/** * Copyright © 2017 IBM Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ucd90160.hpp" #include "names_values.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace phosphor { namespace power { using namespace std::string_literals; const auto MFR_STATUS = "mfr_status"s; const auto DEVICE_NAME = "UCD90160"s; const auto DRIVER_NAME = "ucd9000"s; constexpr auto NUM_PAGES = 16; constexpr auto INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory"; namespace fs = std::filesystem; using namespace gpio; using namespace pmbus; using namespace phosphor::logging; namespace device_error = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Device::Error; namespace power_error = sdbusplus::org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault::Error; UCD90160::UCD90160(size_t instance, sdbusplus::bus_t& bus) : Device(DEVICE_NAME, instance), interface(std::get(deviceMap.find(instance)->second), DRIVER_NAME, instance), gpioDevice(findGPIODevice(interface.path())), bus(bus) {} void UCD90160::onFailure() { try { auto voutError = checkVOUTFaults(); auto pgoodError = checkPGOODFaults(false); // Not a voltage or PGOOD fault, but we know something // failed so still create an error log. if (!voutError && !pgoodError) { createPowerFaultLog(); } } catch (const device_error::ReadFailure& e) { if (!accessError) { commit(); accessError = true; } } } void UCD90160::analyze() { try { // Note: Voltage faults are always fatal, so they just // need to be analyzed in onFailure(). checkPGOODFaults(true); } catch (const device_error::ReadFailure& e) { if (!accessError) { commit(); accessError = true; } } } uint16_t UCD90160::readStatusWord() { return interface.read(STATUS_WORD, Type::Debug); } uint32_t UCD90160::readMFRStatus() { return interface.read(MFR_STATUS, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug); } bool UCD90160::checkVOUTFaults() { bool errorCreated = false; auto statusWord = readStatusWord(); // The status_word register has a summary bit to tell us // if each page even needs to be checked if (!(statusWord & status_word::VOUT_FAULT)) { return errorCreated; } for (size_t page = 0; page < NUM_PAGES; page++) { if (isVoutFaultLogged(page)) { continue; } auto statusVout = interface.insertPageNum(STATUS_VOUT, page); uint8_t vout = interface.read(statusVout, Type::Debug); // If any bits are on log them, though some are just // warnings so they won't cause errors if (vout) { log("A voltage rail has bits on in STATUS_VOUT", entry("STATUS_VOUT=0x%X", vout), entry("PAGE=%d", page)); } // Log errors if any non-warning bits on if (vout & ~status_vout::WARNING_MASK) { auto& railNames = std::get( deviceMap.find(getInstance())->second); auto railName = railNames.at(page); util::NamesValues nv; try { nv.add("STATUS_WORD", statusWord); nv.add("STATUS_VOUT", vout); nv.add("MFR_STATUS", readMFRStatus()); } catch (const device_error::ReadFailure& e) { log("ReadFailure when collecting metadata"); commit(); } using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault::PowerSequencerVoltageFault; report( metadata::RAIL(page), metadata::RAIL_NAME(railName.c_str()), metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str())); setVoutFaultLogged(page); errorCreated = true; } } return errorCreated; } bool UCD90160::checkPGOODFaults(bool polling) { bool errorCreated = false; // While PGOOD faults could show up in MFR_STATUS (and we could then // check the summary bit in STATUS_WORD first), they are edge triggered, // and as the device driver sends a clear faults command every time we // do a read, we will never see them. So, we'll have to just read the // real time GPI status GPIO. // Check only the GPIs configured on this system. auto& gpiConfigs = std::get( deviceMap.find(getInstance())->second); for (const auto& gpiConfig : gpiConfigs) { auto gpiNum = std::get(gpiConfig); auto doPoll = std::get(gpiConfig); // Can skip this one if there is already an error on this input, // or we are polling and these inputs don't need to be polled //(because errors on them are fatal). if (isPGOODFaultLogged(gpiNum) || (polling && !doPoll)) { continue; } // The real time status is read via the pin ID auto pinID = std::get(gpiConfig); auto gpio = gpios.find(pinID); Value gpiStatus; try { // The first time through, create the GPIO objects if (gpio == gpios.end()) { gpios.emplace(pinID, std::make_unique(gpioDevice, pinID, Direction::input)); gpio = gpios.find(pinID); } gpiStatus = gpio->second->read(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { if (!accessError) { log(e.what()); accessError = true; } continue; } if (gpiStatus == Value::low) { // There may be some extra analysis we can do to narrow the // error down further. Note that finding an error here won't // prevent us from checking this GPI again. errorCreated = doExtraAnalysis(gpiConfig); if (errorCreated) { continue; } auto& gpiName = std::get(gpiConfig); auto status = (gpiStatus == Value::low) ? 