# chassis ## Description A chassis within the system. Chassis are large enclosures that can be independently powered off and on by the BMC. Small and mid-sized systems may contain a single chassis. In a large rack-mounted system, each drawer may correspond to a chassis. A chassis only needs to be defined in the config file if it contains regulators that need to be configured or monitored. ## Properties | Name | Required | Type | Description | | :------------- | :------: | :---------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | comments | no | array of strings | One or more comment lines describing this chassis. | | number | yes | number | Chassis number within the system. Chassis numbers start at 1 because chassis 0 represents the entire system. | | inventory_path | yes | string | Specify the relative D-Bus inventory path of the chassis. Full inventory paths begin with the root "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory". Specify the relative path below the root, such as "system/chassis". | | devices | no | array of [devices](device.md) | One or more devices within the chassis. The array should contain regulator devices and any related devices required to perform regulator operations. | ## Example ``` { "comments": [ "Chassis number 1 containing CPUs and memory" ], "number": 1, "inventory_path": "system/chassis", "devices": [ { "id": "vdd_regulator", ... details omitted ... }, { "id": "vio_regulator", ... details omitted ... } ] } ```