#include "transporthandler.hpp" using phosphor::logging::commit; using phosphor::logging::elog; using phosphor::logging::entry; using phosphor::logging::level; using phosphor::logging::log; using sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InternalFailure; using sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Network::server::EthernetInterface; using sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Network::server::IP; using sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Network::server::Neighbor; namespace cipher { std::vector<uint8_t> getCipherList() { std::vector<uint8_t> cipherList; std::ifstream jsonFile(cipher::configFile); if (!jsonFile.is_open()) { log<level::ERR>("Channel Cipher suites file not found"); elog<InternalFailure>(); } auto data = Json::parse(jsonFile, nullptr, false); if (data.is_discarded()) { log<level::ERR>("Parsing channel cipher suites JSON failed"); elog<InternalFailure>(); } // Byte 1 is reserved cipherList.push_back(0x00); for (const auto& record : data) { cipherList.push_back(record.value(cipher, 0)); } return cipherList; } } // namespace cipher namespace ipmi { namespace transport { /** @brief Valid address origins for IPv4 */ const std::unordered_set<IP::AddressOrigin> originsV4 = { IP::AddressOrigin::Static, IP::AddressOrigin::DHCP, }; static constexpr uint8_t oemCmdStart = 192; static constexpr uint8_t oemCmdEnd = 255; std::optional<ChannelParams> maybeGetChannelParams(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, uint8_t channel) { auto ifname = getChannelName(channel); if (ifname.empty()) { return std::nullopt; } // Enumerate all VLAN + ETHERNET interfaces auto req = bus.new_method_call(MAPPER_BUS_NAME, MAPPER_OBJ, MAPPER_INTF, "GetSubTree"); req.append(PATH_ROOT, 0, std::vector<std::string>{INTF_VLAN, INTF_ETHERNET}); auto reply = bus.call(req); ObjectTree objs; reply.read(objs); ChannelParams params; for (const auto& [path, impls] : objs) { if (path.find(ifname) == path.npos) { continue; } for (const auto& [service, intfs] : impls) { bool vlan = false; bool ethernet = false; for (const auto& intf : intfs) { if (intf == INTF_VLAN) { vlan = true; } else if (intf == INTF_ETHERNET) { ethernet = true; } } if (params.service.empty() && (vlan || ethernet)) { params.service = service; } if (params.ifPath.empty() && !vlan && ethernet) { params.ifPath = path; } if (params.logicalPath.empty() && vlan) { params.logicalPath = path; } } } // We must have a path for the underlying interface if (params.ifPath.empty()) { return std::nullopt; } // We don't have a VLAN so the logical path is the same if (params.logicalPath.empty()) { params.logicalPath = params.ifPath; } params.id = channel; params.ifname = std::move(ifname); return std::move(params); } ChannelParams getChannelParams(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, uint8_t channel) { auto params = maybeGetChannelParams(bus, channel); if (!params) { log<level::ERR>("Failed to get channel params", entry("CHANNEL=%" PRIu8, channel)); elog<InternalFailure>(); } return std::move(*params); } /** @brief Wraps the phosphor logging method to insert some additional metadata * * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * ... */ template <auto level, typename... Args> auto logWithChannel(const ChannelParams& params, Args&&... args) { return log<level>(std::forward<Args>(args)..., entry("CHANNEL=%d", params.id), entry("IFNAME=%s", params.ifname.c_str())); } template <auto level, typename... Args> auto logWithChannel(const std::optional<ChannelParams>& params, Args&&... args) { if (params) { return logWithChannel<level>(*params, std::forward<Args>(args)...); } return log<level>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); } EthernetInterface::DHCPConf getDHCPProperty(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params) { std::string dhcpstr = std::get<std::string>(getDbusProperty( bus, params.service, params.logicalPath, INTF_ETHERNET, "DHCPEnabled")); return EthernetInterface::convertDHCPConfFromString(dhcpstr); } /** @brief Sets the DHCP v4 state on the given interface * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] requestedDhcp - DHCP state to assign * (EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none, * EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4, * EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v6, * EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both) */ void setDHCPv4Property(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, const EthernetInterface::DHCPConf requestedDhcp) { EthernetInterface::DHCPConf currentDhcp = getDHCPProperty(bus, params); EthernetInterface::DHCPConf nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none; // When calling setDHCPv4Property, requestedDhcp only has "v4" and "none". // setDHCPv4Property is only for IPv4 management. It should not modify // IPv6 state. if (requestedDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) { if ((currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v6) || (currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both)) nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both; else if ((currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none)) nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4; } else if (requestedDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none) { if ((currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v6) || (currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both)) nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v6; else if ((currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none)) nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none; } else // Stay the same. { nextDhcp = currentDhcp; } std::string newDhcp = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Network::server::convertForMessage( nextDhcp); setDbusProperty(bus, params.service, params.logicalPath, INTF_ETHERNET, "DHCPEnabled", newDhcp); } void setDHCPv6Property(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, const EthernetInterface::DHCPConf requestedDhcp, const bool defaultMode = true) { EthernetInterface::DHCPConf currentDhcp = getDHCPProperty(bus, params); EthernetInterface::DHCPConf nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none; if (defaultMode) { // When calling setDHCPv6Property, requestedDhcp only has "v6" and // "none". // setDHCPv6Property is only for IPv6 management. It should not modify // IPv4 state. if (requestedDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v6) { if ((currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both)) nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both; else if ((currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v6) || (currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none)) nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v6; } else if (requestedDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none) { if ((currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both)) nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4; else if ((currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v6) || (currentDhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none)) nextDhcp = EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none; } else // Stay the same. { nextDhcp = currentDhcp; } } else { // allow the v6 call to set any value nextDhcp = requestedDhcp; } std::string newDhcp = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Network::server::convertForMessage( nextDhcp); setDbusProperty(bus, params.service, params.logicalPath, INTF_ETHERNET, "DHCPEnabled", newDhcp); } ether_addr stringToMAC(const char* mac) { const ether_addr* ret = ether_aton(mac); if (ret == nullptr) { log<level::ERR>("Invalid MAC Address", entry("MAC=%s", mac)); elog<InternalFailure>(); } return *ret; } /** @brief Determines the MAC of the ethernet interface * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @return The configured mac address */ ether_addr getMACProperty(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params) { auto macStr = std::get<std::string>(getDbusProperty( bus, params.service, params.ifPath, INTF_MAC, "MACAddress")); return stringToMAC(macStr.c_str()); } /** @brief Sets the system value for MAC address on the given interface * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] mac - MAC address to apply */ void setMACProperty(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, const ether_addr& mac) { std::string macStr = ether_ntoa(&mac); setDbusProperty(bus, params.service, params.ifPath, INTF_MAC, "MACAddress", macStr); } void deleteObjectIfExists(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const std::string& service, const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { return; } try { auto req = bus.new_method_call(service.c_str(), path.c_str(), ipmi::DELETE_INTERFACE, "Delete"); bus.call_noreply(req); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception::exception& e) { if (strcmp(e.name(), "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure") != 0 && strcmp(e.name(), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject") != 0) { // We want to rethrow real errors throw; } } } /** @brief Sets the address info configured for the interface * If a previous address path exists then it will be removed * before the new address is added. * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] address - The address of the new IP * @param[in] prefix - The prefix of the new IP */ template <int family> void createIfAddr(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, const typename AddrFamily<family>::addr& address, uint8_t prefix) { auto newreq = bus.new_method_call(params.service.c_str(), params.logicalPath.c_str(), INTF_IP_CREATE, "IP"); std::string protocol = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Network::server::convertForMessage( AddrFamily<family>::protocol); newreq.append(protocol, addrToString<family>(address), prefix, ""); bus.call_noreply(newreq); } /** @brief