0 : 1; util::NamesValues nv; try { nv.add("STATUS_WORD", readStatusWord()); nv.add("MFR_STATUS", readMFRStatus()); nv.add("INPUT_STATUS", status); } catch (const device_error::ReadFailure& e) { log("ReadFailure when collecting metadata"); commit(); } using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault::PowerSequencerPGOODFault; report( metadata::INPUT_NUM(gpiNum), metadata::INPUT_NAME(gpiName.c_str()), metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str())); setPGOODFaultLogged(gpiNum); errorCreated = true; } } return errorCreated; } void UCD90160::createPowerFaultLog() { util::NamesValues nv; try { nv.add("STATUS_WORD", readStatusWord()); nv.add("MFR_STATUS", readMFRStatus()); } catch (const device_error::ReadFailure& e) { log("ReadFailure when collecting metadata"); commit(); } using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault::PowerSequencerFault; report( metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str())); } fs::path UCD90160::findGPIODevice(const fs::path& path) { fs::path gpioDevicePath; // In the driver directory, look for a subdirectory // named gpiochipX, where X is some number. Then // we'll access the GPIO at /dev/gpiochipX. if (fs::is_directory(path)) { for (auto& f : fs::directory_iterator(path)) { if (f.path().filename().string().find("gpiochip") != std::string::npos) { gpioDevicePath = "/dev" / f.path().filename(); break; } } } if (gpioDevicePath.empty()) { log("Could not find GPIO device path", entry("BASE_PATH=%s", path.c_str())); } return gpioDevicePath; } bool UCD90160::doExtraAnalysis(const ucd90160::GPIConfig& config) { auto type = std::get(config); if (type == ucd90160::extraAnalysisType::none) { return false; } // Currently the only extra analysis to do is to check other GPIOs. return doGPIOAnalysis(type); } bool UCD90160::doGPIOAnalysis(ucd90160::extraAnalysisType type) { bool errorFound = false; bool shutdown = false; const auto& analysisConfig = std::get( deviceMap.find(getInstance())->second); auto gpioConfig = analysisConfig.find(type); if (gpioConfig == analysisConfig.end()) { return errorFound; } auto path = std::get(gpioConfig->second); // The /dev/gpiochipX device auto device = findGPIODevice(path); if (device.empty()) { log( "Missing GPIO device - cannot do GPIO analysis of fault", entry("ANALYSIS_TYPE=%d\n", type)); return errorFound; } // The GPIO value of the fault condition auto polarity = std::get(gpioConfig->second); // The GPIOs to check auto& gpios = std::get(gpioConfig->second); for (const auto& gpio : gpios) { gpio::Value value; try { GPIO g{device, std::get(gpio), Direction::input}; value = g.read(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { if (!gpioAccessError) { // GPIO only throws InternalErrors - not worth committing. log( "GPIO read failed while analyzing a power fault", entry("CHIP_PATH=%s", path.c_str())); gpioAccessError = true; } continue; } if (value == polarity) { errorFound = true; std::string part{INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH}; part = part + std::get(gpio); PartCallout callout{type, part}; if (isPartCalledOut(callout)) { continue; } // Look up and call the error creation function auto logError = std::get(gpioConfig->second); logError(*this, part); // Save the part callout so we don't call it out again setPartCallout(callout); // Some errors (like overtemps) require a shutdown auto actions = static_cast( std::get(gpioConfig->second)); if (actions & static_cast( ucd90160::optionFlags::shutdownOnFault)) { shutdown = true; } } } if (shutdown) { // Will be replaced with a GPU specific error in a future commit util::powerOff(bus); } return errorFound; } void UCD90160::gpuPGOODError(const std::string& callout) { util::NamesValues nv; try { nv.add("STATUS_WORD", readStatusWord()); nv.add("MFR_STATUS", readMFRStatus()); } catch (const device_error::ReadFailure& e) { log("ReadFailure when collecting metadata"); commit(); } using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault::GPUPowerFault; report( metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str()), metadata::CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH(callout.c_str())); } void UCD90160::gpuOverTempError(const std::string& callout) { util::NamesValues nv; try { nv.add("STATUS_WORD", readStatusWord()); nv.add("MFR_STATUS", readMFRStatus()); } catch (const device_error::ReadFailure& e) { log("ReadFailure when collecting metadata"); commit(); } using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault::GPUOverTemp; report( metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str()), metadata::CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH(callout.c_str())); } void UCD90160::memGoodError(const std::string& callout) { util::NamesValues nv; try { nv.add("STATUS_WORD", readStatusWord()); nv.add("MFR_STATUS", readMFRStatus()); } catch (const device_error::ReadFailure& e) { log("ReadFailure when collecting metadata"); commit(); } using metadata = org::open_power::Witherspoon::Fault::MemoryPowerFault; report( metadata::RAW_STATUS(nv.get().c_str()), metadata::CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH(callout.c_str())); } } // namespace power } // namespace phosphor