#pragma once

#include "average.hpp"
#include "maximum.hpp"
#include "pmbus.hpp"
#include "record_manager.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"

#include <gpiod.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/bus/match.hpp>

#include <filesystem>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace phosphor::power::psu

// PMBus device driver "file name" to read for CCIN value.
constexpr auto CCIN = "ccin";
constexpr auto PART_NUMBER = "part_number";
constexpr auto FRU_NUMBER = "fru";
constexpr auto SERIAL_HEADER = "header";
constexpr auto SERIAL_NUMBER = "serial_number";
constexpr auto FW_VERSION = "fw_version";

// The D-Bus property name to update with the CCIN value.
constexpr auto MODEL_PROP = "Model";
constexpr auto PN_PROP = "PartNumber";
constexpr auto SPARE_PN_PROP = "SparePartNumber";
constexpr auto SN_PROP = "SerialNumber";
constexpr auto VERSION_PROP = "Version";

// ipzVPD Keyword sizes
static constexpr auto FL_KW_SIZE = 20;
static constexpr auto FN_KW_SIZE = 7;
static constexpr auto PN_KW_SIZE = 7;
// For IBM power supplies, the SN is 6-byte header + 6-byte serial.
static constexpr auto SN_KW_SIZE = 12;
static constexpr auto CC_KW_SIZE = 4;

constexpr auto LOG_LIMIT = 3;
constexpr auto DEGLITCH_LIMIT = 3;
constexpr auto PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT = 5;
// Number of polls to remember that an AC fault occured. Should remain greater
constexpr auto AC_FAULT_LIMIT = 6;

 * @class PowerSupply
 * Represents a PMBus power supply device.
class PowerSupply
    PowerSupply() = delete;
    PowerSupply(const PowerSupply&) = delete;
    PowerSupply(PowerSupply&&) = delete;
    PowerSupply& operator=(const PowerSupply&) = delete;
    PowerSupply& operator=(PowerSupply&&) = delete;
    ~PowerSupply() = default;

     * @param[in] invpath - String for inventory path to use
     * @param[in] i2cbus - The bus number this power supply is on
     * @param[in] i2caddr - The 16-bit I2C address of the power supply
     * @param[in] driver - i2c driver name for power supply
     * @param[in] gpioLineName - The gpio-line-name to read for presence. See
     * https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/designs/device-tree-gpio-naming.md
     * @param[in] callback - Get the power on status of the psu manager class
    PowerSupply(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, const std::string& invpath,
                std::uint8_t i2cbus, const std::uint16_t i2caddr,
                const std::string& driver, const std::string& gpioLineName,
                std::function<bool()>&& callback);

    phosphor::pmbus::PMBusBase& getPMBus()
        return *pmbusIntf;

    GPIOInterfaceBase* getPresenceGPIO()
        return presenceGPIO.get();

    std::string getPresenceGPIOName() const
        if (presenceGPIO != nullptr)
            return presenceGPIO->getName();
            return std::string();

     * Power supply specific function to analyze for faults/errors.
     * Various PMBus status bits will be checked for fault conditions.
     * If a certain fault bits are on, the appropriate error will be
     * committed.
    void analyze();

     * Write PMBus ON_OFF_CONFIG
     * This function will be called to cause the PMBus device driver to send the
     * ON_OFF_CONFIG command. Takes one byte of data.
     * @param[in] data - The ON_OFF_CONFIG data byte mask.
    void onOffConfig(uint8_t data);

     * Clears all the member variables that indicate if a fault bit was seen as
     * on in the STATUS_WORD or STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC response.
    void clearFaultFlags()
        inputFault = 0;
        mfrFault = 0;
        statusMFR = 0;
        vinUVFault = 0;
        cmlFault = 0;
        voutOVFault = 0;
        ioutOCFault = 0;
        voutUVFault = 0;
        fanFault = 0;
        tempFault = 0;
        pgoodFault = 0;
        psKillFault = 0;
        ps12VcsFault = 0;
        psCS12VFault = 0;
        faultLogged = false;

     * @brief Function to specifically clear VIN_UV/OFF fault(s).
     * The PMBus HWMON device driver has various alarm "files" to read out of
     * sysfs. Reading those files will indicate if various alarms are active or
     * not, and then specifically clear those faults that go with that alarm.
     * The VIN_UV fault, indicated in STATUS_INPUT, goes with in1_lcrit_alarm.
     * When a VIN_UV fault occurs, the "Unit Off For Insufficient Input Voltage"
     * may also be active. Reading in1_lcrit_alarm should clear both fault bits,
     * resulting in the corresponding fault bits in STATUS_WORD also clearing.
     * See: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/hwmon/pmbus.html
    void clearVinUVFault();

