#include "config.h" #include "power_supply.hpp" #include "types.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include <fmt/format.h> #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/Device/error.hpp> #include <chrono> // sleep_for() #include <cmath> #include <cstdint> // uint8_t... #include <fstream> #include <regex> #include <thread> // sleep_for() namespace phosphor::power::psu { // Amount of time in milliseconds to delay between power supply going from // missing to present before running the bind command(s). constexpr auto bindDelay = 1000; // The number of INPUT_HISTORY records to keep on D-Bus. // Each record covers a 30-second span. That means two records are needed to // cover a minute of time. If we want one (1) hour of data, that would be 120 // records. constexpr auto INPUT_HISTORY_MAX_RECORDS = 120; using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Device::Error; PowerSupply::PowerSupply(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, const std::string& invpath, std::uint8_t i2cbus, std::uint16_t i2caddr, const std::string& driver, const std::string& gpioLineName) : bus(bus), inventoryPath(invpath), bindPath("/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/" + driver) { if (inventoryPath.empty()) { throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid empty inventoryPath"}; } if (gpioLineName.empty()) { throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid empty gpioLineName"}; } shortName = findShortName(inventoryPath); log<level::DEBUG>( fmt::format("{} gpioLineName: {}", shortName, gpioLineName).c_str()); presenceGPIO = createGPIO(gpioLineName); std::ostringstream ss; ss << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << i2caddr; std::string addrStr = ss.str(); std::string busStr = std::to_string(i2cbus); bindDevice = busStr; bindDevice.append("-"); bindDevice.append(addrStr); pmbusIntf = phosphor::pmbus::createPMBus(i2cbus, addrStr); // Get the current state of the Present property. try { updatePresenceGPIO(); } catch (...) { // If the above attempt to use the GPIO failed, it likely means that the // GPIOs are in use by the kernel, meaning it is using gpio-keys. // So, I should rely on phosphor-gpio-presence to update D-Bus, and // work that way for power supply presence. presenceGPIO = nullptr; // Setup the functions to call when the D-Bus inventory path for the // Present property changes. presentMatch = std::make_unique<sdbusplus::bus::match_t>( bus, sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::propertiesChanged(inventoryPath, INVENTORY_IFACE), [this](auto& msg) { this->inventoryChanged(msg); }); presentAddedMatch = std::make_unique<sdbusplus::bus::match_t>( bus, sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::interfacesAdded() + sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::argNpath(0, inventoryPath), [this](auto& msg) { this->inventoryAdded(msg); }); updatePresence(); updateInventory(); setupInputHistory(); } } void PowerSupply::bindOrUnbindDriver(bool present) { auto action = (present) ? "bind" : "unbind"; auto path = bindPath / action; if (present) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(bindDelay)); log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("Binding device driver. path: {} device: {}", path.string(), bindDevice) .c_str()); } else { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("Unbinding device driver. path: {} device: {}", path.string(), bindDevice) .c_str()); } std::ofstream file; file.exceptions(std::ofstream::failbit | std::ofstream::badbit | std::ofstream::eofbit); try { file.open(path); file << bindDevice; file.close(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { auto err = errno; log<level::ERR>( fmt::format("Failed binding or unbinding device. errno={}", err) .c_str()); } } void PowerSupply::updatePresence() { try { present = getPresence(bus, inventoryPath); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t& e) { // Relying on property change or interface added to retry. // Log an informational trace to the journal. log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("D-Bus property {} access failure exception", inventoryPath) .c_str()); } } void PowerSupply::updatePresenceGPIO() { bool presentOld = present; try { if (presenceGPIO->read() > 0) { present = true; } else { present = false; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>( fmt::format("presenceGPIO read fail: {}", e.what()).c_str()); throw; } if (presentOld != present) { log<level::DEBUG>(fmt::format("{} presentOld: {} present: {}", shortName, presentOld, present) .c_str()); auto invpath = inventoryPath.substr(strlen(INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH)); bindOrUnbindDriver(present); if (present) { // If the power supply was present, then missing, and present again, // the hwmon path may have changed. We will need the correct/updated // path before any reads or writes are attempted. pmbusIntf->findHwmonDir(); } setPresence(bus, invpath, present, shortName); setupInputHistory(); updateInventory(); // Need Functional to already be correct before calling this. checkAvailability(); if (present) { onOffConfig(phosphor::pmbus::ON_OFF_CONFIG_CONTROL_PIN_ONLY); clearFaults(); // Indicate that the input history data and timestamps between all // the power supplies that are present in the system need to be // synchronized. syncHistoryRequired = true; } } } void PowerSupply::analyzeCMLFault() { if (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::CML_FAULT) { if (cmlFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>( fmt::format("{} CML fault: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_CML = {:#02x}", shortName, statusWord, statusCML) .c_str()); } cmlFault++; } } else { cmlFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::analyzeInputFault() { if (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::INPUT_FAULT_WARN) { if (inputFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>( fmt::format("{} INPUT fault: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_INPUT = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusInput) .c_str()); } inputFault++; } } // If had INPUT/VIN_UV fault, and now off. // Trace that odd behavior. if (inputFault && !(statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::INPUT_FAULT_WARN)) { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("{} INPUT fault cleared: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_INPUT = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusInput) .c_str()); inputFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::analyzeVoutOVFault() { if (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::VOUT_OV_FAULT) { if (voutOVFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>( fmt::format( "{} VOUT_OV_FAULT fault: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_VOUT = {:#02x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusVout) .c_str()); } voutOVFault++; } } else { voutOVFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::analyzeIoutOCFault() { if (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::IOUT_OC_FAULT) { if (ioutOCFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>( fmt::format("{} IOUT fault: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_IOUT = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusIout) .c_str()); } ioutOCFault++; } } else { ioutOCFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::analyzeVoutUVFault() { if ((statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::VOUT_FAULT) && !(statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::VOUT_OV_FAULT)) { if (voutUVFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>( fmt::format( "{} VOUT_UV_FAULT fault: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_VOUT = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusVout) .c_str()); } voutUVFault++; } } else { voutUVFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::analyzeFanFault() { if (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::FAN_FAULT) { if (fanFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("{} FANS fault/warning: " "STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_FANS_1_2 = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusFans12) .c_str()); } fanFault++; } } else { fanFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::analyzeTemperatureFault() { if (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::TEMPERATURE_FAULT_WARN) { if (tempFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("{} TEMPERATURE fault/warning: " "STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_TEMPERATURE = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusTemperature) .c_str()); } tempFault++; } } else { tempFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::analyzePgoodFault() { if ((statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::POWER_GOOD_NEGATED) || (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::UNIT_IS_OFF)) { if (pgoodFault < PGOOD_DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("{} PGOOD fault: " "STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR) .c_str()); } pgoodFault++; } } else { pgoodFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::determineMFRFault() { if (bindPath.string().find("ibm-cffps") != std::string::npos) { // IBM MFR_SPECIFIC[4] is PS_Kill fault if (statusMFR & 0x10) { if (psKillFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { psKillFault++; } } else { psKillFault = 0; } // IBM MFR_SPECIFIC[6] is 12Vcs fault. if (statusMFR & 0x40) { if (ps12VcsFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { ps12VcsFault++; } } else { ps12VcsFault = 0; } // IBM MFR_SPECIFIC[7] is 12V Current-Share fault. if (statusMFR & 0x80) { if (psCS12VFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { psCS12VFault++; } } else { psCS12VFault = 0; } } } void PowerSupply::analyzeMFRFault() { if (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::MFR_SPECIFIC_FAULT) { if (mfrFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("{} MFR fault: " "STATUS_WORD = {:#06x} " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR) .c_str()); } mfrFault++; } determineMFRFault(); } else { mfrFault = 0; } } void PowerSupply::analyzeVinUVFault() { if (statusWord & phosphor::pmbus::status_word::VIN_UV_FAULT) { if (vinUVFault < DEGLITCH_LIMIT) { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::ERR>( fmt::format("{} VIN_UV fault: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_INPUT = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusInput) .c_str()); } vinUVFault++; } // Remember that this PSU has seen an AC fault acFault = AC_FAULT_LIMIT; } else { if (vinUVFault != 0) { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("{} VIN_UV fault cleared: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}, " "STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC = {:#04x}, " "STATUS_INPUT = {:#04x}", shortName, statusWord, statusMFR, statusInput) .c_str()); vinUVFault = 0; } // No AC fail, decrement counter if (acFault != 0) { --acFault; } } } void PowerSupply::analyze() { using namespace phosphor::pmbus; if (presenceGPIO) { updatePresenceGPIO(); } if (present) { try { statusWordOld = statusWord; statusWord = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_WORD, Type::Debug, (readFail < LOG_LIMIT)); // Read worked, reset the fail count. readFail = 0; if (statusWord) { statusInput = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_INPUT, Type::Debug); statusMFR = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_MFR, Type::Debug); statusCML = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_CML, Type::Debug); auto status0Vout = pmbusIntf->insertPageNum(STATUS_VOUT, 0); statusVout = pmbusIntf->read(status0Vout, Type::Debug); statusIout = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_IOUT, Type::Debug); statusFans12 = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_FANS_1_2, Type::Debug); statusTemperature = pmbusIntf->read(STATUS_TEMPERATURE, Type::Debug); analyzeCMLFault(); analyzeInputFault(); analyzeVoutOVFault(); analyzeIoutOCFault(); analyzeVoutUVFault(); analyzeFanFault(); analyzeTemperatureFault(); analyzePgoodFault(); analyzeMFRFault(); analyzeVinUVFault(); } else { if (statusWord != statusWordOld) { log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("{} STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}", shortName, statusWord) .c_str()); } // if INPUT/VIN_UV fault was on, it cleared, trace it. if (inputFault) { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format( "{} INPUT fault cleared: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}", shortName, statusWord) .c_str()); } if (vinUVFault) { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("{} VIN_UV cleared: STATUS_WORD = {:#06x}", shortName, statusWord) .c_str()); } if (pgoodFault > 0) { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("{} pgoodFault cleared", shortName) .c_str()); } clearFaultFlags(); // No AC fail, decrement counter if (acFault != 0) { --acFault; } } // Save off old inputVoltage value. // Get latest inputVoltage. // If voltage went from below minimum, and now is not, clear faults. // Note: getInputVoltage() has its own try/catch. int inputVoltageOld = inputVoltage; double actualInputVoltageOld = actualInputVoltage; getInputVoltage(actualInputVoltage, inputVoltage); if ((inputVoltageOld == in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_0) && (inputVoltage != in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_0)) { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format( "{} READ_VIN back in range: actualInputVoltageOld = {} " "actualInputVoltage = {}", shortName, actualInputVoltageOld, actualInputVoltage) .c_str()); clearVinUVFault(); } else if (vinUVFault && (inputVoltage != in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_0)) { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format( "{} CLEAR_FAULTS: vinUVFault {} actualInputVoltage {}", shortName, vinUVFault, actualInputVoltage) .c_str()); // Do we have a VIN_UV fault latched that can now be cleared // due to voltage back in range? Attempt to clear the // fault(s), re-check faults on next call. clearVinUVFault(); } else if (std::abs(actualInputVoltageOld - actualInputVoltage) > 10.0) { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format( "{} actualInputVoltageOld = {} actualInputVoltage = {}", shortName, actualInputVoltageOld, actualInputVoltage) .c_str()); } checkAvailability(); if (inputHistorySupported) { updateHistory(); } } catch (const ReadFailure& e) { if (readFail < SIZE_MAX) { readFail++; } if (readFail == LOG_LIMIT) { phosphor::logging::commit<ReadFailure>(); } } } } void PowerSupply::onOffConfig(uint8_t data) { using namespace phosphor::pmbus; if (present) { log<level::INFO>("ON_OFF_CONFIG write", entry("DATA=0x%02X", data)); try { std::vector<uint8_t> configData{data}; pmbusIntf->writeBinary(ON_OFF_CONFIG, configData, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug); } catch (...) { // The underlying code in writeBinary will log a message to the // journal if the write fails. If the ON_OFF_CONFIG is not setup // as desired, later fault detection and analysis code should // catch any of the fall out. We should not need to terminate // the application if this write fails. } } } void PowerSupply::clearVinUVFault() { // Read in1_lcrit_alarm to clear bits 3 and 4 of STATUS_INPUT. // The fault bits in STAUTS_INPUT roll-up to STATUS_WORD. Clearing those // bits in STATUS_INPUT should result in the corresponding STATUS_WORD bits // also clearing. // // Do not care about return value. Should be 1 if active, 0 if not. static_cast<void>( pmbusIntf->read("in1_lcrit_alarm", phosphor::pmbus::Type::Hwmon)); vinUVFault = 0; } void PowerSupply::clearFaults() { log<level::DEBUG>( fmt::format("clearFaults() inventoryPath: {}", inventoryPath).c_str()); faultLogged = false; // The PMBus device driver does not allow for writing CLEAR_FAULTS // directly. However, the pmbus hwmon device driver code will send a // CLEAR_FAULTS after reading from any of the hwmon "files" in sysfs, so // reading in1_input should result in clearing the fault bits in // STATUS_BYTE/STATUS_WORD. // I do not care what the return value is. if (present) { clearFaultFlags(); checkAvailability(); readFail = 0; try { clearVinUVFault(); static_cast<void>( pmbusIntf->read("in1_input", phosphor::pmbus::Type::Hwmon)); } catch (const ReadFailure& e) { // Since I do not care what the return value is, I really do not // care much if it gets a ReadFailure either. However, this // should not prevent the application from continuing to run, so // catching the read failure. } } } void PowerSupply::inventoryChanged(sdbusplus::message_t& msg) { std::string msgSensor; std::map<std::string, std::variant<uint32_t, bool>> msgData; msg.read(msgSensor, msgData); // Check if it was the Present property that changed. auto valPropMap = msgData.find(PRESENT_PROP); if (valPropMap != msgData.end()) { if (std::get<bool>(valPropMap->second)) { present = true; // TODO: Immediately trying to read or write the "files" causes // read or write failures. using namespace std::chrono_literals; std::this_thread::sleep_for(20ms); pmbusIntf->findHwmonDir(); onOffConfig(phosphor::pmbus::ON_OFF_CONFIG_CONTROL_PIN_ONLY); clearFaults(); updateInventory(); } else { present = false; // Clear out the now outdated inventory properties updateInventory(); } checkAvailability(); } } void PowerSupply::inventoryAdded(sdbusplus::message_t& msg) { sdbusplus::message::object_path path; msg.read(path); // Make sure the signal is for the PSU inventory path if (path == inventoryPath) { std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::variant<bool>>> interfaces; // Get map of interfaces and their properties msg.read(interfaces); auto properties = interfaces.find(INVENTORY_IFACE); if (properties != interfaces.end()) { auto property = properties->second.find(PRESENT_PROP); if (property != properties->second.end()) { present = std::get<bool>(property->second); log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("Power Supply {} Present {}", inventoryPath, present) .c_str()); updateInventory(); checkAvailability(); } } } } auto PowerSupply::readVPDValue(const std::string& vpdName, const phosphor::pmbus::Type& type, const std::size_t& vpdSize) { std::string vpdValue; const std::regex illegalVPDRegex = std::regex("[^[:alnum:]]", std::regex::basic); try { vpdValue = pmbusIntf->readString(vpdName, type); } catch (const ReadFailure& e) { // Ignore the read failure, let pmbus code indicate failure, // path... // TODO - ibm918 // https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/designs/vpd-collection.md // The BMC must log errors if any of the VPD cannot be properly // parsed or fails ECC checks. } if (vpdValue.size() != vpdSize) { log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("{} {} resize