/** * Copyright © 2020 IBM Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "device_callouts.hpp" #include "paths.hpp" #include #include #include namespace openpower::pels::device_callouts { constexpr auto debugFilePath = "/etc/phosphor-logging/"; constexpr auto calloutFileSuffix = "_dev_callouts.json"; namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace util { fs::path getJSONFilename(const std::vector& compatibleList) { std::vector names{compatibleList}; auto basePath = getPELReadOnlyDataPath(); fs::path fullPath; // Find an entry in the list of compatible system names that // matches a filename we have. // Also match on just _dev_callouts.json, which may be present // when it's known that compatibleList won't be correct. names.push_back(""); for (const auto& name : names) { fs::path filename = name + calloutFileSuffix; // Check the debug path first fs::path path{fs::path{debugFilePath} / filename}; if (fs::exists(path)) { lg2::info("Found device callout debug file"); fullPath = path; break; } path = basePath / filename; if (fs::exists(path)) { fullPath = path; break; } } if (fullPath.empty()) { throw std::invalid_argument( "No JSON dev path callout file for this system"); } return fullPath; } /** * @brief Reads the callout JSON into an object based on the * compatible system names list. * * @param[in] compatibleList - The list of compatible names for this * system. * * @return nlohmann::json - The JSON object */ nlohmann::json loadJSON(const std::vector& compatibleList) { auto filename = getJSONFilename(compatibleList); std::ifstream file{filename}; return nlohmann::json::parse(file); } std::tuple getI2CSearchKeys(const std::string& devPath) { std::smatch match; // Look for i2c-A/A-00BB // where A = bus number and BB = address std::regex regex{"i2c-[0-9]+/([0-9]+)-00([0-9a-f]{2})"}; regex_search(devPath, match, regex); if (match.size() != 3) { std::string msg = "Could not get I2C bus and address from " + devPath; throw std::invalid_argument{msg.c_str()}; } size_t bus = std::stoul(match[1].str(), nullptr, 0); // An I2C bus on a CFAM has everything greater than the 10s digit // as the CFAM number, so strip it off. Like: // 112 = cfam1 bus 12 // 1001 = cfam10 bus 1 bus = bus % 100; uint8_t address = std::stoul(match[2].str(), nullptr, 16); return {bus, address}; } std::string getFSISearchKeys(const std::string& devPath) { std::string links; std::smatch match; auto search = devPath; // Look for slave@XX: // where XX = link number in hex std::regex regex{"slave@([0-9a-f]{2}):"}; // Find all links in the path and separate them with hyphens. while (regex_search(search, match, regex)) { // Convert to an int first to handle a hex number like "0a" // though in reality there won't be more than links 0 - 9. auto linkNum = std::stoul(match[1].str(), nullptr, 16); links += std::to_string(linkNum) + '-'; search = match.suffix(); } if (links.empty()) { std::string msg = "Could not get FSI links from " + devPath; throw std::invalid_argument{msg.c_str()}; } // Remove the trailing '-' links.pop_back(); return links; } std::tuple> getFSII2CSearchKeys(const std::string& devPath) { // This combines the FSI and i2C search keys auto links = getFSISearchKeys(devPath); auto busAndAddr = getI2CSearchKeys(devPath); return {std::move(links), std::move(busAndAddr)}; } size_t getSPISearchKeys(const std::string& devPath) { std::smatch match; // Look for spi_master/spiX/ where X is the SPI bus/port number // Note: This doesn't distinguish between multiple chips on // the same port as no need for it yet. std::regex regex{"spi_master/spi(\\d+)/"}; regex_search(devPath, match, regex); if (match.size() != 2) { std::string msg = "Could not get SPI bus from " + devPath; throw std::invalid_argument{msg.c_str()}; } size_t port = std::stoul(match[1].str()); return port; } std::tuple getFSISPISearchKeys(const std::string& devPath) { // Combine the FSI and SPI search keys. auto