Trivial helper for getting the IPv4 address from getIfAddrs() * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @return The address and prefix if found */ auto getIfAddr4(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params) { return getIfAddr<AF_INET>(bus, params, 0, originsV4); } /** @brief Reconfigures the IPv4 address info configured for the interface * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] address - The new address if specified * @param[in] prefix - The new address prefix if specified */ void reconfigureIfAddr4(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, const std::optional<in_addr>& address, std::optional<uint8_t> prefix) { auto ifaddr = getIfAddr4(bus, params); if (!ifaddr && !address) { log<level::ERR>("Missing address for IPv4 assignment"); elog<InternalFailure>(); } uint8_t fallbackPrefix = AddrFamily<AF_INET>::defaultPrefix; if (ifaddr) { fallbackPrefix = ifaddr->prefix; deleteObjectIfExists(bus, params.service, ifaddr->path); } createIfAddr<AF_INET>(bus, params, address.value_or(ifaddr->address), prefix.value_or(fallbackPrefix)); } template <int family> std::optional<IfNeigh<family>> findGatewayNeighbor(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, ObjectLookupCache& neighbors) { auto gateway = getGatewayProperty<family>(bus, params); if (!gateway) { return std::nullopt; } return findStaticNeighbor<family>(bus, params, *gateway, neighbors); } template <int family> std::optional<IfNeigh<family>> getGatewayNeighbor(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params) { ObjectLookupCache neighbors(bus, params, INTF_NEIGHBOR); return findGatewayNeighbor<family>(bus, params, neighbors); } template <int family> void reconfigureGatewayMAC(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, const ether_addr& mac) { auto gateway = getGatewayProperty<family>(bus, params); if (!gateway) { log<level::ERR>("Tried to set Gateway MAC without Gateway"); elog<InternalFailure>(); } ObjectLookupCache neighbors(bus, params, INTF_NEIGHBOR); auto neighbor = findStaticNeighbor<family>(bus, params, *gateway, neighbors); if (neighbor) { deleteObjectIfExists(bus, params.service, neighbor->path); } createNeighbor<family>(bus, params, *gateway, mac); } /** @brief Deconfigures the IPv6 address info configured for the interface * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] idx - The address index to operate on */ void deconfigureIfAddr6(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, uint8_t idx) { auto ifaddr = getIfAddr<AF_INET6>(bus, params, idx, originsV6Static); if (ifaddr) { deleteObjectIfExists(bus, params.service, ifaddr->path); } } /** @brief Reconfigures the IPv6 address info configured for the interface * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] idx - The address index to operate on * @param[in] address - The new address * @param[in] prefix - The new address prefix */ void reconfigureIfAddr6(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, uint8_t idx, const in6_addr& address, uint8_t prefix) { deconfigureIfAddr6(bus, params, idx); createIfAddr<AF_INET6>(bus, params, address, prefix); } /** @brief Converts the AddressOrigin into an IPv6Source * * @param[in] origin - The DBus Address Origin to convert * @return The IPv6Source version of the origin */ IPv6Source originToSourceType(IP::AddressOrigin origin) { switch (origin) { case IP::AddressOrigin::Static: return IPv6Source::Static; case IP::AddressOrigin::DHCP: return IPv6Source::DHCP; case IP::AddressOrigin::SLAAC: return IPv6Source::SLAAC; default: { auto originStr = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Network::server:: convertForMessage(origin); log<level::ERR>( "Invalid IP::AddressOrigin conversion to IPv6Source", entry("ORIGIN=%s", originStr.c_str())); elog<InternalFailure>(); } } } /** @brief Packs the IPMI message response with IPv6 address data * * @param[out] ret - The IPMI response payload to be packed * @param[in] channel - The channel id corresponding to an ethernet interface * @param[in] set - The set selector for determining address index * @param[in] origins - Set of valid origins for address filtering */ void getLanIPv6Address(message::Payload& ret, uint8_t channel, uint8_t set, const std::unordered_set<IP::AddressOrigin>& origins) { auto source = IPv6Source::Static; bool enabled = false; in6_addr addr{}; uint8_t prefix{}; auto status = IPv6AddressStatus::Disabled; auto ifaddr = channelCall<getIfAddr<AF_INET6>>(channel, set, origins); if (ifaddr) { source = originToSourceType(ifaddr->origin); enabled = (origins == originsV6Static); addr = ifaddr->address; prefix = ifaddr->prefix; status = IPv6AddressStatus::Active; } ret.pack(set); ret.pack(types::enum_cast<uint4_t>(source), uint3_t{}, enabled); ret.pack(std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&addr), sizeof(addr))); ret.pack(prefix); ret.pack(types::enum_cast<uint8_t>(status)); } /** @brief