option('libonly', type: 'boolean', description: 'Build library only') option('tests', type: 'feature', description: 'Build tests') option( 'openpower-pel-extension', type: 'feature', description: 'Create PELs', value: 'disabled', ) option('yamldir', type: 'string', description: 'Path to YAML') option( 'callout_yaml', type: 'string', value: 'callouts/callouts-example.yaml', description: 'Path to Callout YAML', ) option( 'error_cap', type: 'integer', value: 200, description: 'Max number of error enttries allowed for commit', ) option( 'error_info_cap', type: 'integer', value: 10, description: 'Cap on informational (and below) severity errors', ) option( 'phal', type: 'feature', value: 'disabled', description: 'Enable support for PHAL', ) option( 'rsyslog_server_conf', type: 'string', value: '/etc/rsyslog.d/server.conf', description: 'Path to rsyslog server conf file', ) option( 'lg2_commit_strategy', type: 'combo', choices: ['dbus', 'journal', 'both'], value: 'both', )