# compare_presence ## Description Compares a hardware component's presence to an expected value. The hardware component must be a Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU). This action can be used for [presence_detection](presence_detection.md) of a [device](device.md). It can also be used in an [if](if.md) condition to execute actions based on FRU presence. ## Properties | Name | Required | Type | Description | | :---- | :------: | :---------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | fru | yes | string | Field-Replaceable Unit. Specify the relative D-Bus inventory path of the FRU. Full inventory paths begin with the root "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory". Specify the relative path below the root, such as "system/chassis/motherboard/cpu3". | | value | yes | boolean (true or false) | Expected presence value. | ## Return Value Returns true if the actual presence value equals the expected value, otherwise returns false. ## Example ```json { "comments": ["Check if CPU3 is present"], "compare_presence": { "fru": "system/chassis/motherboard/cpu3", "value": true } } ```