBJ_PATH, POWER_INTERFACE), [this](auto& msg) { this->powerStateChanged(msg); }); // Get initial power state. updatePowerState(); } void PowerSupply::captureCmd(util::NamesValues& nv, const std::string& cmd, witherspoon::pmbus::Type type) { if (pmbusIntf.exists(cmd, type)) { try { auto val = pmbusIntf.read(cmd, type); nv.add(cmd, val); } catch (std::exception& e) { log<level::INFO>("Unable to capture metadata", entry("CMD=%s", cmd)); } } } void PowerSupply::analyze() { using namespace witherspoon::pmbus; try { if (present) { std::uint16_t statusWord = 0; // Read the 2 byte STATUS_WORD value to check for faults. statusWord = pmbusIntf.read(STATUS_WORD, Type::Debug); //TODO: 3 consecutive reads should be performed. // If 3 consecutive reads are seen, log the fault. // Driver gives cached value, read once a second. // increment for fault on, decrement for fault off, to deglitch. // If count reaches 3, we have fault. If count reaches 0, fault is // cleared. checkInputFault(statusWord); if (powerOn) { checkFanFault(statusWord); checkTemperatureFault(statusWord); checkOutputOvervoltageFault(statusWord); checkCurrentOutOverCurrentFault(statusWord); checkPGOrUnitOffFault(statusWord); } } } catch (ReadFailure& e) { if (!readFailLogged) { commit<ReadFailure>(); readFailLogged = true; } } return; } void PowerSupply::inventoryChanged(sdbusplus::message::message& msg) { std::string msgSensor; std::map<std::string, sdbusplus::message::variant<uint32_t, bool>> msgData; msg.read(msgSensor, msgData); // Check if it was the Present property that changed. auto valPropMap = msgData.find(PRESENT_PROP); if (valPropMap != msgData.end()) { present = sdbusplus::message::variant_ns::get<bool>(valPropMap->second); if (present) { readFailLogged = false; vinUVFault = false; inputFault = false; outputOCFault = false; outputOVFault = false; fanFault = false; temperatureFault = false; } } return; } void PowerSupply::updatePresence() { // Use getProperty utility function to get presence status. std::string path = INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH + inventoryPath; std::string service = "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager"; try { util::getProperty(INVENTORY_INTERFACE, PRESENT_PROP, path, service, bus, this->present); } catch (std::exception& e) { // If we happen to be trying to update presence just as it is being // updated, we may encounter a runtime_error. Just catch that for // now, let the inventoryChanged signal handler update presence later. present = false; } } void PowerSupply::powerStateChanged(sdbusplus::message::message& msg) { int32_t state = 0; std::string msgSensor; std::map<std::string, sdbusplus::message::variant<int32_t, int32_t>> msgData; msg.read(msgSensor, msgData); // Check if it was the Present property that changed. auto valPropMap = msgData.find("state"); if (valPropMap != msgData.end()) { state = sdbusplus::message::variant_ns::get<int32_t>(valPropMap->second); // Power is on when state=1. Set the fault logged variables to false // and start the power on timer when the state changes to 1. if (state) { readFailLogged = false; vinUVFault = false; inputFault = false; powerOnFault = false; outputOCFault = false; outputOVFault = false; fanFault = false; temperatureFault = false; powerOnTimer.start(powerOnInterval, Timer::TimerType::oneshot); } else { powerOnTimer.stop(); powerOn = false; } } } void PowerSupply::updatePowerState() { // When state = 1, system is powered on int32_t state = 0; try { auto service = util::getService(POWER_OBJ_PATH, POWER_INTERFACE, bus); // Use getProperty utility function to get power state. util::getProperty<int32_t>(POWER_INTERFACE, "state", POWER_OBJ_PATH, service, bus, state); if (state) { powerOn = true; } else { powerOn = false; } } catch (std::exception& e) { log<level::INFO>("Failed to get power state. Assuming it is off."); powerOn = false; } } void PowerSupply::checkInputFault(const uint16_t statusWord) { using namespace witherspoon::pmbus; std::uint8_t statusInput = 0; if ((statusWord & status_word::VIN_UV_FAULT) && !vinUVFault) { vinUVFault = true; util::NamesValues nv; nv.add("STATUS_WORD", statusWord); using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault:: PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault; report<PowerSupplyUnderVoltageFault>(metadata::RAW_STATUS( nv.get().c_str())); } else { if (vinUVFault) { vinUVFault = false; log<level::INFO>("VIN_UV_FAULT cleared", entry("POWERSUPPLY=%s", inventoryPath.c_str())); } } if ((statusWord & status_word::INPUT_FAULT_WARN) && !inputFault) { inputFault = true; util::NamesValues nv; nv.add("STATUS_WORD", statusWord); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_INPUT, Type::Debug); using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault:: PowerSupplyInputFault; report<PowerSupplyInputFault>( metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str())); } else { if ((inputFault) && !