#include "hyp_network_manager.hpp" #include "types.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError; class HypNetworkMgr; namespace phosphor { namespace network { using namespace phosphor::logging; using InternalFailure = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InternalFailure; const std::string intType = "Integer"; const std::string strType = "String"; const std::string enumType = "Enumeration"; using ObjectTree = std::map>>; auto HypNetworkMgr::getDBusProp(const std::string& objectName, const std::string& interface, const std::string& kw) { auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); auto properties = bus.new_method_call( "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfigManager", objectName.c_str(), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get"); properties.append(interface); properties.append(kw); auto result = bus.call(properties); if (result.is_method_error()) { throw std::runtime_error("Get api failed"); } return result; } void HypNetworkMgr::setBIOSTableAttr( std::string attrName, std::variant attrValue, std::string attrType) { auto findAttr = biosTableAttrs.find(attrName); if (findAttr != biosTableAttrs.end()) { if (attrType == intType) { int64_t value = std::get(attrValue); if (value != std::get(findAttr->second)) { biosTableAttrs.erase(findAttr); biosTableAttrs.emplace(attrName, value); } } else if (attrType == strType) { std::string value = std::get(attrValue); if (value != std::get(findAttr->second)) { biosTableAttrs.erase(findAttr); biosTableAttrs.emplace(attrName, value); } } } else { log( "setBIOSTableAttr: Attribute is not found in biosTableAttrs"), entry("attrName : ", attrName.c_str()); } } void HypNetworkMgr::setDefaultBIOSTableAttrsOnIntf(const std::string& intf) { biosTableAttrs.emplace("vmi_" + intf + "_ipv4_ipaddr", ""); biosTableAttrs.emplace("vmi_" + intf + "_ipv4_gateway", ""); biosTableAttrs.emplace("vmi_" + intf + "_ipv4_prefix_length", 0); biosTableAttrs.emplace("vmi_" + intf + "_ipv4_method", "IPv4Static"); } void HypNetworkMgr::setDefaultHostnameInBIOSTableAttrs() { biosTableAttrs.emplace("vmi_hostname", ""); } void HypNetworkMgr::setBIOSTableAttrs() { try { constexpr auto biosMgrIntf = "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfig.Manager"; constexpr auto biosMgrObj = "/xyz/openbmc_project/bios_config"; constexpr auto mapperBus = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper"; constexpr auto mapperObj = "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper"; constexpr auto mapperIntf = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper"; std::vector interfaces; interfaces.emplace_back(biosMgrIntf); auto depth = 0; auto mapperCall = bus.new_method_call(mapperBus, mapperObj, mapperIntf, "GetSubTree"); mapperCall.append(biosMgrObj, depth, interfaces); auto mapperReply = bus.call(mapperCall); if (mapperReply.is_method_error()) { log("Error in mapper call"); elog(); } ObjectTree objectTree; mapperReply.read(objectTree); if (objectTree.empty()) { log("No Object has implemented the interface", entry("INTERFACE=%s", biosMgrIntf)); elog(); } std::string objPath; if (1 == objectTree.size()) { objPath = objectTree.begin()->first; } else { // If there are more than 2 objects, object path must contain the // interface name for (auto const& object : objectTree) { log("interface", entry("INT=%s", biosMgrIntf)); log("object", entry("OBJ=%s", object.first.c_str())); if (std::string::npos != object.first.find(biosMgrIntf)) { objPath = object.first; break; } } if (objPath.empty()) { log("Can't find the object for the interface", entry("intfName=%s", biosMgrIntf)); elog(); } } std::variant response; getDBusProp(objPath, biosMgrIntf, "BaseBIOSTable").read(response); const BiosBaseTableType* baseBiosTable = std::get_if(&response); if (baseBiosTable == nullptr) { log("BaseBiosTable is empty. No attributes found!"); return; } for (const BiosBaseTableItemType& item : *baseBiosTable) { if (item.first.rfind("vmi", 0) == 0) // starts with the prefix { const std::string& itemType = std::get(item.second); if (itemType.compare(itemType.size() - intType.size(), intType.size(), intType) == 0) { const int64_t* currValue = std::get_if( &std::get(item.second)); if (currValue != nullptr) { biosTableAttrs.emplace(item.first, *currValue); } } else if ((itemType.compare(itemType.size() - strType.size(), strType.size(), strType) == 0) || (itemType.compare(itemType.size() - enumType.size(), enumType.size(), enumType) == 0)) { const std::string* currValue = std::get_if( &std::get(item.second)); if (currValue != nullptr) { biosTableAttrs.emplace(item.first, *currValue); } } else { log("Unsupported datatype: The attribute is of " "unknown type"); } } } } catch (const SdBusError& e) { log("Error in making dbus call"); throw std::runtime_error("DBus call failed"); } } biosTableType HypNetworkMgr::getBIOSTableAttrs() { return biosTableAttrs; } void HypNetworkMgr::createIfObjects() { setBIOSTableAttrs(); if ((getBIOSTableAttrs()).size() == 0) { setDefaultHostnameInBIOSTableAttrs(); } // The hypervisor can support maximum of // 2 ethernet interfaces. Both eth0/1 objects are // created during init time to support the static // network configurations on the both. // create eth0 and eth1 objects log("Create eth0 and eth1 objects"); } void HypNetworkMgr::createSysConfObj() { systemConf.reset(nullptr); this->systemConf = std::make_unique( bus, objectPath + "/config", *this); } } // namespace network } // namespace phosphor