Gets the vlan ID configured on the interface * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @return VLAN id or the standard 0 for no VLAN */ uint16_t getVLANProperty(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params) { // VLAN devices will always have a separate logical object if (params.ifPath == params.logicalPath) { return 0; } auto vlan = std::get<uint32_t>(getDbusProperty( bus, params.service, params.logicalPath, INTF_VLAN, "Id")); if ((vlan & VLAN_VALUE_MASK) != vlan) { logWithChannel<level::ERR>(params, "networkd returned an invalid vlan", entry("VLAN=%" PRIu32, vlan)); elog<InternalFailure>(); } return vlan; } /** @brief Deletes all of the possible configuration parameters for a channel * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel */ void deconfigureChannel(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, ChannelParams& params) { // Delete all objects associated with the interface auto objreq = bus.new_method_call(MAPPER_BUS_NAME, MAPPER_OBJ, MAPPER_INTF, "GetSubTree"); objreq.append(PATH_ROOT, 0, std::vector<std::string>{DELETE_INTERFACE}); auto objreply = bus.call(objreq); ObjectTree objs; objreply.read(objs); for (const auto& [path, impls] : objs) { if (path.find(params.ifname) == path.npos) { continue; } for (const auto& [service, intfs] : impls) { deleteObjectIfExists(bus, service, path); } // Update params to reflect the deletion of vlan if (path == params.logicalPath) { params.logicalPath = params.ifPath; } } // Clear out any settings on the lower physical interface setDHCPv6Property(bus, params, EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none, false); } /** @brief Creates a new VLAN on the specified interface * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] vlan - The id of the new vlan */ void createVLAN(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, ChannelParams& params, uint16_t vlan) { if (vlan == 0) { return; } auto req = bus.new_method_call(params.service.c_str(), PATH_ROOT, INTF_VLAN_CREATE, "VLAN"); req.append(params.ifname, static_cast<uint32_t>(vlan)); auto reply = bus.call(req); sdbusplus::message::object_path newPath; reply.read(newPath); params.logicalPath = std::move(newPath); } /** @brief Performs the necessary reconfiguration to change the VLAN * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] vlan - The new vlan id to use */ void reconfigureVLAN(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, ChannelParams& params, uint16_t vlan) { // Unfortunatetly we don't have built-in functions to migrate our interface // customizations to new VLAN interfaces, or have some kind of decoupling. // We therefore must retain all of our old information, setup the new VLAN // configuration, then restore the old info. // Save info from the old logical interface ObjectLookupCache ips(bus, params, INTF_IP); auto ifaddr4 = findIfAddr<AF_INET>(bus, params, 0, originsV4, ips); std::vector<IfAddr<AF_INET6>> ifaddrs6; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_IPV6_STATIC_ADDRESSES; ++i) { auto ifaddr6 = findIfAddr<AF_INET6>(bus, params, i, originsV6Static, ips); if (!ifaddr6) { break; } ifaddrs6.push_back(std::move(*ifaddr6)); } EthernetInterface::DHCPConf dhcp = getDHCPProperty(bus, params); ObjectLookupCache neighbors(bus, params, INTF_NEIGHBOR); auto neighbor4 = findGatewayNeighbor<AF_INET>(bus, params, neighbors); auto neighbor6 = findGatewayNeighbor<AF_INET6>(bus, params, neighbors); deconfigureChannel(bus, params); createVLAN(bus, params, vlan); // Re-establish the saved settings setDHCPv6Property(bus, params, dhcp, false); if (ifaddr4) { createIfAddr<AF_INET>(bus, params, ifaddr4->address, ifaddr4->prefix); } for (const auto& ifaddr6 : ifaddrs6) { createIfAddr<AF_INET6>(bus, params, ifaddr6.address, ifaddr6.prefix); } if (neighbor4) { createNeighbor<AF_INET>(bus, params, neighbor4->ip, neighbor4->mac); } if (neighbor6) { createNeighbor<AF_INET6>(bus, params, neighbor6->ip, neighbor6->mac); } } /** @brief Turns a prefix into a netmask * * @param[in] prefix - The prefix length * @return The netmask */ in_addr prefixToNetmask(uint8_t prefix) { if (prefix > 32) { log<level::ERR>("Invalid prefix", entry("PREFIX=%" PRIu8, prefix)); elog<InternalFailure>(); } if (prefix == 0) { // Avoids 32-bit lshift by 32 UB return {}; } return {htobe32(~UINT32_C(0) << (32 - prefix))}; } /** @brief Turns a a netmask into a prefix length * * @param[in] netmask - The netmask in byte form * @return The prefix length */ uint8_t netmaskToPrefix(in_addr netmask) { uint32_t x = be32toh(netmask.s_addr); if ((~x & (~x + 1)) != 0) { char maskStr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &netmask, maskStr, sizeof(maskStr)); log<level::ERR>("Invalid netmask", entry("NETMASK=%s", maskStr)); elog<InternalFailure>(); } return static_cast<bool>(x) ? AddrFamily<AF_INET>::defaultPrefix - __builtin_ctz(x) : 0; } // We need to store this value so it can be returned to the client // It is volatile