(statusWord & status_word::INPUT_FAULT_WARN)) { inputFault = false; statusInput = pmbusIntf.read(STATUS_INPUT, Type::Debug); log<level::INFO>("INPUT_FAULT_WARN cleared", entry("POWERSUPPLY=%s", inventoryPath.c_str()), entry("STATUS_WORD=0x%04X", statusWord), entry("STATUS_INPUT=0x%02X", statusInput)); } } } void PowerSupply::checkPGOrUnitOffFault(const uint16_t statusWord) { using namespace witherspoon::pmbus; // Check PG# and UNIT_IS_OFF if (((statusWord & status_word::POWER_GOOD_NEGATED) || (statusWord & status_word::UNIT_IS_OFF)) && !powerOnFault) { util::NamesValues nv; nv.add("STATUS_WORD", statusWord); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_INPUT, Type::Debug); auto status0Vout = pmbusIntf.insertPageNum(STATUS_VOUT, 0); captureCmd(nv, status0Vout, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_IOUT, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_MFR, Type::Debug); using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault:: PowerSupplyShouldBeOn; // A power supply is OFF (or pgood low) but should be on. report<PowerSupplyShouldBeOn>(metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str()), metadata::CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH( inventoryPath.c_str())); powerOnFault = true; } } void PowerSupply::checkCurrentOutOverCurrentFault(const uint16_t statusWord) { using namespace witherspoon::pmbus; // Check for an output overcurrent fault. if ((statusWord & status_word::IOUT_OC_FAULT) && !outputOCFault) { util::NamesValues nv; nv.add("STATUS_WORD", statusWord); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_INPUT, Type::Debug); auto status0Vout = pmbusIntf.insertPageNum(STATUS_VOUT, 0); captureCmd(nv, status0Vout, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_IOUT, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_MFR, Type::Debug); using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault:: PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent; report<PowerSupplyOutputOvercurrent>(metadata::RAW_STATUS( nv.get().c_str()), metadata::CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH( inventoryPath.c_str())); outputOCFault = true; } } void PowerSupply::checkOutputOvervoltageFault(const uint16_t statusWord) { using namespace witherspoon::pmbus; // Check for an output overvoltage fault. if ((statusWord & status_word::VOUT_OV_FAULT) && !outputOVFault) { util::NamesValues nv; nv.add("STATUS_WORD", statusWord); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_INPUT, Type::Debug); auto status0Vout = pmbusIntf.insertPageNum(STATUS_VOUT, 0); captureCmd(nv, status0Vout, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_IOUT, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_MFR, Type::Debug); using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault:: PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage; report<PowerSupplyOutputOvervoltage>(metadata::RAW_STATUS( nv.get().c_str()), metadata::CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH( inventoryPath.c_str())); outputOVFault = true; } } void PowerSupply::checkFanFault(const uint16_t statusWord) { using namespace witherspoon::pmbus; // Check for a fan fault or warning condition if ((statusWord & status_word::FAN_FAULT) && !fanFault) { util::NamesValues nv; nv.add("STATUS_WORD", statusWord); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_MFR, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_TEMPERATURE, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_FANS_1_2, Type::Debug); using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault:: PowerSupplyFanFault; report<PowerSupplyFanFault>( metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str()), metadata::CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH(inventoryPath.c_str())); fanFault = true; } } void PowerSupply::checkTemperatureFault(const uint16_t statusWord) { using namespace witherspoon::pmbus; // Due to how the PMBus core device driver sends a clear faults command // the bit in STATUS_WORD will likely be cleared when we attempt to examine // it for a Thermal Fault or Warning. So, check the STATUS_WORD and the // STATUS_TEMPERATURE bits. If either indicates a fault, proceed with // logging the over-temperature condition. std::uint8_t statusTemperature = 0; statusTemperature = pmbusIntf.read(STATUS_TEMPERATURE, Type::Debug); if (((statusWord & status_word::TEMPERATURE_FAULT_WARN) || (statusTemperature & status_temperature::OT_FAULT)) && !temperatureFault) { // The power supply has had an over-temperature condition. // This may not result in a shutdown if experienced for a short // duration. // This should not occur under normal conditions. // The power supply may be faulty, or the paired supply may be putting // out less current. // Capture command responses with potentially relevant information, // and call out the power supply reporting the condition. util::NamesValues nv; nv.add("STATUS_WORD", statusWord); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_MFR, Type::Debug); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_IOUT, Type::Debug); nv.add("STATUS_TEMPERATURE", statusTemperature); captureCmd(nv, STATUS_FANS_1_2, Type::Debug); using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault:: PowerSupplyTemperatureFault; report<PowerSupplyTemperatureFault>( metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str()), metadata::CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH(inventoryPath.c_str())); temperatureFault = true; } } void PowerSupply::clearFaults() { //TODO - Clear faults at pre-poweron. openbmc/openbmc#1736 return; } } } }