#!/usr/bin/env python3 r""" This script will parse error log yaml file(s) and generate a header file which will then be used by the error logging client and server to collect and validate the error information generated by the openbmc software components. This code uses a mako template to provide the basic template of the header file we're going to generate. We then call it with information from the yaml to generate the header file. """ from mako.template import Template from optparse import OptionParser import yaml import sys import os def order_inherited_errors(i_errors, i_parents): # the ordered list of errors errors = list() has_inheritance = False for error in i_errors: if(i_parents[error] is not None): has_inheritance = True break if(has_inheritance): # Order the error codes list such that an error is never placed # before it's parent. This way generated code can ensure parent # definitions precede child error definitions. while(len(errors) < len(i_errors)): for error in i_errors: if(error in errors): # already ordererd continue if((not i_parents[error]) or (i_parents[error] in errors)): # parent present, or has no parent, either way this error # can be added errors.append(error) else: # no inherited errors errors = i_errors return errors def check_error_inheritance(i_errors, i_parents): for error in i_errors: if(i_parents[error] and (i_parents[error] not in i_errors)): print(error + " inherits " + i_parents[error] + " but the latter is not defined") return False return True # Return the yaml files with their directory structure plus the file name # without the yaml extension, which will be used to set the namespaces. # Ex: file xyz/openbmc_project/Error/Callout/Device.errors.yaml # will have namespce xyz/openbmc_project/Error/Callout/Device def get_error_yaml_files(i_yaml_dir, i_test_dir): yaml_files = dict() if i_yaml_dir != "None": for root, dirs, files in os.walk(i_yaml_dir): for files in \ [file for file in files if file.endswith('.errors.yaml')]: splitdir = root.split(i_yaml_dir)[1] + "/" + files[:-12] if splitdir.startswith("/"): splitdir = splitdir[1:] yaml_files[(os.path.join(root, files))] = splitdir for root, dirs, files in os.walk(i_test_dir): for files in [file for file in files if file.endswith('.errors.yaml')]: splitdir = root.split(i_test_dir)[1] + "/" + files[:-12] yaml_files[(os.path.join(root, files))] = splitdir return yaml_files def get_meta_yaml_file(i_error_yaml_file): # the meta data will be defined in file name where we replace # .errors.yaml with .metadata.yaml meta_yaml = i_error_yaml_file.replace("errors", "metadata") return meta_yaml def get_cpp_type(i_type): typeMap = { 'int16': 'int16_t', 'int32': 'int32_t', 'int64': 'int64_t', 'uint16': 'uint16_t', 'uint32': 'uint32_t', 'uint64': 'uint64_t', 'double': 'double', # const char* aids usage of constexpr 'string': 'const char*'} return typeMap[i_type] def gen_elog_hpp(i_yaml_dir, i_test_dir, i_output_hpp, i_template_dir, i_elog_mako): r""" Read yaml file(s) under input yaml dir, grab the relevant data and call the mako template to generate the output header file. Description of arguments: i_yaml_dir directory containing base error yaml files i_test_dir directory containing test error yaml files i_output_hpp name of the to be generated output hpp i_template_dir directory containing error mako templates i_elog_mako error mako template to render """ # Input parameters to mako template errors = list() # Main error codes error_msg = dict() # Error msg that corresponds to error code error_lvl = dict() # Error code log level (debug, info, error, ...) meta = dict() # The meta data names associated (ERRNO, FILE_NAME, ...) meta_data = dict() # The meta data info (type, format) parents = dict() metadata_process = dict() # metadata that have the 'process' keyword set error_yamls = get_error_yaml_files(i_yaml_dir, i_test_dir) for error_yaml in error_yamls: # Verify the error yaml file if (not (os.path.isfile(error_yaml))): print("Cannot find input yaml file " + error_yaml) exit(1) # Verify the metadata yaml file meta_yaml = get_meta_yaml_file(error_yaml) # Verify