so safe to store in daemon memory. static std::unordered_map<uint8_t, SetStatus> setStatus; // Until we have good support for fixed versions of IPMI tool // we need to return the VLAN id for disabled VLANs. The value is only // used for verification that a disable operation succeeded and will only // be sent if our system indicates that vlans are disabled. static std::unordered_map<uint8_t, uint16_t> lastDisabledVlan; /** @brief Gets the set status for the channel if it exists * Otherise populates and returns the default value. * * @param[in] channel - The channel id corresponding to an ethernet interface * @return A reference to the SetStatus for the channel */ SetStatus& getSetStatus(uint8_t channel) { auto it = setStatus.find(channel); if (it != setStatus.end()) { return it->second; } return setStatus[channel] = SetStatus::Complete; } /** @brief Gets the IPv6 Router Advertisement value * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @return networkd IPV6AcceptRA value */ static bool getIPv6AcceptRA(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params) { auto raEnabled = std::get<bool>(getDbusProperty(bus, params.service, params.logicalPath, INTF_ETHERNET, "IPv6AcceptRA")); return raEnabled; } /** @brief Sets the IPv6AcceptRA flag * * @param[in] bus - The bus object used for lookups * @param[in] params - The parameters for the channel * @param[in] ipv6AcceptRA - boolean to enable/disable IPv6 Routing * Advertisement */ void setIPv6AcceptRA(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const ChannelParams& params, const bool ipv6AcceptRA) { setDbusProperty(bus, params.service, params.logicalPath, INTF_ETHERNET, "IPv6AcceptRA", ipv6AcceptRA); } /** * Define placeholder command handlers for the OEM Extension bytes for the Set * LAN Configuration Parameters and Get LAN Configuration Parameters * commands. Using "weak" linking allows the placeholder setLanOem/getLanOem * functions below to be overridden. * To create handlers for your own proprietary command set: * Create/modify a phosphor-ipmi-host Bitbake append file within your Yocto * recipe * Create C++ file(s) that define IPMI handler functions matching the * function names below (i.e. setLanOem). The default name for the * transport IPMI commands is transporthandler_oem.cpp. * Add: * EXTRA_OECONF_append = " --enable-transport-oem=yes" * Create a do_compile_prepend()/do_install_append method in your * bbappend file to copy the file to the build directory. * Add: * PROJECT_SRC_DIR := "${THISDIR}/${PN}" * # Copy the "strong" functions into the working directory, overriding the * # placeholder functions. * do_compile_prepend(){ * cp -f ${PROJECT_SRC_DIR}/transporthandler_oem.cpp ${S} * } * * # Clean up after complilation has completed * do_install_append(){ * rm -f ${S}/transporthandler_oem.cpp * } * */ /** * Define the placeholder OEM commands as having weak linkage. Create * setLanOem, and getLanOem functions in the transporthandler_oem.cpp * file. The functions defined there must not have the "weak" attribute * applied to them. */ RspType<> setLanOem(uint8_t channel, uint8_t parameter, message::Payload& req) __attribute__((weak)); RspType<message::Payload> getLanOem(uint8_t channel, uint8_t parameter, uint8_t set, uint8_t block) __attribute__((weak)); RspType<> setLanOem(uint8_t channel, uint8_t parameter, message::Payload& req) { req.trailingOk = true; return response(ccParamNotSupported); } RspType<message::Payload> getLanOem(uint8_t channel, uint8_t parameter, uint8_t set, uint8_t block) { return response(ccParamNotSupported); } /** * @brief is MAC address valid. * * This function checks whether the MAC address is valid or not. * * @param[in] mac - MAC address. * @return true if MAC address is valid else retun false. **/ bool isValidMACAddress(const ether_addr& mac) { // check if mac address is empty if (equal(mac, ether_addr{})) { return false; } // we accept only unicast MAC addresses and same thing has been checked in // phosphor-network layer. If the least significant bit of the first octet // is set to 1, it is multicast MAC else it is unicast MAC address. if (mac.ether_addr_octet[0] & 1) { return false; } return true; } RspType<> setLan(Context::ptr ctx, uint4_t channelBits, uint4_t reserved1, uint8_t parameter, message::Payload& req) { const uint8_t channel = convertCurrentChannelNum( static_cast<uint8_t>(channelBits), ctx->channel); if (reserved1 || !isValidChannel(channel)) { log<level::ERR>("Set Lan - Invalid field in request"); req.trailingOk = true; return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } switch (static_cast<LanParam>(parameter)) { case LanParam::SetStatus: { uint2_t flag; uint6_t rsvd; if (req.unpack(flag, rsvd) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } if (rsvd) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } auto status = static_cast<SetStatus>(static_cast<uint8_t>(flag)); switch (status) { case SetStatus::Complete: { getSetStatus(channel) = status; return