     * Write PMBus CLEAR_FAULTS
     * This function will be called in various situations in order to clear
     * any fault status bits that may have been set, in order to start over
     * with a clean state. Presence changes and power state changes will
     * want to clear any faults logged.
    void clearFaults();

     * @brief Adds properties to the inventory.
     * Reads the values from the device and writes them to the
     * associated power supply D-Bus inventory object.
     * This needs to be done on startup, and each time the presence
     * state changes.
     * Properties added:
     * - Serial Number
     * - Part Number
     * - CCIN (Customer Card Identification Number) - added as the Model
     * - Firmware version
    void updateInventory();

     * @brief Accessor function to indicate present status
    bool isPresent() const
        return present;

     * @brief Returns the last read value from STATUS_WORD.
    uint64_t getStatusWord() const
        return statusWord;

     * @brief Returns the last read value from STATUS_INPUT.
    uint64_t getStatusInput() const
        return statusInput;

     * @brief Returns the last read value from STATUS_MFR.
    uint64_t getMFRFault() const
        return statusMFR;

     * @brief Returns the last read value from STATUS_CML.
    uint64_t getStatusCML() const
        return statusCML;

     * @brief Returns the last read value from STATUS_VOUT.
    uint64_t getStatusVout() const
        return statusVout;

     * @brief Returns the last value read from STATUS_IOUT.
    uint64_t getStatusIout() const
        return statusIout;

     * @brief Returns the last value read from STATUS_FANS_1_2.
    uint64_t getStatusFans12() const
        return statusFans12;

     * @brief Returns the last value read from STATUS_TEMPERATURE.
    uint64_t getStatusTemperature() const
        return statusTemperature;

     * @brief Returns true if a fault was found.
    bool isFaulted() const
        return (hasCommFault() || (vinUVFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT) ||
                (inputFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT) ||
                (voutOVFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT) ||
                (ioutOCFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT) ||
                (voutUVFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT) ||
                (fanFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT) || (tempFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT) ||
                (pgoodFault >= PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT) ||
                (mfrFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT));

     * @brief Return whether a fault has been logged for this power supply
    bool isFaultLogged() const
        return faultLogged;

     * @brief Called when a fault for this power supply has been logged.
    void setFaultLogged()
        faultLogged = true;

     * @brief Returns true if INPUT fault occurred.
    bool hasInputFault() const
        return (inputFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if MFRSPECIFIC occurred.
    bool hasMFRFault() const
        return (mfrFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if VIN_UV_FAULT occurred.
    bool hasVINUVFault() const
        return (vinUVFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if VOUT_OV_FAULT occurred.
    bool hasVoutOVFault() const
        return (voutOVFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if IOUT_OC fault occurred (bit 4 STATUS_BYTE).
    bool hasIoutOCFault() const
        return (ioutOCFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if VOUT_UV_FAULT occurred.
    bool hasVoutUVFault() const
        return (voutUVFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     *@brief Returns true if fan fault occurred.
    bool hasFanFault() const
        return (fanFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if TEMPERATURE fault occurred.
    bool hasTempFault() const
        return (tempFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if there is a PGood fault (PGOOD# inactive, or OFF
     * bit on).
    bool hasPgoodFault() const
        return (pgoodFault >= PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Return true if there is a PS_Kill fault.
    bool hasPSKillFault() const
        return (psKillFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if there is a 12Vcs (standy power) fault.
    bool hasPS12VcsFault() const
        return (ps12VcsFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if there is a 12V current-share fault.
    bool hasPSCS12VFault() const
        return (psCS12VFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT);

     * @brief Returns true if an AC fault has occurred in the window of
     * interest.
    bool hasACFault() const
        return acFault != 0;

     * @brief Returns the device path
     * This can be used for error call outs.
     * Example: /sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0068
    const std::string getDevicePath() const
        return pmbusIntf->path();

     * @brief Returns this power supply's inventory path.
     * This can be used for error call outs.
     * Example:
     * /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply1
    const std::string& getInventoryPath() const
        return inventoryPath;

     * @brief Returns the short name (last part of inventoryPath).
    const std::string& getShortName() const
        return shortName;

