# phosphor-regulators Configuration File ## Table of Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Data Format](#data-format) - [Example](#example) - [Name](#name) - [Contents](#contents) - [Validation](#validation) - [Installation](#installation) - [Loading and Reloading](#loading-and-reloading) - [Testing](#testing) ## Overview The `phosphor-regulators` application is controlled by a configuration file (config file). The config file defines how to perform the following operations on voltage regulators in the system: - Modify regulator configuration, such as output voltage or overcurrent settings - Read sensor values - Detect redundant phase faults (if necessary) The config file does not control how voltage regulators are enabled or how to monitor their Power Good (pgood) status. Those operations are typically performed by power sequencer hardware and related firmware. ## Data Format The config file is written using the [JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)](https://www.json.org/) data format. The config file can be created using any text editor, such as Atom, Notepad++, gedit, Vim, or Emacs. ## Example See [config.json](../../examples/config.json). ## Name There are two options for naming the config file: - [Default Name](#default-name) - [Name Based on System Type](#name-based-on-system-type) ### Default Name The default config file name is `config.json`. The default name can be used if the BMC firmware image only supports one system type. It can also be used if the firmware image supports multiple system types that share a common config file. ### Name Based on System Type The config file name can be based on the system type, such as `ibm_rainier.json`. This is required if the BMC firmware image supports multiple system types, and those system types do not share a common config file. The system type is obtained from the `IBMCompatibleSystem` D-Bus interface that is provided by the [Entity Manager](https://github.com/openbmc/entity-manager) application. The `Names` property of this interface contains a list of one or more compatible system types, ordered from most specific to most general. Example: - `ibm,rainier-2u` - `ibm,rainier` The `phosphor-regulators` application converts each system type into a corresponding config file name: - Replaces spaces and commas with underscores - Adds a ".json" suffix Example: - `ibm,rainier -> ibm_rainier.json` `phosphor-regulators` searches for a config file with one of these file names, from most specific to most general. If a config file is not found, it searches for a file with the [default name](#default-name). ## Contents ### Structure The config file typically contains the following structure: - Array of [rules](rule.md) - Rules defining how to modify configuration of regulators - Rules defining how to read sensors - Rules defining how to detect redundant phase faults (if necessary) - Array of [chassis](chassis.md) in the system - Array of regulator [devices](device.md) in the chassis - Array of voltage [rails](rail.md) produced by the regulator Rules provide common, reusable sequences of actions that can be shared by one or more regulators. They are optional and can be omitted if each regulator requires a unique sequence of actions. ### Syntax The config file contains a single JSON [config_file](config_file.md) object at the root level. That object contains arrays of other JSON objects. The following JSON object types are supported: - [action](action.md) - [and](and.md) - [chassis](chassis.md) - [compare_presence](compare_presence.md) - [compare_vpd](compare_vpd.md) - [config_file](config_file.md) - [configuration](configuration.md) - [device](device.md) - [i2c_capture_bytes](i2c_capture_bytes.md) - [i2c_compare_bit](i2c_compare_bit.md) - [i2c_compare_byte](i2c_compare_byte.md) - [i2c_compare_bytes](i2c_compare_bytes.md) - [i2c_interface](i2c_interface.md) - [i2c_write_bit](i2c_write_bit.md) - [i2c_write_byte](i2c_write_byte.md) - [i2c_write_bytes](i2c_write_bytes.md) - [if](if.md) - [log_phase_fault](log_phase_fault.md) - [not](not.md) - [or](or.md) - [phase_fault_detection](phase_fault_detection.md) - [pmbus_read_sensor](pmbus_read_sensor.md) - [pmbus_write_vout_command](pmbus_write_vout_command.md) - [presence_detection](presence_detection.md) - [rail](rail.md) - [rule](rule.md) - [run_rule](run_rule.md) - [sensor_monitoring](sensor_monitoring.md) - [set_device](set_device.md) ### Comments The JSON data format does not support comments. However, many of the JSON objects in the config file provide an optional "comments" property. The value of this property is an array of strings. Use this property to annotate the config file. The "comments" properties are ignored when the config file is read by the `phosphor-regulators` application. Examples: ``` "comments": [ "IR35221 regulator producing the Vdd rail" ] "comments": [ "Check if register 0x82 contains 0x7302", "Device returns bytes in little-endian order", "Ignore most significant bit in each byte" ] ``` ### Hexadecimal Values The JSON number data type does not support the hexadecimal format. For this reason, properties with hexadecimal values use the string data type. Example: ``` "address": "0x70" ``` ## Validation After creating or modifying a config file, you need to validate it using the tool [validate-regulators-config.py](../../tools/validate-regulators-config.py). The validation tool checks the config file for errors, such as: - Invalid JSON syntax (like a missing brace) - Unrecognized JSON object or property - Duplicate rule or device ID - Reference to a rule or device ID that does not exist - Infinite loop, such as rule A runs rule B which runs rule A The tool requires two input files: - config file to validate - [config_schema.json](../../schema/config_schema.json) The tool has the following command line syntax: ``` validate-regulators-config.py -c -s config_schema.json ``` where `` is the name of the config file to validate. ## Installation ### Standard Directory `/usr/share/phosphor-regulators` The standard version of the config file is installed in this read-only directory as part of the firmware image install. This is the config file that will normally be used. ### Test Directory `/etc/phosphor-regulators` A new version of the config file can be tested by copying it into this writable directory. This avoids the need to build and install a new firmware image on the BMC. The test directory might not exist on the BMC. If it is missing, create it using the following command: `mkdir /etc/phosphor-regulators` ### Search Order The `phosphor-regulators` application will search the installation directories in the following order to find a config file: 1. test directory 2. standard directory ### Firmware Updates When a new firmware image is installed on the BMC, it will update the config file in the standard directory. The test directory will **not** be modified by a firmware update. If a config file exists in the test directory, it will continue to override the config file in the standard directory. ## Loading and Reloading The config file is loaded when the `phosphor-regulators` application starts. To force the application to reload the config file, use the following command on the BMC: `systemctl kill -s HUP phosphor-regulators.service` To confirm which config file was loaded, use the following command on the BMC: `journalctl -u phosphor-regulators.service | grep Loading` ## Testing After creating or modifying a config file, you should test it to ensure it provides the desired behavior. Perform the following steps to test the config file: - Run the [validation tool](#validation) to ensure the config file contains no errors. - Copy the config file into the [test directory](#test-directory) on the BMC. - Force the `phosphor-regulators` application to [reload](#loading-and-reloading) its config file, causing it to find and load the file in the test directory. - Boot the system. Regulator configuration changes (such as voltage settings) are only applied during the boot. - View output from the `phosphor-regulators` application to make sure no errors occurred. Use the command `journalctl -u phosphor-regulators.service`. When finished testing, perform the following steps to revert to the standard config file: - Remove the config file from the test directory. If this is not done, the test config file will continue to override the standard config file even after a firmware update. - Force the `phosphor-regulators` application to reload its config file, causing it to find and load the file in the standard directory. - Boot the system, if necessary, to apply the regulator configuration changes in the standard config file.