needed. size: {}", shortName, vpdName, vpdValue.size()) .c_str()); vpdValue.resize(vpdSize, ' '); } // Replace any illegal values with space(s). std::regex_replace(vpdValue.begin(), vpdValue.begin(), vpdValue.end(), illegalVPDRegex, " "); return vpdValue; } void PowerSupply::updateInventory() { using namespace phosphor::pmbus; #if IBM_VPD std::string pn; std::string fn; std::string header; std::string sn; // The IBM power supply splits the full serial number into two parts. // Each part is 6 bytes long, which should match up with SN_KW_SIZE. const auto HEADER_SIZE = 6; const auto SERIAL_SIZE = 6; // The IBM PSU firmware version size is a bit complicated. It was originally // 1-byte, per command. It was later expanded to 2-bytes per command, then // up to 8-bytes per command. The device driver only reads up to 2 bytes per // command, but combines all three of the 2-byte reads, or all 4 of the // 1-byte reads into one string. So, the maximum size expected is 6 bytes. // However, it is formatted by the driver as a hex string with two ASCII // characters per byte. So the maximum ASCII string size is 12. const auto VERSION_SIZE = 12; using PropertyMap = std::map<std::string, std::variant<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>, bool>>; PropertyMap assetProps; PropertyMap operProps; PropertyMap versionProps; PropertyMap ipzvpdDINFProps; PropertyMap ipzvpdVINIProps; using InterfaceMap = std::map<std::string, PropertyMap>; InterfaceMap interfaces; using ObjectMap = std::map<sdbusplus::message::object_path, InterfaceMap>; ObjectMap object; #endif log<level::DEBUG>( fmt::format("updateInventory() inventoryPath: {}", inventoryPath) .c_str()); if (present) { // TODO: non-IBM inventory updates? #if IBM_VPD modelName = readVPDValue(CCIN, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, CC_KW_SIZE); assetProps.emplace(MODEL_PROP, modelName); pn = readVPDValue(PART_NUMBER, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, PN_KW_SIZE); assetProps.emplace(PN_PROP, pn); fn = readVPDValue(FRU_NUMBER, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, FN_KW_SIZE); assetProps.emplace(SPARE_PN_PROP, fn); header = readVPDValue(SERIAL_HEADER, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, HEADER_SIZE); sn = readVPDValue(SERIAL_NUMBER, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, SERIAL_SIZE); assetProps.emplace(SN_PROP, header + sn); fwVersion = readVPDValue(FW_VERSION, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, VERSION_SIZE); versionProps.emplace(VERSION_PROP, fwVersion); ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace( "CC", std::vector<uint8_t>(modelName.begin(), modelName.end())); ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace("PN", std::vector<uint8_t>(pn.begin(), pn.end())); ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace("FN", std::vector<uint8_t>(fn.begin(), fn.end())); std::string header_sn = header + sn; ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace( "SN", std::vector<uint8_t>(header_sn.begin(), header_sn.end())); std::string description = "IBM PS"; ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace( "DR", std::vector<uint8_t>(description.begin(), description.end())); // Populate the VINI Resource Type (RT) keyword ipzvpdVINIProps.emplace("RT", std::vector<uint8_t>{'V', 'I', 'N', 'I'}); // Update the Resource Identifier (RI) keyword // 2 byte FRC: 0x0003 // 2 byte RID: 0x1000, 0x1001... std::uint8_t num = std::stoul( inventoryPath.substr(inventoryPath.size() - 1, 1), nullptr, 0); std::vector<uint8_t> ri{0x00, 0x03, 0x10, num}; ipzvpdDINFProps.emplace("RI", ri); // Fill in the FRU Label (FL) keyword. std::string fl = "E"; fl.push_back(inventoryPath.back()); fl.resize(FL_KW_SIZE, ' '); ipzvpdDINFProps.emplace("FL", std::vector<uint8_t>(fl.begin(), fl.end())); // Populate the DINF Resource Type (RT) keyword ipzvpdDINFProps.emplace("RT", std::vector<uint8_t>{'D', 'I', 'N', 'F'}); interfaces.emplace(ASSET_IFACE, std::move(assetProps)); interfaces.emplace(VERSION_IFACE, std::move(versionProps)); interfaces.emplace(DINF_IFACE, std::move(ipzvpdDINFProps)); interfaces.emplace(VINI_IFACE, std::move(ipzvpdVINIProps)); // Update the Functional operProps.emplace(FUNCTIONAL_PROP, present); interfaces.emplace(OPERATIONAL_STATE_IFACE, std::move(operProps)); auto path = inventoryPath.substr(strlen(INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH)); object.emplace(path, std::move(interfaces)); try { auto service = util::getService(INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH, INVENTORY_MGR_IFACE, bus); if (service.empty()) { log<level::ERR>("Unable to get inventory manager service"); return; } auto method = bus.new_method_call(service.c_str(), INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH, INVENTORY_MGR_IFACE, "Notify"); method.append(std::move(object)); auto reply = bus.call(method); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>( std::string(e.what() + std::string(" PATH=") + inventoryPath) .c_str()); } #endif } } auto PowerSupply::getMaxPowerOut() const { using namespace phosphor::pmbus; auto maxPowerOut = 0; if (present) { try { // Read max_power_out, should be direct format auto maxPowerOutStr = pmbusIntf->readString(MFR_POUT_MAX, Type::HwmonDeviceDebug); log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("{} MFR_POUT_MAX read {}", shortName, maxPowerOutStr) .c_str()); maxPowerOut = std::stod(maxPowerOutStr); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("{} MFR_POUT_MAX read error: {}", shortName, e.what()) .c_str()); } } return maxPowerOut; } void PowerSupply::setupInputHistory() { if (bindPath.string().find("ibm-cffps") != std::string::npos) { auto maxPowerOut = getMaxPowerOut(); if (maxPowerOut != phosphor::pmbus::IBM_CFFPS_1400W) { // Do not enable input history for power supplies that are missing if (present) { inputHistorySupported = true; log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("{} INPUT_HISTORY enabled", shortName).c_str()); std::string name{fmt::format("{}_input_power", shortName)}; historyObjectPath = std::string{INPUT_HISTORY_SENSOR_ROOT} + '/' + name; // If the power supply was present, we created the // recordManager. If it then went missing, the recordManager is // still there. If it then is reinserted, we should be able to // use the recordManager that was allocated when it was // initially present. if (!recordManager) { recordManager = std::make_unique<history::RecordManager>( INPUT_HISTORY_MAX_RECORDS); } if (!average) { auto avgPath = historyObjectPath + '/' + history::Average::name; average = std::make_unique<history::Average>(bus, avgPath); log<level::DEBUG>( fmt::format("{} avgPath: {}", shortName, avgPath) .c_str()); } if (!maximum) { auto maxPath = historyObjectPath + '/' + history::Maximum::name; maximum = std::make_unique<history::Maximum>(bus, maxPath); log<level::DEBUG>( fmt::format("{} maxPath: {}", shortName, maxPath) .c_str()); } log<level::DEBUG>(fmt::format("{} historyObjectPath: {}", shortName, historyObjectPath) .c_str()); } } else { log<level::INFO>( fmt::format("{} INPUT_HISTORY DISABLED. max_power_out: {}", shortName, maxPowerOut) .c_str()); inputHistorySupported = false; } } else { inputHistorySupported = false; } } void PowerSupply::updateHistory() { if (!recordManager) { // Not enabled return; } if (!present) { // Cannot read when not present return; } // Read just the most recent average/max record auto data = pmbusIntf->readBinary(INPUT_HISTORY, pmbus::Type::HwmonDeviceDebug, history::RecordManager::RAW_RECORD_SIZE); // Update D-Bus only if something changed (a new record ID, or cleared // out) auto changed = recordManager->add(data); if (changed) { average->values(std::move(recordManager->getAverageRecords())); maximum->values(std::move(recordManager->getMaximumRecords())); } } void PowerSupply::getInputVoltage(double& actualInputVoltage, int& inputVoltage) const { using namespace phosphor::pmbus; actualInputVoltage = in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_0; inputVoltage = in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_0; if (present) { try { // Read input voltage in millivolts auto inputVoltageStr = pmbusIntf->readString(READ_VIN, Type::Hwmon); // Convert to volts actualInputVoltage = std::stod(inputVoltageStr) / 1000; // Calculate the voltage based on voltage thresholds if (actualInputVoltage < in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_MIN) { inputVoltage = in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_0; } else if (actualInputVoltage < in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_110_THRESHOLD) { inputVoltage = in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_110; } else { inputVoltage = in_input::VIN_VOLTAGE_220; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>( fmt::format("{} READ_VIN read error: {}", shortName, e.what()) .c_str()); } } } void PowerSupply::checkAvailability() { bool origAvailability = available; available = present && !hasInputFault() && !hasVINUVFault() && !hasPSKillFault() && !hasIoutOCFault(); if (origAvailability != available) { auto invpath = inventoryPath.substr(strlen(INVENTORY_OBJ_PATH)); phosphor::power::psu::setAvailable(bus, invpath, available); // Check if the health rollup needs to change based on the // new availability value. phosphor::power::psu::handleChassisHealthRollup(bus, inventoryPath, !available); } } } // namespace phosphor::power::psu