#include "config.h" #include "log_manager.hpp" #include "paths.hpp" #include <phosphor-logging/commit.hpp> #include <sdbusplus/async.hpp> #include <sdbusplus/server/manager.hpp> #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Logging/Entry/client.hpp> #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Logging/event.hpp> #include <thread> #include <gmock/gmock.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> namespace phosphor::logging::test { using LoggingCleared = sdbusplus::event::xyz::openbmc_project::Logging::Cleared; using LoggingEntry = sdbusplus::client::xyz::openbmc_project::logging::Entry<>; // Fixture to spawn the log-manager for dbus-based testing. class TestLogManagerDbus : public ::testing::Test { protected: // Create the daemon and sdbusplus::async::contexts. void SetUp() override { // The daemon requires directories to be created first. std::filesystem::create_directories(phosphor::logging::paths::error()); data = std::make_unique<fixture_data>(); } // Stop the daemon, etc. void TearDown() override { data.reset(); } /** Run a client task, wait for it to complete, and stop daemon. */ template <typename T> void run(T&& t) { data->client_ctx.spawn(std::move(t) | stdexec::then([this]() { data->stop(data->client_ctx); })); data->client_ctx.run(); } // Data for the fixture. struct fixture_data { fixture_data() : client_ctx(), server_ctx(), objManager(server_ctx, OBJ_LOGGING), iMgr(server_ctx, OBJ_INTERNAL), mgr(server_ctx, OBJ_LOGGING, iMgr) { // Create a thread for the daemon. task = std::thread([this]() { server_ctx.request_name(BUSNAME_LOGGING); server_ctx.run(); }); } ~fixture_data() { // Stop the server and wait for the thread to exit. stop(server_ctx); task.join(); } // Spawn a task to gracefully shutdown an sdbusplus::async::context static void stop(sdbusplus::async::context& ctx) { ctx.spawn(stdexec::just() | stdexec::then([&ctx]() { ctx.request_stop(); })); } sdbusplus::async::context client_ctx; sdbusplus::async::context server_ctx; sdbusplus::server::manager_t objManager; internal::Manager iMgr; Manager mgr; std::thread task; }; std::unique_ptr<fixture_data> data; static constexpr auto journal_unavailable = "UNAVAILABLE"; std::string last_journal_entry() { if constexpr (LG2_COMMIT_JOURNAL) { // When running under Docker, the journal is not available and // sd-journal calls just silently pass. Return a string to make // it obvious. if (!std::filesystem::exists("/run/systemd/journal/socket")) { return journal_unavailable; } sd_journal* j = nullptr; sd_journal_open(&j, SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY); sd_journal_add_match(j, "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=test_manager_dbus_tests", SIZE_MAX); SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_BACKWARDS(j) { const char* data = nullptr; size_t length = 0; sd_journal_get_data(j, "MESSAGE", (const void**)&data, &length); std::string entry(data, length); if (entry.contains("OPENBMC_MESSAGE_ID=")) { return entry; } } } return ""; } }; // Ensure we can successfully create and throw an sdbusplus event. TEST_F(TestLogManagerDbus, GenerateSimpleEvent) { EXPECT_THROW( { throw LoggingCleared("NUMBER_OF_LOGS", 1); }, LoggingCleared); return; } // Call the synchronous version of the commit function and verify that the // daemon gives us a path. TEST_F(TestLogManagerDbus, CallCommitSync) { auto path = lg2::commit(LoggingCleared("NUMBER_OF_LOGS", 3)); if constexpr (LG2_COMMIT_DBUS) { ASSERT_FALSE(path.str.empty()); EXPECT_THAT( path.str, ::testing::StartsWith( std::filesystem::path(LoggingEntry::namespace_path::value) / LoggingEntry::namespace_path::entry)); } if constexpr (LG2_COMMIT_JOURNAL) { auto entry = last_journal_entry(); if (entry != journal_unavailable) { EXPECT_THAT(entry, ::testing::HasSubstr( "\"xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Cleared\":")); EXPECT_THAT(entry, ::testing::HasSubstr("\"NUMBER_OF_LOGS\":3")); } } } // Call the asynchronous version of the commit function and verify that the // metadata is saved correctly. TEST_F(TestLogManagerDbus, CallCommitAsync) { sdbusplus::message::object_path path{}; std::string log_count{}; pid_t pid = 0; std::string source_file{}; auto create_log = [&, this]() -> sdbusplus::async::task<> { // Log an event. path = co_await lg2::commit(data->client_ctx, LoggingCleared("NUMBER_OF_LOGS", 6)); if constexpr (LG2_COMMIT_DBUS) { // Grab the additional data. auto additionalData = co_await LoggingEntry(data->client_ctx) .service(Entry::default_service) .path(path.str) .additional_data(); // Extract the NUMBER_OF_LOGS, PID, and CODE_FILE. for (const auto& value : additionalData) { auto getValue = [&value]() { return value.substr(value.find_first_of('=') + 1); }; if (value.starts_with("NUMBER_OF_LOGS=")) { log_count = getValue(); } if (value.starts_with("_PID=")) { pid = std::stoull(getValue()); } if (value.starts_with("_CODE_FILE=")) { source_file = getValue(); } } } co_return; }; run(create_log()); if constexpr (LG2_COMMIT_DBUS) { ASSERT_FALSE(path.str.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(log_count.empty()); EXPECT_THAT( path.str, ::testing::StartsWith( std::filesystem::path(LoggingEntry::namespace_path::value) / LoggingEntry::namespace_path::entry)); EXPECT_EQ(log_count, "6"); EXPECT_EQ(pid, getpid()); EXPECT_EQ(source_file, std::source_location::current().file_name()); } if constexpr (LG2_COMMIT_JOURNAL) { auto entry = last_journal_entry(); if (entry != journal_unavailable) { EXPECT_THAT(entry, ::testing::HasSubstr( "\"xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Cleared\":")); EXPECT_THAT(entry, ::testing::HasSubstr("\"NUMBER_OF_LOGS\":6")); } } } } // namespace phosphor::logging::test