responseSuccess(); } case SetStatus::InProgress: { auto& storedStatus = getSetStatus(channel); if (storedStatus == SetStatus::InProgress) { return response(ccParamSetLocked); } storedStatus = status; return responseSuccess(); } case SetStatus::Commit: if (getSetStatus(channel) != SetStatus::InProgress) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } return responseSuccess(); } return response(ccParamNotSupported); } case LanParam::AuthSupport: { req.trailingOk = true; return response(ccParamReadOnly); } case LanParam::AuthEnables: { req.trailingOk = true; return response(ccParamReadOnly); } case LanParam::IP: { EthernetInterface::DHCPConf dhcp = channelCall<getDHCPProperty>(channel); if ((dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both)) { return responseCommandNotAvailable(); } in_addr ip; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(ip)> bytes; if (req.unpack(bytes) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } copyInto(ip, bytes); channelCall<reconfigureIfAddr4>(channel, ip, std::nullopt); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::IPSrc: { uint4_t flag; uint4_t rsvd; if (req.unpack(flag, rsvd) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } if (rsvd) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } switch (static_cast<IPSrc>(static_cast<uint8_t>(flag))) { case IPSrc::DHCP: { // The IPSrc IPMI command is only for IPv4 // management. Modifying IPv6 state is done using // a completely different Set LAN Configuration // subcommand. channelCall<setDHCPv4Property>( channel, EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4); return responseSuccess(); } case IPSrc::Unspecified: case IPSrc::Static: { channelCall<setDHCPv4Property>( channel, EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none); return responseSuccess(); } case IPSrc::BIOS: case IPSrc::BMC: { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } } return response(ccParamNotSupported); } case LanParam::MAC: { ether_addr mac; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(mac)> bytes; if (req.unpack(bytes) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } copyInto(mac, bytes); if (!isValidMACAddress(mac)) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } channelCall<setMACProperty>(channel, mac); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::SubnetMask: { EthernetInterface::DHCPConf dhcp = channelCall<getDHCPProperty>(channel); if ((dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both)) { return responseCommandNotAvailable(); } in_addr netmask; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(netmask)> bytes; if (req.unpack(bytes) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } copyInto(netmask, bytes); channelCall<reconfigureIfAddr4>(channel, std::nullopt, netmaskToPrefix(netmask)); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::Gateway1: { EthernetInterface::DHCPConf dhcp = channelCall<getDHCPProperty>(channel); if ((dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both)) { return responseCommandNotAvailable(); } in_addr gateway; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(gateway)> bytes; if (req.unpack(bytes) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } copyInto(gateway, bytes); channelCall<setGatewayProperty<AF_INET>>(channel, gateway); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::Gateway1MAC: { ether_addr gatewayMAC; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(gatewayMAC)> bytes; if (req.unpack(bytes) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } copyInto(gatewayMAC, bytes); channelCall<reconfigureGatewayMAC<AF_INET>>(channel, gatewayMAC); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::VLANId: { uint12_t vlanData = 0; uint3_t reserved = 0; bool vlanEnable = 0; if (req.unpack(vlanData) || req.unpack(reserved) || req.unpack(vlanEnable) || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } if (reserved) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } uint16_t vlan = static_cast<uint16_t>(vlanData); if (!vlanEnable) { lastDisabledVlan[channel] = vlan; vlan = 0; } else if (vlan == 0 || vlan == VLAN_VALUE_MASK) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } channelCall<reconfigureVLAN>(channel, vlan); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::CiphersuiteSupport: case LanParam::CiphersuiteEntries: case LanParam::IPFamilySupport: { req.trailingOk = true; return response(ccParamReadOnly); } case LanParam::IPFamilyEnables: { uint8_t enables; if (req.unpack(enables) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } switch (static_cast<IPFamilyEnables>(enables)) { case IPFamilyEnables::DualStack: return responseSuccess(); case IPFamilyEnables::IPv4Only: case IPFamilyEnables::IPv6Only: return response(ccParamNotSupported); } return response(ccParamNotSupported); } case LanParam::IPv6Status: { req.trailingOk = true; return response(ccParamReadOnly); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticAddresses: { uint8_t set; uint7_t