     * @brief Returns the firmware revision version read from the power supply
    const std::string& getFWVersion() const
        return fwVersion;

     * @brief Returns the model name of the power supply
    const std::string& getModelName() const
        return modelName;

     * @brief Returns true if the number of failed reads exceeds limit
     * TODO: or CML bit on.
    bool hasCommFault() const
        return ((readFail >= LOG_LIMIT) || (cmlFault >= DEGLITCH_LIMIT));

     * @brief Reads the pmbus input voltage and returns that actual voltage
     *        reading and the calculated input voltage based on thresholds.
     * @param[out] actualInputVoltage - The actual voltage reading, in Volts.
     * @param[out] inputVoltage - A rounded up/down value of the actual input
     *             voltage based on thresholds, in Volts.
    void getInputVoltage(double& actualInputVoltage, int& inputVoltage) const;

     * @brief Check if the PS is considered to be available or not
     * It is unavailable if any of:
     * - not present
     * - input fault active
     * - Vin UV fault active
     * - PS KILL fault active
     * - Iout OC fault active
     * Other faults will, through creating error logs with callouts, already
     * be setting the Functional property to false.
     * On changes, the Available property is updated in the inventory.
    void checkAvailability();

     * @brief Setup for power supply input history.
     * This will setup the variables and interfaces needed to get the power
     * supply input history data over to D-Bus. The only known support for this
     * at this time is the INPUT_HISTORY command implemented by the IBM Common
     * Form Factor Power Suppplies (ibm-cffps). The INPUT_HISTORY command for
     * ibm-cffps is implemented via a manufacturing specific PMBus command.
    void setupInputHistory();

     * @brief Returns true if this power supply has input history (supported).
    bool hasInputHistory() const
        return inputHistorySupported;

     * @brief Returns the number of input history records
     * PowerSupply wrapper to getNumRecords() from RecordManager.
    size_t getNumInputHistoryRecords() const
        if (recordManager)
            return recordManager->getNumRecords();
            return 0;

     * @brief Returns true when INPUT_HISTORY sync is required.
    bool isSyncHistoryRequired() const
        return syncHistoryRequired;

     * @brief Clears the indicator that sync required for INPUT_HISTORY.
     * Sets variable to false to indicate that the sync is no longer required.
     * This can be used after the PSUManager has reacted to the need for the
     * INPUT_HISTORY data to be synchronized.
    void clearSyncHistoryRequired()
        syncHistoryRequired = false;

     * @brief systemd bus member
    sdbusplus::bus_t& bus;

     * @brief Will be updated to the latest/lastvalue read from STATUS_WORD.
    uint64_t statusWord = 0;

     * @brief Will be set to the last read value of STATUS_WORD.
    uint64_t statusWordOld = 0;

     * @brief Will be updated to the latest/lastvalue read from STATUS_INPUT.
    uint64_t statusInput = 0;

     * @brief Will be updated to the latest/lastvalue read from STATUS_MFR.
    uint64_t statusMFR = 0;

     * @brief Will be updated to the latest/last value read from STATUS_CML.
    uint64_t statusCML = 0;

     * @brief Will be updated to the latest/last value read from STATUS_VOUT.
    uint64_t statusVout = 0;

     * @brief Will be updated to the latest/last value read from STATUS_IOUT.
    uint64_t statusIout = 0;

     * @brief Will be updated to the latest/last value read from
     * STATUS_FANS_1_2.
    uint64_t statusFans12 = 0;

     * @brief Will be updated to the latest/last value read from
    uint64_t statusTemperature = 0;

     * @brief Will be updated with latest converted value read from READ_VIN
    int inputVoltage = phosphor::pmbus::in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_0;

     * @brief Will be updated with the actual voltage last read from READ_VIN
    double actualInputVoltage = 0;

     * @brief True if an error for a fault has already been logged.
    bool faultLogged = false;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 1 of STATUS_WORD low byte is on.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t cmlFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 5 of STATUS_WORD high byte is on.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t inputFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 4 of STATUS_WORD high byte is on.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t mfrFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 3 of STATUS_WORD low byte is on.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t vinUVFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 5 of STATUS_WORD low byte is on.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t voutOVFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 4 of STATUS_WORD low byte is on.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t ioutOCFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 7 of STATUS_WORD high byte is on and bit 5
     * (VOUT_OV) of low byte is off.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t voutUVFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if FANS fault/warn bit on in STATUS_WORD.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t fanFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 2 of STATUS_WORD low byte is on.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t tempFault = 0;

