#include "config.h" #include "util.hpp" #include "config_parser.hpp" #include "types.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace phosphor { namespace network { using std::literals::string_view_literals::operator""sv; using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error; namespace internal { void executeCommandinChildProcess(stdplus::const_zstring path, char** args) { using namespace std::string_literals; pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { execv(path.c_str(), args); exit(255); } else if (pid < 0) { auto error = errno; lg2::error("Error occurred during fork: {ERRNO}", "ERRNO", error); elog(); } else if (pid > 0) { int status; while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) { status = -1; break; } } if (status < 0) { fmt::memory_buffer buf; fmt::format_to(fmt::appender(buf), "`{}`", path); for (size_t i = 0; args[i] != nullptr; ++i) { fmt::format_to(fmt::appender(buf), " `{}`", args[i]); } buf.push_back('\0'); lg2::error("Unable to execute the command {CMD}: {STATUS}", "CMD", buf.data(), "STATUS", status); elog(); } } } /** @brief Get ignored interfaces from environment */ std::string_view getIgnoredInterfacesEnv() { auto r = std::getenv("IGNORED_INTERFACES"); if (r == nullptr) { return ""; } return r; } /** @brief Parse the comma separated interface names */ std::unordered_set parseInterfaces(std::string_view interfaces) { std::unordered_set result; while (true) { auto sep = interfaces.find(','); auto interface = interfaces.substr(0, sep); while (!interface.empty() && std::isspace(interface.front())) { interface.remove_prefix(1); } while (!interface.empty() && std::isspace(interface.back())) { interface.remove_suffix(1); } if (!interface.empty()) { result.insert(interface); } if (sep == interfaces.npos) { break; } interfaces = interfaces.substr(sep + 1); } return result; } /** @brief Get the ignored interfaces */ const std::unordered_set& getIgnoredInterfaces() { static auto ignoredInterfaces = parseInterfaces(getIgnoredInterfacesEnv()); return ignoredInterfaces; } } // namespace internal std::optional interfaceToUbootEthAddr(std::string_view intf) { constexpr auto pfx = "eth"sv; if (!intf.starts_with(pfx)) { return std::nullopt; } intf.remove_prefix(pfx.size()); unsigned idx; try { idx = DecodeInt{}(intf); } catch (...) { return std::nullopt; } if (idx == 0) { return "ethaddr"; } return fmt::format(FMT_COMPILE("eth{}addr"), idx); } static std::optional systemdParseDHCP(std::string_view str) { if (config::icaseeq(str, "ipv4")) { return DHCPVal{.v4 = true, .v6 = false}; } if (config::icaseeq(str, "ipv6")) { return DHCPVal{.v4 = false, .v6 = true}; } if (auto b = config::parseBool(str); b) { return DHCPVal{.v4 = *b, .v6 = *b}; } return std::nullopt; } inline auto systemdParseLast(const config::Parser& config, std::string_view section, std::string_view key, auto&& fun) { if (!config.getFileExists()) {} else if (auto str = config.map.getLastValueString(section, key); str == nullptr) { lg2::notice( "Unable to get the value of {CFG_SEC}[{CFG_KEY}] from {CFG_FILE}", "CFG_SEC", section, "CFG_KEY", key, "CFG_FILE", config.getFilename()); } else if (auto val = fun(*str); !val) { lg2::notice( "Invalid value of {CFG_SEC}[{CFG_KEY}] from {CFG_FILE}: {CFG_VAL}", "CFG_SEC", section, "CFG_KEY", key, "CFG_FILE", config.getFilename(), "CFG_VAL", *str); } else { return val; } return decltype(fun(std::string_view{}))(std::nullopt); } bool getIPv6AcceptRA(const config::Parser& config) { #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6_ACCEPT_RA constexpr bool def = true; #else constexpr bool def = false; #endif return systemdParseLast(config, "Network", "IPv6AcceptRA", config::parseBool) .value_or(def); } DHCPVal getDHCPValue(const config::Parser& config) { return systemdParseLast(config, "Network", "DHCP", systemdParseDHCP) .value_or(DHCPVal{.v4 = true, .v6 = true}); } bool getDHCPProp(const config::Parser& config, std::string_view key) { return systemdParseLast(config, "DHCP", key, config::parseBool) .value_or(true); } } // namespace network } // namespace phosphor