rsvd; bool enabled; in6_addr ip; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(ip)> ipbytes; uint8_t prefix; uint8_t status; if (req.unpack(set, rsvd, enabled, ipbytes, prefix, status) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } if (rsvd) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } copyInto(ip, ipbytes); if (enabled) { try { channelCall<reconfigureIfAddr6>(channel, set, ip, prefix); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception::exception& e) { if (std::string_view err{ "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument"}; err == e.name()) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } else { throw; } } } else { channelCall<deconfigureIfAddr6>(channel, set); } return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::IPv6DynamicAddresses: { req.trailingOk = true; return response(ccParamReadOnly); } case LanParam::IPv6RouterControl: { std::bitset<8> control; constexpr uint8_t reservedRACCBits = 0xfc; if (req.unpack(control) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } if (std::bitset<8> expected(control & std::bitset<8>(reservedRACCBits)); expected.any()) { return response(ccParamNotSupported); } bool enableRA = control[IPv6RouterControlFlag::Dynamic]; channelCall<setIPv6AcceptRA>(channel, enableRA); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticRouter1IP: { in6_addr gateway; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(gateway)> bytes; if (req.unpack(bytes) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } copyInto(gateway, bytes); channelCall<setGatewayProperty<AF_INET6>>(channel, gateway); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticRouter1MAC: { ether_addr mac; std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(mac)> bytes; if (req.unpack(bytes) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } copyInto(mac, bytes); channelCall<reconfigureGatewayMAC<AF_INET6>>(channel, mac); return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticRouter1PrefixLength: { uint8_t prefix; if (req.unpack(prefix) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } if (prefix != 0) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticRouter1PrefixValue: { std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(in6_addr)> bytes; if (req.unpack(bytes) != 0 || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } // Accept any prefix value since our prefix length has to be 0 return responseSuccess(); } case LanParam::cipherSuitePrivilegeLevels: { uint8_t reserved; std::array<uint4_t, ipmi::maxCSRecords> cipherSuitePrivs; if (req.unpack(reserved, cipherSuitePrivs) || !req.fullyUnpacked()) { return responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } if (reserved) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } uint8_t resp = getCipherConfigObject(csPrivFileName, csPrivDefaultFileName) .setCSPrivilegeLevels(channel, cipherSuitePrivs); if (!resp) { return responseSuccess(); } else { req.trailingOk = true; return response(resp); } } } if ((parameter >= oemCmdStart) && (parameter <= oemCmdEnd)) { return setLanOem(channel, parameter, req); } req.trailingOk = true; return response(ccParamNotSupported); } RspType<message::Payload> getLan(Context::ptr ctx, uint4_t channelBits, uint3_t reserved, bool revOnly, uint8_t parameter, uint8_t set, uint8_t block) { message::Payload ret; constexpr uint8_t current_revision = 0x11; ret.pack(current_revision); if (revOnly) { return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } const uint8_t channel = convertCurrentChannelNum( static_cast<uint8_t>(channelBits), ctx->channel); if (reserved || !isValidChannel(channel)) { log<level::ERR>("Get Lan - Invalid field in request"); return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } static std::vector<uint8_t> cipherList; static bool listInit = false; if (!listInit) { try { cipherList = cipher::getCipherList(); listInit = true; } catch (const std::exception& e) { } } switch (static_cast<LanParam>(parameter)) { case LanParam::SetStatus: { SetStatus status; try { status = setStatus.at(channel); } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { status = SetStatus::Complete; } ret.pack(types::enum_cast<uint2_t>(status), uint6_t{}); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::AuthSupport: { std::bitset<6> support; ret.pack(support, uint2_t{}); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::AuthEnables: { std::bitset<6> enables; ret.pack(enables, uint2_t{}); // Callback ret.pack(enables, uint2_t{}); // User ret.pack(enables, uint2_t{}); // Operator ret.pack(enables, uint2_t{}); // Admin ret.pack(enables, uint2_t{}); // OEM return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IP: { auto ifaddr = channelCall<getIfAddr4>(channel); in_addr addr{}; if (ifaddr) { addr = ifaddr->address; } ret.pack(dataRef(addr)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPSrc: { auto src = IPSrc::Static; EthernetInterface::DHCPConf dhcp = channelCall<getDHCPProperty>(channel); if ((dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::both)) { src = IPSrc::DHCP; } ret.pack(types::enum_cast<uint4_t>(src), uint4_t{}); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::MAC: { ether_addr mac = channelCall<getMACProperty>(channel); ret.pack(dataRef(mac)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::SubnetMask: { auto ifaddr = channelCall<getIfAddr4>(channel); uint8_t prefix = AddrFamily<AF_INET>::defaultPrefix; if (ifaddr) { prefix = ifaddr->prefix; } in_addr netmask = prefixToNetmask(prefix); ret.pack(dataRef(netmask)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::Gateway1: { auto gateway = channelCall<getGatewayProperty<AF_INET>>(channel).value_or( in_addr{}); ret.pack(dataRef(gateway)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::Gateway1MAC: { ether_addr mac{}; auto neighbor = channelCall<getGatewayNeighbor<AF_INET>>(channel); if (neighbor) { mac = neighbor->mac; } ret.pack(dataRef(mac)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::VLANId: { uint16_t vlan = channelCall<getVLANProperty>(channel); if (vlan != 0) { vlan |= VLAN_ENABLE_FLAG; } else { vlan = lastDisabledVlan[channel]; } ret.pack(vlan); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::CiphersuiteSupport: { if (getChannelSessionSupport(channel) == EChannelSessSupported::none) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } if (!listInit) { return responseUnspecifiedError(); } ret.pack(static_cast<uint8_t>(cipherList.size() - 1)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::CiphersuiteEntries: { if (getChannelSessionSupport(channel) == EChannelSessSupported::none) { return responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } if (!listInit) { return responseUnspecifiedError(); } ret.pack(cipherList); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPFamilySupport: { std::bitset<8> support; support[IPFamilySupportFlag::IPv6Only] = 0; support[IPFamilySupportFlag::DualStack] = 1; support[IPFamilySupportFlag::IPv6Alerts] = 1; ret.pack(support); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPFamilyEnables: { ret.pack(static_cast<uint8_t>(IPFamilyEnables::DualStack)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPv6Status: { ret.pack(MAX_IPV6_STATIC_ADDRESSES); ret.pack(MAX_IPV6_DYNAMIC_ADDRESSES); std::bitset<8> support; support[IPv6StatusFlag::DHCP] = 1; support[IPv6StatusFlag::SLAAC] = 1; ret.pack(support); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticAddresses: { if (set >= MAX_IPV6_STATIC_ADDRESSES) { return responseParmOutOfRange(); } getLanIPv6Address(ret, channel, set, originsV6Static); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPv6DynamicAddresses: { if (set >= MAX_IPV6_DYNAMIC_ADDRESSES) { return responseParmOutOfRange(); } getLanIPv6Address(ret, channel, set, originsV6Dynamic); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPv6RouterControl: { std::bitset<8> control; control[IPv6RouterControlFlag::Dynamic] = channelCall<getIPv6AcceptRA>(channel); control[IPv6RouterControlFlag::Static] = 1; ret.pack(control); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticRouter1IP: { in6_addr gateway{}; EthernetInterface::DHCPConf dhcp = channelCall<getDHCPProperty>(channel); if ((dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::v4) || (dhcp == EthernetInterface::DHCPConf::none)) { gateway = channelCall<getGatewayProperty<AF_INET6>>(channel).value_or( in6_addr{}); } ret.pack(dataRef(gateway)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticRouter1MAC: { ether_addr mac{}; auto neighbor = channelCall<getGatewayNeighbor<AF_INET6>>(channel); if (neighbor) { mac = neighbor->mac; } ret.pack(dataRef(mac)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticRouter1PrefixLength: { ret.pack(UINT8_C(0)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::IPv6StaticRouter1PrefixValue: { in6_addr prefix{}; ret.pack(dataRef(prefix)); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } case LanParam::cipherSuitePrivilegeLevels: { std::array<uint4_t, ipmi::maxCSRecords> csPrivilegeLevels; uint8_t resp = getCipherConfigObject(csPrivFileName, csPrivDefaultFileName) .getCSPrivilegeLevels(channel, csPrivilegeLevels); if (!resp) { constexpr uint8_t reserved1 = 0x00; ret.pack(reserved1, csPrivilegeLevels); return responseSuccess(std::move(ret)); } else { return response(resp); } } } if ((parameter >= oemCmdStart) && (parameter <= oemCmdEnd)) { return getLanOem(channel, parameter, set, block); } return response(ccParamNotSupported); } } // namespace transport } // namespace ipmi void register_netfn_transport_functions() __attribute__((constructor)); void register_netfn_transport_functions() { ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnTransport, ipmi::transport::cmdSetLanConfigParameters, ipmi::Privilege::Admin, ipmi::transport::setLan); ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnTransport, ipmi::transport::cmdGetLanConfigParameters, ipmi::Privilege::Operator, ipmi::transport::getLan); }