     * @brief Incremented if bit 11 or 6 of STATUS_WORD is on. PGOOD# is
     * inactive, or the unit is off.
     * Considered faulted if reaches DEGLITCH_LIMIT.
    size_t pgoodFault = 0;

     * @brief Power Supply Kill fault.
     * Incremented based on bits in STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC. IBM power supplies use
     * bit 4 to indicate this fault. Considered faulted if it reaches
    size_t psKillFault = 0;

     * @brief Power Supply 12Vcs fault (standby power).
     * Incremented based on bits in STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC. IBM power supplies use
     * bit 6 to indicate this fault. Considered faulted if it reaches
    size_t ps12VcsFault = 0;

     * @brief Power Supply Current-Share fault in 12V domain.
     * Incremented based on bits in STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC. IBM power supplies use
     * bit 7 to indicate this fault. Considered faulted if it reaches
    size_t psCS12VFault = 0;

     * @brief Set to AC_FAULT_LIMIT when AC fault is detected, decremented when
     * AC fault has cleared. Effectively forms a timer since last AC failure.
     * Zero indicates being outside the window of concern.
    size_t acFault = 0;

     * @brief Count of the number of read failures.
    size_t readFail = 0;

     * @brief Examine STATUS_WORD for CML (communication, memory, logic fault).
    void analyzeCMLFault();

     * @brief Examine STATUS_WORD for INPUT bit on.
     * "An input voltage, input current, or input power fault or warning has
     * occurred."
    void analyzeInputFault();

     * @brief Examine STATUS_WORD for VOUT being set.
     * If VOUT is on, "An output voltage fault or warning has occurred.", and
     * VOUT_OV_FAULT is on, there is an output over-voltage fault.
    void analyzeVoutOVFault();

     * @brief Examine STATUS_WORD value read for IOUT_OC_FAULT.
     * "An output overcurrent fault has occurred." If it is on, and fault not
     * set, trace STATUS_WORD, STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC, and STATUS_IOUT values.
    void analyzeIoutOCFault();

     * @brief Examines STATUS_WORD value read to see if there is a UV fault.
     * Checks if the VOUT bit is on, indicating "An output voltage fault or
     * warning has occurred", if it is on, but VOUT_OV_FAULT is off, it is
     * determined to be an indication of an output under-voltage fault.
    void analyzeVoutUVFault();

     * @brief Examine STATUS_WORD for the fan fault/warning bit.
     * If fanFault is not on, trace that the bit now came on, include
     * STATUS_WORD, STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC, and STATUS_FANS_1_2 values as well, to
     * help with understanding what may have caused it to be set.
    void analyzeFanFault();

     * @brief Examine STATUS_WORD for temperature fault.
    void analyzeTemperatureFault();

     * @brief Examine STATUS_WORD for pgood or unit off faults.
    void analyzePgoodFault();

     * @brief Determine possible manufacturer-specific faults from bits in
     * STATUS_MFR.
     * The bits in the STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC command response have "Manufacturer
     * Defined" meanings. Determine which faults, if any, are present based on
     * the power supply (device driver) type.
    void determineMFRFault();

     * @brief Examine STATUS_WORD value read for MFRSPECIFIC bit on.
     * "A manufacturer specific fault or warning has occurred."
     * If it is on, call the determineMFRFault() helper function to examine the
     * value read from STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC.
    void analyzeMFRFault();

     * @brief Analyzes the STATUS_WORD for a VIN_UV_FAULT indicator.
    void analyzeVinUVFault();

     * @brief D-Bus path to use for this power supply's inventory status.
    std::string inventoryPath;

     * @brief Store the short name to avoid string processing.
     * The short name will be something like powersupply1, the last part of the
     * inventoryPath.
    std::string shortName;

     * @brief Given a full inventory path, returns the last node of the path as
     * the "short name"
    std::string findShortName(const std::string& invPath)
        auto const lastSlashPos = invPath.find_last_of('/');

        if ((lastSlashPos == std::string::npos) ||
            ((lastSlashPos + 1) == invPath.size()))
            return invPath;
            return invPath.substr(lastSlashPos + 1);

     * @brief The libgpiod object for monitoring PSU presence
    std::unique_ptr<GPIOInterfaceBase> presenceGPIO = nullptr;

     * @brief True if the power supply is present.
    bool present = false;

     * @brief Power supply model name.
    std::string modelName;