the input mako file template_path = "/".join((i_template_dir, i_elog_mako)) if (not (os.path.isfile(template_path))): print("Cannot find input template file " + template_path) exit(1) get_elog_data(error_yaml, meta_yaml, error_yamls[error_yaml], # Last arg is a tuple (errors, error_msg, error_lvl, meta, meta_data, parents, metadata_process)) if(not check_error_inheritance(errors, parents)): print("Error - failed to validate error inheritance") exit(1) errors = order_inherited_errors(errors, parents) # Load the mako template and call it with the required data yaml_dir = i_yaml_dir.strip("./") yaml_dir = yaml_dir.strip("../") template = Template(filename=template_path) f = open(i_output_hpp, 'w') f.write(template.render( errors=errors, error_msg=error_msg, error_lvl=error_lvl, meta=meta, meta_data=meta_data, parents=parents, metadata_process=metadata_process)) f.close() def get_elog_data(i_elog_yaml, i_elog_meta_yaml, i_namespace, o_elog_data): r""" Parse the error and metadata yaml files in order to pull out error metadata. Use default values if metadata yaml file is not found. Description of arguments: i_elog_yaml error yaml file i_elog_meta_yaml metadata yaml file i_namespace namespace data o_elog_data error metadata """ (errors, error_msg, error_lvl, meta, meta_data, parents, metadata_process) = o_elog_data ifile = yaml.safe_load(open(i_elog_yaml)) #for all the errors in error yaml file for error in ifile: if 'name' not in error: print("Error - Did not find name in entry %s in file %s " % ( str(error), i_elog_yaml)) exit(1) fullname = i_namespace.replace('/', '.') + ('.') + error['name'] errors.append(fullname) if 'description' in error: error_msg[fullname] = error['description'].strip() #set default values error_lvl[fullname] = "ERR" parents[fullname] = None #check if meta data yaml file is found if not os.path.isfile(i_elog_meta_yaml): continue mfile = yaml.safe_load(open(i_elog_meta_yaml)) # Find the meta data entry match = None for meta_entry in mfile: if meta_entry['name'] == error['name']: match = meta_entry break if match is None: print("Error - Did not find error named %s in %s" % ( error['name'], i_elog_meta_yaml)) continue error_lvl[fullname] = match.get('level', 'ERR') # Get 0th inherited error (current support - single inheritance) if 'inherits' in match: parents[fullname] = match['inherits'][0] # Put all errors in meta[] even the meta is empty # so that child errors could inherits such error without meta tmp_meta = [] if 'meta' in match: # grab all the meta data fields and info for i in match['meta']: str_short = i['str'].split('=')[0] tmp_meta.append(str_short) meta_data[str_short] = {} meta_data[str_short]['str'] = i['str'] meta_data[str_short]['str_short'] = str_short meta_data[str_short]['type'] = get_cpp_type(i['type']) if ('process' in i) and (True == i['process']): metadata_process[str_short] = fullname + "." + str_short meta[fullname] = tmp_meta # Debug # for i in errors: # print "ERROR: " + errors[i] # print " MSG: " + error_msg[errors[i]] # print " LVL: " + error_lvl[errors[i]] # print " META: " # print meta[i] def main(i_args): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-m", "--mako", dest="elog_mako", default="elog-gen-template.mako.hpp", help="input mako template file to use") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output_hpp", default="elog-errors.hpp", help="output hpp to generate, elog-errors.hpp default") parser.add_option("-y", "--yamldir", dest="yamldir", default="None", help="Base directory of yaml files to process") parser.add_option("-u", "--testdir", dest="testdir", default="./tools/example/", help="Unit test directory of yaml files to process") parser.add_option("-t", "--templatedir", dest="templatedir", default="phosphor-logging/templates/", help="Base directory of files to process") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(i_args) gen_elog_hpp(options.yamldir, options.testdir, options.output_hpp, options.templatedir, options.elog_mako) # Only run if it's a script if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])