/* // Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include "conf.hpp" #include "dbus/util.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr bool DEBUG = false; // enable to print found configuration extern std::map sensorConfig; extern std::map zoneConfig; extern std::map zoneDetailsConfig; constexpr const char* pidConfigurationInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.Pid"; constexpr const char* objectManagerInterface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"; constexpr const char* pidZoneConfigurationInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.Pid.Zone"; constexpr const char* stepwiseConfigurationInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.Stepwise"; constexpr const char* fanProfileConfigurationIface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.FanProfile"; constexpr const char* thermalControlIface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.ThermalMode"; constexpr const char* sensorInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value"; constexpr const char* pwmInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.FanPwm"; namespace dbus_configuration { bool findSensors(const std::unordered_map& sensors, const std::string& search, std::vector>& matches) { std::smatch match; std::regex reg(search); for (const auto& sensor : sensors) { if (std::regex_search(sensor.first, match, reg)) { matches.push_back(sensor); } } return matches.size() > 0; } // this function prints the configuration into a form similar to the cpp // generated code to help in verification, should be turned off during normal // use void debugPrint(void) { // print sensor config std::cout << "sensor config:\n"; std::cout << "{\n"; for (const auto& pair : sensorConfig) { std::cout << "\t{" << pair.first << ",\n\t\t{"; std::cout << pair.second.type << ", "; std::cout << pair.second.readPath << ", "; std::cout << pair.second.writePath << ", "; std::cout << pair.second.min << ", "; std::cout << pair.second.max << ", "; std::cout << pair.second.timeout << "},\n\t},\n"; } std::cout << "}\n\n"; std::cout << "ZoneDetailsConfig\n"; std::cout << "{\n"; for (const auto& zone : zoneDetailsConfig) { std::cout << "\t{" << zone.first << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t{" << zone.second.minThermalOutput << ", "; std::cout << zone.second.failsafePercent << "}\n\t},\n"; } std::cout << "}\n\n"; std::cout << "ZoneConfig\n"; std::cout << "{\n"; for (const auto& zone : zoneConfig) { std::cout << "\t{" << zone.first << "\n"; for (const auto& pidconf : zone.second) { std::cout << "\t\t{" << pidconf.first << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t{" << pidconf.second.type << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t{"; for (const auto& input : pidconf.second.inputs) { std::cout << "\n\t\t\t" << input << ",\n"; } std::cout << "\t\t\t}\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t" << pidconf.second.setpoint << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t{" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.ts << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.proportionalCoeff << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.integralCoeff << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.feedFwdOffset << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.feedFwdGain << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t{" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.integralLimit.min << "," << pidconf.second.pidInfo.integralLimit.max << "},\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t{" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.outLim.min << "," << pidconf.second.pidInfo.outLim.max << "},\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.slewNeg << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t" << pidconf.second.pidInfo.slewPos << ",\n"; std::cout << "\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n"; } std::cout << "\t},\n"; } std::cout << "}\n\n"; } int eventHandler(sd_bus_message*, void*, sd_bus_error*) { // do a brief sleep as we tend to get a bunch of these events at // once std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); std::cout << "New configuration detected, restarting\n."; std::exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // service file should make us restart return 1; } size_t getZoneIndex(const std::string& name, std::vector& zones) { auto it = std::find(zones.begin(), zones.end(), name); if (it == zones.end()) { zones.emplace_back(name); it = zones.end() - 1; } return it - zones.begin(); } std::vector getSelectedProfiles(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus) { std::vector ret; auto mapper = bus.new_method_call("xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper", "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper", "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper", "GetSubTree"); mapper.append("/", 0, std::array{thermalControlIface}); std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unordered_map>> respData; try { auto resp = bus.call(mapper); resp.read(respData); } catch (sdbusplus::exception_t&) { // can't do anything without mapper call data throw std::runtime_error("ObjectMapper Call Failure"); } if (respData.empty()) { // if the user has profiles but doesn't expose the interface to select // one, just go ahead without using profiles return ret; } // assumption is that we should only have a small handful of selected // profiles at a time (probably only 1), so calling each individually should // not incur a large cost for (const auto& objectPair : respData) { const std::string& path = objectPair.first; for (const auto& ownerPair : objectPair.second) { const std::string& busName = ownerPair.first; auto getProfile = bus.new_method_call(busName.c_str(), path.c_str(), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get"); getProfile.append(thermalControlIface, "Current"); std::variant variantResp; try { auto resp = bus.call(getProfile); resp.read(variantResp); } catch (sdbusplus::exception_t&) { throw std::runtime_error("Failure getting profile"); } std::string mode = std::get(variantResp); ret.emplace_back(std::move(mode)); } } if constexpr (DEBUG) { std::cout << "Profiles selected: "; for (const auto& profile : ret) { std::cout << profile << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; } return ret; } void init(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus) { using DbusVariantType = std::variant, std::vector>; using ManagedObjectType = std::unordered_map< sdbusplus::message::object_path, std::unordered_map>>; // restart on configuration properties changed static sdbusplus::bus::match::match configMatch( bus, "type='signal',member='PropertiesChanged',arg0namespace='" + std::string(pidConfigurationInterface) + "'", eventHandler); // restart on profile change static sdbusplus::bus::match::match profileMatch( bus, "type='signal',member='PropertiesChanged',arg0namespace='" + std::string(thermalControlIface) + "'", eventHandler); // restart on sensors changed static sdbusplus::bus::match::match sensorAdded( bus, "type='signal',member='InterfacesAdded',arg0path='/xyz/openbmc_project/" "sensors/'", eventHandler); auto mapper = bus.new_method_call("xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper", "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper", "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper", "GetSubTree"); mapper.append("/", 0, std::array{ objectManagerInterface, pidConfigurationInterface, pidZoneConfigurationInterface, stepwiseConfigurationInterface, sensorInterface, pwmInterface, fanProfileConfigurationIface}); std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unordered_map>> respData; try { auto resp = bus.call(mapper); resp.read(respData); } catch (sdbusplus::exception_t&) { // can't do anything without mapper call data throw std::runtime_error("ObjectMapper Call Failure"); } if (respData.empty()) { // can't do anything without mapper call data throw std::runtime_error("No configuration data available from Mapper"); } // create a map of pair of std::unordered_map> owners; // and a map of for sensors std::unordered_map sensors; for (const auto& objectPair : respData) { for (const auto& ownerPair : objectPair.second) { auto& owner = owners[ownerPair.first]; for (const std::string& interface : ownerPair.second) { if (interface == objectManagerInterface) { owner.second = objectPair.first; } if (interface == pidConfigurationInterface || interface == pidZoneConfigurationInterface || interface == stepwiseConfigurationInterface) { owner.first = true; } if (interface == sensorInterface || interface == pwmInterface) { // we're not interested in pwm sensors, just pwm control if (interface == sensorInterface && objectPair.first.find("pwm") != std::string::npos) { continue; } sensors[objectPair.first] = interface; } } } } ManagedObjectType configurations; ManagedObjectType profiles; for (const auto& owner : owners) { // skip if no pid configuration (means probably a sensor) if (!owner.second.first) { continue; } auto endpoint = bus.new_method_call( owner.first.c_str(), owner.second.second.c_str(), "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects"); ManagedObjectType configuration; try { auto responce = bus.call(endpoint); responce.read(configuration); } catch (sdbusplus::exception_t&) { // this shouldn't happen, probably means daemon crashed throw std::runtime_error("Error getting managed objects from " + owner.first); } for (auto& pathPair : configuration) { if (pathPair.second.find(pidConfigurationInterface) != pathPair.second.end() || pathPair.second.find(pidZoneConfigurationInterface) != pathPair.second.end() || pathPair.second.find(stepwiseConfigurationInterface) != pathPair.second.end()) { configurations.emplace(pathPair); } if (pathPair.second.find(fanProfileConfigurationIface) != pathPair.second.end()) { profiles.emplace(pathPair); } } } // remove controllers from config that aren't in the current profile(s) if (profiles.size()) { std::vector selectedProfiles = getSelectedProfiles(bus); if (selectedProfiles.size()) { // make the names match the dbus name for (auto& profile : selectedProfiles) { std::replace(profile.begin(), profile.end(), ' ', '_'); } // remove profiles that aren't supported for (auto it = profiles.begin(); it != profiles.end();) { auto& path = it->first.str; auto inConfig = std::find_if( selectedProfiles.begin(), selectedProfiles.end(), [&path](const std::string& key) { return (path.find(key) != std::string::npos); }); if (inConfig == selectedProfiles.end()) { it = profiles.erase(it); } else { it++; } } std::vector allowedControllers; // create a vector of profile match strings for (const auto& profile : profiles) { const auto& interface = profile.second.at(fanProfileConfigurationIface); auto findController = interface.find("Controllers"); if (findController == interface.end()) { throw std::runtime_error("Profile Missing Controllers"); } std::vector controllers = std::get>(findController->second); allowedControllers.insert(allowedControllers.end(), controllers.begin(), controllers.end()); } std::vector regexes; for (auto& controller : allowedControllers) { std::replace(controller.begin(), controller.end(), ' ', '_'); try { regexes.push_back(std::regex(controller)); } catch (std::regex_error&) { std::cerr << "Invalid regex: " << controller << "\n"; throw; } } // remove configurations that don't match any of the regexes for (auto it = configurations.begin(); it != configurations.end();) { const std::string& path = it->first; size_t lastSlash = path.rfind("/"); if (lastSlash == std::string::npos) { // if this happens, the mapper has a bug throw std::runtime_error("Invalid path in configuration"); } std::string name = path.substr(lastSlash); auto allowed = std::find_if( regexes.begin(), regexes.end(), [&name](auto& reg) { std::smatch match; return std::regex_search(name, match, reg); }); if (allowed == regexes.end()) { auto findZone = it->second.find(pidZoneConfigurationInterface); // if there is a fanzone under the given configuration, keep // it but remove any of the other controllers if (findZone != it->second.end()) { for (auto subIt = it->second.begin(); subIt != it->second.end();) { if (subIt == findZone) { subIt++; } else { subIt = it->second.erase(subIt); } } it++; } else { it = configurations.erase(it); } } else { it++; } } } } // on dbus having an index field is a bit strange, so randomly // assign index based on name property std::vector foundZones; for (const auto& configuration : configurations) { auto findZone = configuration.second.find(pidZoneConfigurationInterface); if (findZone != configuration.second.end()) { const auto& zone = findZone->second; const std::string& name = std::get(zone.at("Name")); size_t index = getZoneIndex(name, foundZones); auto& details = zoneDetailsConfig[index]; details.minThermalOutput = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), zone.at("MinThermalOutput")); details.failsafePercent = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), zone.at("FailSafePercent")); } auto findBase = configuration.second.find(pidConfigurationInterface); if (findBase != configuration.second.end()) { const auto& base = configuration.second.at(pidConfigurationInterface); const std::vector& zones = std::get>(base.at("Zones")); for (const std::string& zone : zones) { size_t index = getZoneIndex(zone, foundZones); conf::PIDConf& conf = zoneConfig[index]; std::vector sensorNames = std::get>(base.at("Inputs")); auto findOutputs = base.find("Outputs"); // currently only fans have outputs if (findOutputs != base.end()) { std::vector outputs = std::get>(findOutputs->second); sensorNames.insert(sensorNames.end(), outputs.begin(), outputs.end()); } std::vector inputs; std::vector> sensorInterfaces; for (const std::string& sensorName : sensorNames) { std::string name = sensorName; // replace spaces with underscores to be legal on dbus std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), ' ', '_'); findSensors(sensors, name, sensorInterfaces); } // if the sensors aren't available in the current state, don't // add them to the configuration. if (sensorInterfaces.empty()) { continue; } for (const auto& sensorPathIfacePair : sensorInterfaces) { if (sensorPathIfacePair.second == sensorInterface) { size_t idx = sensorPathIfacePair.first.find_last_of("/") + 1; std::string shortName = sensorPathIfacePair.first.substr(idx); inputs.push_back(shortName); auto& config = sensorConfig[shortName]; config.type = std::get(base.at("Class")); config.readPath = sensorPathIfacePair.first; // todo: maybe un-hardcode this if we run into slower // timeouts with sensors if (config.type == "temp") { config.timeout = 0; } else if (config.type == "fan") { config.max = conf::inheritValueFromDbus; config.min = conf::inheritValueFromDbus; } } else if (sensorPathIfacePair.second == pwmInterface) { // copy so we can modify it for (std::string otherSensor : sensorNames) { std::replace(otherSensor.begin(), otherSensor.end(), ' ', '_'); if (sensorPathIfacePair.first.find(otherSensor) != std::string::npos) { continue; } auto& config = sensorConfig[otherSensor]; config.writePath = sensorPathIfacePair.first; // todo: un-hardcode this if there are fans with // different ranges config.max = 255; config.min = 0; } } } struct conf::ControllerInfo& info = conf[std::get(base.at("Name"))]; info.inputs = std::move(inputs); info.type = std::get(base.at("Class")); // todo: auto generation yaml -> c script seems to discard this // value for fans, verify this is okay if (info.type == "fan") { info.setpoint = 0; } else { info.setpoint = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("SetPoint")); } info.pidInfo.ts = 1.0; // currently unused info.pidInfo.proportionalCoeff = std::visit( VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("PCoefficient")); info.pidInfo.integralCoeff = std::visit( VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("ICoefficient")); info.pidInfo.feedFwdOffset = std::visit( VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("FFOffCoefficient")); info.pidInfo.feedFwdGain = std::visit( VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("FFGainCoefficient")); info.pidInfo.integralLimit.max = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("ILimitMax")); info.pidInfo.integralLimit.min = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("ILimitMin")); info.pidInfo.outLim.max = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("OutLimitMax")); info.pidInfo.outLim.min = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("OutLimitMin")); info.pidInfo.slewNeg = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("SlewNeg")); info.pidInfo.slewPos = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), base.at("SlewPos")); double negativeHysteresis = 0; double positiveHysteresis = 0; auto findNeg = base.find("NegativeHysteresis"); auto findPos = base.find("PositiveHysteresis"); if (findNeg != base.end()) { negativeHysteresis = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), findNeg->second); } if (findPos != base.end()) { positiveHysteresis = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), findPos->second); } info.pidInfo.negativeHysteresis = negativeHysteresis; info.pidInfo.positiveHysteresis = positiveHysteresis; } } auto findStepwise = configuration.second.find(stepwiseConfigurationInterface); if (findStepwise != configuration.second.end()) { const auto& base = findStepwise->second; const std::vector& zones = std::get>(base.at("Zones")); for (const std::string& zone : zones) { size_t index = getZoneIndex(zone, foundZones); conf::PIDConf& conf = zoneConfig[index]; std::vector inputs; std::vector sensorNames = std::get>(base.at("Inputs")); bool sensorFound = false; for (const std::string& sensorName : sensorNames) { std::string name = sensorName; // replace spaces with underscores to be legal on dbus std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), ' ', '_'); std::vector> sensorPathIfacePairs; if (!findSensors(sensors, name, sensorPathIfacePairs)) { break; } for (const auto& sensorPathIfacePair : sensorPathIfacePairs) { size_t idx = sensorPathIfacePair.first.find_last_of("/") + 1; std::string shortName = sensorPathIfacePair.first.substr(idx); inputs.push_back(shortName); auto& config = sensorConfig[shortName]; config.readPath = sensorPathIfacePair.first; config.type = "temp"; // todo: maybe un-hardcode this if we run into slower // timeouts with sensors config.timeout = 0; sensorFound = true; } } if (!sensorFound) { continue; } struct conf::ControllerInfo& info = conf[std::get(base.at("Name"))]; info.inputs = std::move(inputs); info.type = "stepwise"; info.stepwiseInfo.ts = 1.0; // currently unused info.stepwiseInfo.positiveHysteresis = 0.0; info.stepwiseInfo.negativeHysteresis = 0.0; std::string subtype = std::get(base.at("Class")); info.stepwiseInfo.isCeiling = (subtype == "Ceiling"); auto findPosHyst = base.find("PositiveHysteresis"); auto findNegHyst = base.find("NegativeHysteresis"); if (findPosHyst != base.end()) { info.stepwiseInfo.positiveHysteresis = std::visit( VariantToDoubleVisitor(), findPosHyst->second); } if (findNegHyst != base.end()) { info.stepwiseInfo.positiveHysteresis = std::visit( VariantToDoubleVisitor(), findNegHyst->second); } std::vector readings = std::get>(base.at("Reading")); if (readings.size() > ec::maxStepwisePoints) { throw std::invalid_argument("Too many stepwise points."); } if (readings.empty()) { throw std::invalid_argument( "Must have one stepwise point."); } std::copy(readings.begin(), readings.end(), info.stepwiseInfo.reading); if (readings.size() < ec::maxStepwisePoints) { info.stepwiseInfo.reading[readings.size()] = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } std::vector outputs = std::get>(base.at("Output")); if (readings.size() != outputs.size()) { throw std::invalid_argument( "Outputs size must match readings"); } std::copy(outputs.begin(), outputs.end(), info.stepwiseInfo.output); if (outputs.size() < ec::maxStepwisePoints) { info.stepwiseInfo.output[outputs.size()] = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } } } } if constexpr (DEBUG) { debugPrint(); } if (zoneConfig.empty() || zoneDetailsConfig.empty()) { std::cerr << "No fan zones, application pausing until reboot\n"; while (1) { bus.process_discard(); bus.wait(); } } } } // namespace dbus_configuration