     * @brief D-Bus match variable used to subscribe to Present property
     * changes.
    std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match_t> presentMatch;

     * @brief D-Bus match variable used to subscribe for Present property
     * interface added.
    std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::bus::match_t> presentAddedMatch;

     * @brief Pointer to the PMBus interface
     * Used to read or write to/from PMBus power supply devices.
    std::unique_ptr<phosphor::pmbus::PMBusBase> pmbusIntf = nullptr;

     * @brief Stored copy of the firmware version/revision string
    std::string fwVersion;

     * @brief The file system path used for binding the device driver.
    const std::filesystem::path bindPath;

     * @brief The string to pass in for binding the device driver.
    std::string bindDevice;

     * @brief The result of the most recent availability check
     * Saved on the object so changes can be detected.
    bool available = false;

     * @brief Binds or unbinds the power supply device driver
     * Called when a presence change is detected to either bind the device
     * driver for the power supply when it is installed, or unbind the device
     * driver when the power supply is removed.
     * Writes <device> to <path>/bind (or unbind)
     * @param present - when true, will bind the device driver
     *                  when false, will unbind the device driver
    void bindOrUnbindDriver(bool present);

     *  @brief Updates the presence status by querying D-Bus
     * The D-Bus inventory properties for this power supply will be read to
     * determine if the power supply is present or not and update this
     * object's present member variable to reflect current status.
    void updatePresence();

     * @brief Updates the power supply presence by reading the GPIO line.
    void updatePresenceGPIO();

     * @brief Callback for inventory property changes
     * Process change of Present property for power supply.
     * This is used if we are watching the D-Bus properties instead of reading
     * the GPIO presence line ourselves.
     * @param[in]  msg - Data associated with Present change signal
    void inventoryChanged(sdbusplus::message_t& msg);

     * @brief Callback for inventory property added.
     * Process add of the interface with the Present property for power supply.
     * This is used if we are watching the D-Bus properties instead of reading
     * the GPIO presence line ourselves.
     * @param[in]  msg - Data associated with Present add signal
    void inventoryAdded(sdbusplus::message_t& msg);

     * @brief Reads the pmbus MFR_POUT_MAX value.
     * "The MFR_POUT_MAX command sets or retrieves the maximum rated output
     * power, in watts, that the unit is rated to supply."
     * @return max_power_out value converted from string.
    auto getMaxPowerOut() const;

     * @brief Reads a VPD value from PMBus, correct size, and contents.
     * If the VPD data read is not the passed in size, resize and fill with
     * spaces. If the data contains a non-alphanumeric value, replace any of
     * those values with spaces.
     * @param[in] vpdName - The name of the sysfs "file" to read data from.
     * @param[in] type - The HWMON file type to read from.
     * @param[in] vpdSize - The expacted size of the data for this VPD/property
     * @return A string containing the VPD data read, resized if necessary
    auto readVPDValue(const std::string& vpdName,
                      const phosphor::pmbus::Type& type,
                      const std::size_t& vpdSize);

     * @brief Reads the most recent input history record from the power supply
     * and updates the average and maximum properties in D-Bus if there is a new
     * reading available.
     * This will still run every time analyze() is called so code can post new
     * data as soon as possible and the timestamp will more accurately reflect
     * the correct time.
     * D-Bus is only updated if there is a change and the oldest record will be
     * pruned if the property already contains the max number of records.
    void updateHistory();

     * @brief Get the power on status of the psu manager class.
     * This is a callback method used to get the power on status of the psu
     * manager class.
    std::function<bool()> isPowerOn;

     * @brief Set to true if INPUT_HISTORY command supported.
     * Not all power supplies will support the INPUT_HISTORY command. The IBM
     * Common Form Factor power supplies do support this command.
    bool inputHistorySupported{false};

     * @brief Set to true when INPUT_HISTORY sync is required.
     * A power supply will need to synchronize its INPUT_HISTORY data with the
     * other power supplies installed in the system when it goes from missing to
     * present.
    bool syncHistoryRequired{false};

     * @brief Class that manages the input power history records.
    std::unique_ptr<history::RecordManager> recordManager;

     * @brief The D-Bus object for the average input power history
    std::unique_ptr<history::Average> average;

     * @brief The D-Bus object for the maximum input power history
    std::unique_ptr<history::Maximum> maximum;

     * @brief The base D-Bus object path to use for the average and maximum
     * objects.
    std::string historyObjectPath;

} // namespace phosphor::power::psu