links = getFSISearchKeys(devPath); auto bus = getSPISearchKeys(devPath); return {std::move(links), std::move(bus)}; } /** * @brief Pull the callouts out of the JSON callout array passed in * * Create a vector of Callout objects based on the JSON. * * This will also fill in the 'debug' member on the first callout * in the list, which could contain things like the I2C address and * bus extracted from the device path. * * The callouts are in the order they should be added to the PEL. * * @param[in] calloutJSON - The Callouts JSON array to extract from * @param[in] debug - The debug message to add to the first callout * * @return std::vector - The Callout objects */ std::vector extractCallouts(const nlohmann::json& calloutJSON, const std::string& debug) { std::vector callouts; bool addDebug = true; // The JSON element passed in is the array of callouts if (!calloutJSON.is_array()) { throw std::runtime_error( "Dev path callout JSON entry doesn't contain a 'Callouts' array"); } for (auto& callout : calloutJSON) { Callout c; // Add any debug data to the first callout if (addDebug && !debug.empty()) { addDebug = false; c.debug = debug; } try { c.locationCode = callout.at("LocationCode").get(); c.name = callout.at("Name").get(); c.priority = callout.at("Priority").get(); if (callout.contains("MRU")) { c.mru = callout.at("MRU").get(); } } catch (const nlohmann::json::out_of_range& e) { std::string msg = "Callout entry missing either LocationCode, Name, or Priority " "properties: " + callout.dump(); throw std::runtime_error(msg.c_str()); } callouts.push_back(c); } return callouts; } /** * @brief Looks up the callouts in the JSON using the I2C keys. * * @param[in] i2cBus - The I2C bus * @param[in] i2cAddress - The I2C address * @param[in] calloutJSON - The JSON containing the callouts * * @return std::vector - The callouts */ std::vector calloutI2C(size_t i2cBus, uint8_t i2cAddress, const nlohmann::json& calloutJSON) { auto busString = std::to_string(i2cBus); auto addrString = std::to_string(i2cAddress); try { const auto& callouts = calloutJSON.at("I2C").at(busString).at(addrString).at("Callouts"); auto dest = calloutJSON.at("I2C") .at(busString) .at(addrString) .at("Dest") .get(); std::string msg = "I2C: bus: " + busString + " address: " + addrString + " dest: " + dest; return extractCallouts(callouts, msg); } catch (const nlohmann::json::out_of_range& e) { std::string msg = "Problem looking up I2C callouts on " + busString + " " + addrString + ": " + std::string{e.what()}; throw std::invalid_argument(msg.c_str()); } } /** * @brief Looks up the callouts in the JSON for this I2C path. * * @param[in] devPath - The device path * @param[in] calloutJSON - The JSON containing the callouts * * @return std::vector - The callouts */ std::vector calloutI2CUsingPath(const std::string& devPath, const nlohmann::json& calloutJSON) { auto [bus, address] = getI2CSearchKeys(devPath); return calloutI2C(bus, address, calloutJSON); } /** * @brief Looks up the callouts in the JSON for this FSI path. * * @param[in] devPath - The device path * @param[in] calloutJSON - The JSON containing the callouts * * @return std::vector - The callouts */ std::vector calloutFSI(const std::string& devPath, const nlohmann::json& calloutJSON) { auto links = getFSISearchKeys(devPath); try { const auto& callouts = calloutJSON.at("FSI").at(links).at("Callouts"); auto dest = calloutJSON.at("FSI").at(links).at("Dest").get(); std::string msg = "FSI: links: " + links + " dest: " + dest; return extractCallouts(callouts, msg); } catch (const nlohmann::json::out_of_range& e) { std::string msg = "Problem looking up FSI callouts on " + links + ": " + std::string{e.what()}; throw std::invalid_argument(msg.c_str()); } } /** * @brief Looks up the callouts in the JSON for this FSI-I2C path. * * @param[in] devPath - The device path * @param[in] calloutJSON - The JSON containing the callouts * * @return std::vector - The callouts */ std::vector calloutFSII2C(const std::string& devPath, const nlohmann::json& calloutJSON) { auto linksAndI2C = getFSII2CSearchKeys(devPath); auto links = std::get(linksAndI2C); const auto& busAndAddr = std::get<1>(linksAndI2C); auto busString = std::to_string(std::get(busAndAddr)); auto addrString = std::to_string(std::get(busAndAddr)); try { auto& callouts = calloutJSON.at("FSI-I2C") .at(links) .at(busString) .at(addrString) .at("Callouts"); auto dest = calloutJSON.at("FSI-I2C") .at(links) .at(busString) .at(addrString) .at("Dest") .get(); std::string msg = "FSI-I2C: links: " + links + " bus: " + busString + " addr: " + addrString + " dest: " + dest; return extractCallouts(callouts, msg); } catch (const nlohmann::json::out_of_range& e) { std::string msg = "Problem looking up FSI-I2C callouts on " + links + " " + busString + " " + addrString + ": " + e.what(); throw std::invalid_argument(msg.c_str()); } } /** * @brief Looks up the callouts in the JSON for this FSI-SPI path. * * @param[in] devPath - The device path * @param[in] calloutJSON - The JSON containing the callouts * * @return std::vector - The callouts */ std::vector calloutFSISPI(const std::string& devPath, const nlohmann::json& calloutJSON) { auto linksAndSPI = getFSISPISearchKeys(devPath); auto links = std::get(linksAndSPI); auto busString = std::to_string(std::get(linksAndSPI)); try { auto& callouts = calloutJSON.at("FSI-SPI").at(links).at(busString).at("Callouts"); auto dest = calloutJSON.at("FSI-SPI") .at(links) .at(busString) .at("Dest") .get(); std::string msg = "FSI-SPI: links: " + links + " bus: " + busString + " dest: " + dest; return extractCallouts(callouts, msg); } catch (const nlohmann::json::out_of_range& e) { std::string msg = "Problem looking up FSI-SPI callouts on " + links + " " + busString + ": " + std::string{e.what()}; throw std::invalid_argument(msg.c_str()); } } /** * @brief Returns the callouts from the JSON based on the input * device path. * * @param[in] devPath - The device path * @param[in] json - The callout JSON * * @return std::vector - The list of callouts */ std::vector findCallouts(const std::string& devPath, const nlohmann::json& json) { std::vector callouts; fs::path path; // Gives the /sys/devices/platform/ path try { path = fs::canonical(devPath); } catch (const fs::filesystem_error& e) { // Path not there, still try to do the callout path = devPath; } switch (util::getCalloutType(path)) { case util::CalloutType::i2c: callouts = calloutI2CUsingPath(path, json); break; case util::CalloutType::fsi: callouts = calloutFSI(path, json); break; case util::CalloutType::fsii2c: callouts = calloutFSII2C(path, json); break; case util::CalloutType::fsispi: callouts = calloutFSISPI(path, json); break; default: std::string msg = "Could not get callout type from device path: " + path.string(); throw std::invalid_argument{msg.c_str()}; break; } return callouts; } CalloutType getCalloutType(const std::string& devPath) { if ((devPath.find("fsi-master") != std::string::npos) && (devPath.find("i2c-") != std::string::npos)) { return CalloutType::fsii2c; } if ((devPath.find("fsi-master") != std::string::npos) && (devPath.find("spi") != std::string::npos)) { return CalloutType::fsispi; } // Treat anything else FSI related as plain FSI if (devPath.find("fsi-master") != std::string::npos) { return CalloutType::fsi; } if (devPath.find("i2c-bus/i2c-") != std::string::npos) { return CalloutType::i2c; } return CalloutType::unknown; } } // namespace util std::vector getCallouts(const std::string& devPath, const std::vector& compatibleList) { auto json = util::loadJSON(compatibleList); return util::findCallouts(devPath, json); } std::vector getI2CCallouts(size_t i2cBus, uint8_t i2cAddress, const std::vector& compatibleList) { auto json = util::loadJSON(compatibleList); return util::calloutI2C(i2cBus, i2cAddress, json); } } // namespace openpower::pels::device_callouts