#include "config.h" #include "log_manager.hpp" #include "elog_entry.hpp" #include "elog_meta.hpp" #include "elog_serialize.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace std::chrono; extern const std::map> meta; namespace phosphor { namespace logging { namespace internal { inline auto getLevel(const std::string& errMsg) { auto reqLevel = Entry::Level::Error; // Default to Error auto levelmap = g_errLevelMap.find(errMsg); if (levelmap != g_errLevelMap.end()) { reqLevel = static_cast(levelmap->second); } return reqLevel; } int Manager::getRealErrSize() { return realErrors.size(); } int Manager::getInfoErrSize() { return infoErrors.size(); } void Manager::commit(uint64_t transactionId, std::string errMsg) { auto level = getLevel(errMsg); _commit(transactionId, std::move(errMsg), level); } void Manager::commitWithLvl(uint64_t transactionId, std::string errMsg, uint32_t errLvl) { _commit(transactionId, std::move(errMsg), static_cast(errLvl)); } void Manager::_commit(uint64_t transactionId, std::string&& errMsg, Entry::Level errLvl) { if (errLvl < Entry::sevLowerLimit) { if (realErrors.size() >= ERROR_CAP) { erase(realErrors.front()); } } else { if (infoErrors.size() >= ERROR_INFO_CAP) { erase(infoErrors.front()); } } constexpr const auto transactionIdVar = "TRANSACTION_ID"; // Length of 'TRANSACTION_ID' string. constexpr const auto transactionIdVarSize = strlen(transactionIdVar); // Length of 'TRANSACTION_ID=' string. constexpr const auto transactionIdVarOffset = transactionIdVarSize + 1; // Flush all the pending log messages into the journal journalSync(); sd_journal* j = nullptr; int rc = sd_journal_open(&j, SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY); if (rc < 0) { logging::log( "Failed to open journal", logging::entry("DESCRIPTION=%s", strerror(-rc))); return; } std::string transactionIdStr = std::to_string(transactionId); std::set metalist; auto metamap = g_errMetaMap.find(errMsg); if (metamap != g_errMetaMap.end()) { metalist.insert(metamap->second.begin(), metamap->second.end()); } // Add _PID field information in AdditionalData. metalist.insert("_PID"); std::vector additionalData; // Read the journal from the end to get the most recent entry first. // The result from the sd_journal_get_data() is of the form VARIABLE=value. SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_BACKWARDS(j) { const char* data = nullptr; size_t length = 0; // Look for the transaction id metadata variable rc = sd_journal_get_data(j, transactionIdVar, (const void**)&data, &length); if (rc < 0) { // This journal entry does not have the TRANSACTION_ID // metadata variable. continue; } // journald does not guarantee that sd_journal_get_data() returns NULL // terminated strings, so need to specify the size to use to compare, // use the returned length instead of anything that relies on NULL // terminators like strlen(). // The data variable is in the form of 'TRANSACTION_ID=1234'. Remove // the TRANSACTION_ID characters plus the (=) sign to do the comparison. // 'data + transactionIdVarOffset' will be in the form of '1234'. // 'length - transactionIdVarOffset' will be the length of '1234'. if ((length <= (transactionIdVarOffset)) || (transactionIdStr.compare(0, transactionIdStr.size(), data + transactionIdVarOffset, length - transactionIdVarOffset) != 0)) { // The value of the TRANSACTION_ID metadata is not the requested // transaction id number. continue; } // Search for all metadata variables in the current journal entry. for (auto i = metalist.cbegin(); i != metalist.cend();) { rc = sd_journal_get_data(j, (*i).c_str(), (const void**)&data, &length); if (rc < 0) { // Metadata variable not found, check next metadata variable. i++; continue; } // Metadata variable found, save it and remove it from the set. additionalData.emplace_back(data, length); i = metalist.erase(i); } if (metalist.empty()) { // All metadata variables found, break out of journal loop. break; } } if (!metalist.empty()) { // Not all the metadata variables were found in the journal. for (auto& metaVarStr : metalist) { logging::log( "Failed to find metadata", logging::entry("META_FIELD=%s", metaVarStr.c_str())); } } sd_journal_close(j); // Create error Entry dbus object entryId++; if (errLvl >= Entry::sevLowerLimit) { infoErrors.push_back(entryId); } else { realErrors.push_back(entryId); } auto ms = std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) .count(); auto objPath = std::string(OBJ_ENTRY) + '/' + std::to_string(entryId); AssociationList objects{}; processMetadata(errMsg, additionalData, objects); auto e = std::make_unique(busLog, objPath, entryId, ms, // Milliseconds since 1970 errLvl, std::move(errMsg), std::move(additionalData), std::move(objects), fwVersion, *this); serialize(*e); entries.insert(std::make_pair(entryId, std::move(e))); } void Manager::processMetadata(const std::string& errorName, const std::vector& additionalData, AssociationList& objects) const { // additionalData is a list of "metadata=value" constexpr auto separator = '='; for (const auto& entry : additionalData) { auto found = entry.find(separator); if (std::string::npos != found) { auto metadata = entry.substr(0, found); auto iter = meta.find(metadata); if (meta.end() != iter) { (iter->second)(metadata, additionalData, objects); } } } } void Manager::erase(uint32_t entryId) { auto entry = entries.find(entryId); if (entries.end() != entry) { // Delete the persistent representation of this error. fs::path errorPath(ERRLOG_PERSIST_PATH); errorPath /= std::to_string(entryId); fs::remove(errorPath); auto removeId = [](std::list& ids, uint32_t id) { auto it = std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), id); if (it != ids.end()) { ids.erase(it); } }; if (entry->second->severity() >= Entry::sevLowerLimit) { removeId(infoErrors, entryId); } else { removeId(realErrors, entryId); } entries.erase(entry); } else { logging::log("Invalid entry ID to delete", logging::entry("ID=%d", entryId)); } } void Manager::restore() { auto sanity = [](const auto& id, const auto& restoredId) { return id == restoredId; }; std::vector errorIds; fs::path dir(ERRLOG_PERSIST_PATH); if (!fs::exists(dir) || fs::is_empty(dir)) { return; } for (auto& file : fs::directory_iterator(dir)) { auto id = file.path().filename().c_str(); auto idNum = std::stol(id); auto e = std::make_unique( busLog, std::string(OBJ_ENTRY) + '/' + id, idNum, *this); if (deserialize(file.path(), *e)) { // validate the restored error entry id if (sanity(static_cast(idNum), e->id())) { e->emit_object_added(); if (e->severity() >= Entry::sevLowerLimit) { infoErrors.push_back(idNum); } else { realErrors.push_back(idNum); } entries.insert(std::make_pair(idNum, std::move(e))); errorIds.push_back(idNum); } else { logging::log( "Failed in sanity check while restoring error entry. " "Ignoring error entry", logging::entry("ID_NUM=%d", idNum), logging::entry("ENTRY_ID=%d", e->id())); } } } if (!errorIds.empty()) { entryId = *(std::max_element(errorIds.begin(), errorIds.end())); } } void Manager::journalSync() { bool syncRequested = false; auto fd = -1; auto rc = -1; auto wd = -1; auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); auto start = duration_cast(steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) .count(); constexpr auto maxRetry = 2; for (int i = 0; i < maxRetry; i++) { // Read timestamp from synced file constexpr auto syncedPath = "/run/systemd/journal/synced"; std::ifstream syncedFile(syncedPath); if (syncedFile.fail()) { // If the synced file doesn't exist, a sync request will create it. if (errno != ENOENT) { log("Failed to open journal synced file", entry("FILENAME=%s", syncedPath), entry("ERRNO=%d", errno)); return; } } else { // Only read the synced file if it exists. // See if a sync happened by now std::string timestampStr; std::getline(syncedFile, timestampStr); auto timestamp = stoll(timestampStr); if (timestamp >= start) { return; } } // Let's ask for a sync, but only once if (!syncRequested) { syncRequested = true; constexpr auto JOURNAL_UNIT = "systemd-journald.service"; auto signal = SIGRTMIN + 1; auto method = bus.new_method_call(SYSTEMD_BUSNAME, SYSTEMD_PATH, SYSTEMD_INTERFACE, "KillUnit"); method.append(JOURNAL_UNIT, "main", signal); bus.call(method); if (method.is_method_error()) { log("Failed to kill journal service"); return; } continue; } // Let's install the inotify watch, if we didn't do that yet. This watch // monitors the syncedFile for when journald updates it with a newer // timestamp. This means the journal has been flushed. if (fd < 0) { fd = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK | IN_CLOEXEC); if (fd < 0) { log("Failed to create inotify watch", entry("ERRNO=%d", errno)); return; } constexpr auto JOURNAL_RUN_PATH = "/run/systemd/journal"; wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, JOURNAL_RUN_PATH, IN_MOVED_TO | IN_DONT_FOLLOW | IN_ONLYDIR); if (wd < 0) { log("Failed to watch journal directory", entry("PATH=%s", JOURNAL_RUN_PATH), entry("ERRNO=%d", errno)); close(fd); return; } continue; } // Let's wait until inotify reports an event struct pollfd fds = { .fd = fd, .events = POLLIN, }; constexpr auto pollTimeout = 5; // 5 seconds rc = poll(&fds, 1, pollTimeout * 1000); if (rc < 0) { log("Failed to add event", entry("ERRNO=%d", errno), entry("ERR=%s", strerror(-rc))); inotify_rm_watch(fd, wd); close(fd); return; } else if (rc == 0) { log("Poll timeout, no new journal synced data", entry("TIMEOUT=%d", pollTimeout)); break; } // Read from the specified file descriptor until there is no new data, // throwing away everything read since the timestamp will be read at the // beginning of the loop. constexpr auto maxBytes = 64; uint8_t buffer[maxBytes]; while (read(fd, buffer, maxBytes) > 0) ; } if (fd != -1) { if (wd != -1) { inotify_rm_watch(fd, wd); } close(fd); } return; } std::string Manager::readFWVersion() { std::string version; std::ifstream versionFile{BMC_VERSION_FILE}; std::string line; static constexpr auto VERSION_ID = "VERSION_ID="; while (std::getline(versionFile, line)) { if (line.find(VERSION_ID) != std::string::npos) { auto pos = line.find_first_of('"') + 1; version = line.substr(pos, line.find_last_of('"') - pos); break; } } if (version.empty()) { log("Unable to read BMC firmware version"); } return version; } } // namespace internal } // namespace logging } // namespace phosphor