/* * Copyright 2019 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "buildjson.hpp" #include "file_handler.hpp" #include "fs.hpp" #include "general_systemd.hpp" #include "skip_action.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ipmi_flash { std::unique_ptr buildFileSystemd(const nlohmann::json& data) { /* This type of action requires a path and unit, and optionally a mode. */ const auto& path = data.at("path"); const auto& unit = data.at("unit"); /* the mode parameter is optional. */ std::string systemdMode = "replace"; const auto& mode = data.find("mode"); if (mode != data.end()) { systemdMode = data.at("mode").get(); } return SystemdWithStatusFile::CreateSystemdWithStatusFile( sdbusplus::bus::new_default(), path, unit, systemdMode); } std::unique_ptr buildSystemd(const nlohmann::json& data) { /* This type of action requires a unit, and optionally a mode. */ const auto& unit = data.at("unit"); /* the mode parameter is optional. */ std::string systemdMode = "replace"; const auto& mode = data.find("mode"); if (mode != data.end()) { systemdMode = data.at("mode").get(); } return SystemdNoFile::CreateSystemdNoFile(sdbusplus::bus::new_default(), unit, systemdMode); } std::vector buildHandlerFromJson(const nlohmann::json& data) { std::vector handlers; for (const auto& item : data) { try { HandlerConfig output; /* at() throws an exception when the key is not present. */ item.at("blob").get_to(output.blobId); /* name must be: /flash/... */ if (!std::regex_match(output.blobId, std::regex("^\\/flash\\/.+"))) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid blob name: '" + output.blobId + "' must start with /flash/"); } /* handler is required. */ const auto& h = item.at("handler"); const std::string handlerType = h.at("type"); if (handlerType == "file") { const auto& path = h.at("path"); output.handler = std::make_unique(path); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid handler type: " + handlerType); } /* actions are required (presently). */ const auto& a = item.at("actions"); std::unique_ptr pack = std::make_unique(); /* to make an action optional, assign type "skip" */ const auto& prep = a.at("preparation"); const std::string prepareType = prep.at("type"); if (prepareType == "systemd") { pack->preparation = std::move(buildSystemd(prep)); } else if (prepareType == "skip") { pack->preparation = SkipAction::CreateSkipAction(); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid preparation type: " + prepareType); } const auto& verify = a.at("verification"); const std::string verifyType = verify.at("type"); if (verifyType == "fileSystemdVerify") { pack->verification = std::move(buildFileSystemd(verify)); } else if (verifyType == "systemd") { pack->verification = std::move(buildSystemd(verify)); } else if (verifyType == "skip") { pack->verification = SkipAction::CreateSkipAction(); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid verification type:" + verifyType); } const auto& update = a.at("update"); const std::string updateType = update.at("type"); if (updateType == "reboot") { pack->update = SystemdNoFile::CreateSystemdNoFile( sdbusplus::bus::new_default(), "reboot.target", "replace-irreversibly"); } else if (updateType == "fileSystemdUpdate") { pack->update = std::move(buildFileSystemd(update)); } else if (updateType == "systemd") { pack->update = std::move(buildSystemd(update)); } else if (updateType == "skip") { pack->update = SkipAction::CreateSkipAction(); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid update type: " + updateType); } output.actions = std::move(pack); handlers.push_back(std::move(output)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { /* TODO: Once phosphor-logging supports unit-test injection, fix * this to log. */ std::fprintf(stderr, "Excepted building HandlerConfig from json: %s\n", e.what()); } } return handlers; } std::vector BuildHandlerConfigs(const std::string& directory) { using namespace phosphor::logging; std::vector output; std::vector jsonPaths = GetJsonList(directory); for (const auto& path : jsonPaths) { std::ifstream jsonFile(path); if (!jsonFile.is_open()) { log("Unable to open json file", entry("PATH=%s", path.c_str())); continue; } auto data = nlohmann::json::parse(jsonFile, nullptr, false); if (data.is_discarded()) { log("Parsing json failed", entry("PATH=%s", path.c_str())); continue; } std::vector configs = buildHandlerFromJson(data); std::move(configs.begin(), configs.end(), std::back_inserter(output)); } return output; } } // namespace ipmi_flash