#include "config.h" #include "manager.hpp" #include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp> #include <sdbusplus/exception.hpp> #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Led/Physical/server.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <string> namespace phosphor { namespace led { // apply the led action to the map static void applyGroupAction(std::map<LedName, Layout::LedAction>& newState, Layout::LedAction action) { if (!newState.contains(action.name)) { newState[action.name] = action; return; } auto currentAction = newState[action.name]; const bool hasPriority = currentAction.priority.has_value(); if (hasPriority && currentAction.action == action.priority) { // if the current action is already the priority action, // we cannot override it return; } newState[action.name] = action; } // create the resulting new map from all currently asserted groups static auto getNewMapWithGroupPriorities( std::set<const Layout::GroupLayout*, Layout::CompareGroupLayout> sorted) -> std::map<LedName, Layout::LedAction> { std::map<LedName, Layout::LedAction> newState; // update the new map with the desired state for (const auto it : sorted) { // apply all led actions of that group to the map for (Layout::LedAction action : it->actionSet) { newState[action.name] = action; } } return newState; } static std::map<LedName, Layout::LedAction> getNewMapWithLEDPriorities( std::set<const Layout::GroupLayout*> assertedGroups) { std::map<LedName, Layout::LedAction> newState; // update the new map with the desired state for (const Layout::GroupLayout* it : assertedGroups) { // apply all led actions of that group to the map for (Layout::LedAction action : it->actionSet) { applyGroupAction(newState, action); } } return newState; } // create the resulting new map from all currently asserted groups std::map<LedName, Layout::LedAction> Manager::getNewMap(std::set<const Layout::GroupLayout*> assertedGroups) { std::map<LedName, Layout::LedAction> newState; std::set<const Layout::GroupLayout*, Layout::CompareGroupLayout> sorted; bool groupPriorities = false; for (const Layout::GroupLayout* it : assertedGroups) { sorted.insert(it); if (it->priority != 0) { groupPriorities = true; } } if (groupPriorities) { newState = getNewMapWithGroupPriorities(sorted); } else { newState = getNewMapWithLEDPriorities(assertedGroups); } return newState; } // Assert -or- De-assert bool Manager::setGroupState(const std::string& path, bool assert, ActionSet& ledsAssert, ActionSet& ledsDeAssert) { if (assert) { assertedGroups.insert(&ledMap.at(path)); } else { if (assertedGroups.contains(&ledMap.at(path))) { assertedGroups.erase(&ledMap.at(path)); } } // create the new map from the asserted groups auto newState = getNewMap(assertedGroups); // the ledsAssert are those that are in the new map and change state // + those in the new map and not in the old map for (const auto& [name, action] : newState) { if (ledStateMap.contains(name)) { // check if the led action has changed auto& currentAction = ledStateMap[name]; if (currentAction.action == action.action) continue; } ledsAssert.insert(action); } // the ledsDeAssert are those in the old map but not in the new map for (const auto& [name, action] : ledStateMap) { if (!newState.contains(name)) { ledsDeAssert.insert(action); } } ledStateMap = newState; // If we survive, then set the state accordingly. return assert; } void Manager::setLampTestCallBack( std::function<bool(ActionSet& ledsAssert, ActionSet& ledsDeAssert)> callBack) { lampTestCallBack = callBack; } /** @brief Run through the map and apply action on the LEDs */ void Manager::driveLEDs(ActionSet& ledsAssert, ActionSet& ledsDeAssert) { #ifdef USE_LAMP_TEST // Use the lampTestCallBack method and trigger the callback method in the // lamp test(processLEDUpdates), in this way, all lamp test operations // are performed in the lamp test class. if (lampTestCallBack(ledsAssert, ledsDeAssert)) { return; } #endif ActionSet newReqChangedLeds; std::vector<std::pair<ActionSet&, ActionSet&>> actionsVec = { {reqLedsAssert, ledsAssert}, {reqLedsDeAssert, ledsDeAssert}}; timer.setEnabled(false); std::set_union(ledsAssert.begin(), ledsAssert.end(), ledsDeAssert.begin(), ledsDeAssert.end(), std::inserter(newReqChangedLeds, newReqChangedLeds.begin()), ledLess); // prepare reqLedsAssert & reqLedsDeAssert for (auto pair : actionsVec) { ActionSet tmpSet; // Discard current required LED actions, if these LEDs have new actions // in newReqChangedLeds. std::set_difference(pair.first.begin(), pair.first.end(), newReqChangedLeds.begin(), newReqChangedLeds.end(), std::inserter(tmpSet, tmpSet.begin()), ledLess); // Union the remaining LED actions with new LED actions. pair.first.clear(); std::set_union(tmpSet.begin(), tmpSet.end(), pair.second.begin(), pair.second.end(), std::inserter(pair.first, pair.first.begin()), ledLess); } driveLedsHandler(); return; } // Calls into driving physical LED post choosing the action int Manager::drivePhysicalLED(const std::string& objPath, Layout::Action action, uint8_t dutyOn, const uint16_t period) { try { // If Blink, set its property if (action == Layout::Action::Blink) { PropertyValue dutyOnValue{dutyOn}; PropertyValue periodValue{period}; dBusHandler.setProperty(objPath, phyLedIntf, "DutyOn", dutyOnValue); dBusHandler.setProperty(objPath, phyLedIntf, "Period", periodValue); } PropertyValue actionValue{getPhysicalAction(action)}; dBusHandler.setProperty(objPath, phyLedIntf, "State", actionValue); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t& e) { lg2::error( "Error setting property for physical LED, ERROR = {ERROR}, OBJECT_PATH = {PATH}", "ERROR", e, "PATH", objPath); return -1; } return 0; } /** @brief Returns action string based on enum */ std::string Manager::getPhysicalAction(Layout::Action action) { namespace server = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Led::server; // TODO: openbmc/phosphor-led-manager#5 // Somehow need to use the generated Action enum than giving one // in ledlayout. if (action == Layout::Action::On) { return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::On); } else if (action == Layout::Action::Blink) { return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::Blink); } else { return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::Off); } } void Manager::driveLedsHandler(void) { ActionSet failedLedsAssert; ActionSet failedLedsDeAssert; // This order of LED operation is important. for (const auto& it : reqLedsDeAssert) { std::string objPath = std::string(phyLedPath) + it.name; lg2::debug("De-Asserting LED, NAME = {NAME}, ACTION = {ACTION}", "NAME", it.name, "ACTION", it.action); if (drivePhysicalLED(objPath, Layout::Action::Off, it.dutyOn, it.period)) { failedLedsDeAssert.insert(it); } } for (const auto& it : reqLedsAssert) { std::string objPath = std::string(phyLedPath) + it.name; lg2::debug("Asserting LED, NAME = {NAME}, ACTION = {ACTION}", "NAME", it.name, "ACTION", it.action); if (drivePhysicalLED(objPath, it.action, it.dutyOn, it.period)) { failedLedsAssert.insert(it); } } reqLedsAssert = failedLedsAssert; reqLedsDeAssert = failedLedsDeAssert; if (reqLedsDeAssert.empty() && reqLedsAssert.empty()) { timer.setEnabled(false); } else { timer.restartOnce(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } return; } } // namespace led } // namespace phosphor