#include "sensordatahandler.hpp"

#include "sensorhandler.hpp"

#include <ipmid/types.hpp>
#include <ipmid/utils.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/message/types.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>

#include <bitset>
#include <filesystem>
#include <optional>

namespace ipmi
namespace sensor

using namespace phosphor::logging;
using InternalFailure =

AssertionSet getAssertionSet(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData)
    Assertion assertionStates =
        (static_cast<Assertion>(cmdData.assertOffset8_14)) << 8 |
    Deassertion deassertionStates =
        (static_cast<Deassertion>(cmdData.deassertOffset8_14)) << 8 |
    return std::make_pair(assertionStates, deassertionStates);

ipmi_ret_t updateToDbus(IpmiUpdateData& msg)
    sdbusplus::bus_t bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
        auto serviceResponseMsg = bus.call(msg);
    catch (const InternalFailure& e)
        lg2::error("Error in D-Bus call: {ERROR}", "ERROR", e);
    return IPMI_CC_OK;

namespace get

SensorName nameParentLeaf(const Info& sensorInfo)
    const auto pos = sensorInfo.sensorPath.find_last_of('/');
    const auto leaf = sensorInfo.sensorPath.substr(pos + 1);

    const auto remaining = sensorInfo.sensorPath.substr(0, pos);

    const auto parentPos = remaining.find_last_of('/');
    auto parent = remaining.substr(parentPos + 1);

    parent += "_" + leaf;
    return parent;

GetSensorResponse mapDbusToAssertion(const Info& sensorInfo,
                                     const InstancePath& path,
                                     const DbusInterface& interface)
    sdbusplus::bus_t bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
    GetSensorResponse response{};


    auto service = ipmi::getService(bus, interface, path);

    const auto& interfaceList = sensorInfo.propertyInterfaces;

    for (const auto& interface : interfaceList)
        for (const auto& property : interface.second)
            auto propValue = ipmi::getDbusProperty(
                bus, service, path, interface.first, property.first);

            for (const auto& value : std::get<OffsetValueMap>(property.second))
                if (propValue == value.second.assert)
                    setOffset(value.first, &response);

    return response;

GetSensorResponse mapDbusToEventdata2(const Info& sensorInfo)
    sdbusplus::bus_t bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
    GetSensorResponse response{};


    auto service = ipmi::getService(bus, sensorInfo.sensorInterface,

    const auto& interfaceList = sensorInfo.propertyInterfaces;

    for (const auto& interface : interfaceList)
        for (const auto& property : interface.second)
            auto propValue =
                ipmi::getDbusProperty(bus, service, sensorInfo.sensorPath,
                                      interface.first, property.first);

            for (const auto& value : std::get<OffsetValueMap>(property.second))
                if (propValue == value.second.assert)
                    setReading(value.first, &response);

    return response;

GetSensorResponse assertion(const Info& sensorInfo)
    return mapDbusToAssertion(sensorInfo, sensorInfo.sensorPath,

GetSensorResponse eventdata2(const Info& sensorInfo)
    return mapDbusToEventdata2(sensorInfo);
std::optional<GetSensorResponse> assertion(uint8_t id, const Info& sensorInfo,
                                           const PropertyMap& /*properties*/)
    // The assertion may contain multiple properties
    // So we have to get the properties from DBus anyway
    auto response = mapDbusToAssertion(sensorInfo, sensorInfo.sensorPath,

    if (!sensorCacheMap[id].has_value())
        sensorCacheMap[id] = SensorData{};
    sensorCacheMap[id]->response = response;
    return response;

std::optional<GetSensorResponse> eventdata2(uint8_t id, const Info& sensorInfo,
                                            const PropertyMap& /*properties*/)
    // The eventdata2 may contain multiple properties
    // So we have to get the properties from DBus anyway
    auto response = mapDbusToEventdata2(sensorInfo);

    if (!sensorCacheMap[id].has_value())
        sensorCacheMap[id] = SensorData{};
    sensorCacheMap[id]->response = response;
    return response;


} // namespace get

namespace set

IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
                           const std::string& sensorPath,
                           const std::string& command,
                           const std::string& sensorInterface)
    sdbusplus::bus_t bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
    using namespace std::string_literals;

    auto dbusService = getService(bus, sensorInterface, sensorPath);

    return bus.new_method_call(dbusService.c_str(), sensorPath.c_str(),
                               updateInterface.c_str(), command.c_str());

ipmi_ret_t eventdata(const SetSensorReadingReq&, const Info& sensorInfo,
                     uint8_t data)
    auto msg = makeDbusMsg("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
                           sensorInfo.sensorPath, "Set",

    const auto& interface = sensorInfo.propertyInterfaces.begin();
    for (const auto& property : interface->second)
        const auto& iter = std::get<OffsetValueMap>(property.second).find(data);
        if (iter == std::get<OffsetValueMap>(property.second).end())
            lg2::error("Invalid event data");
            return IPMI_CC_PARM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    return updateToDbus(msg);

ipmi_ret_t assertion(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData, const Info& sensorInfo)
    std::bitset<16> assertionSet(getAssertionSet(cmdData).first);
    std::bitset<16> deassertionSet(getAssertionSet(cmdData).second);
    auto bothSet = assertionSet ^ deassertionSet;

    const auto& interface = sensorInfo.propertyInterfaces.begin();

    for (const auto& property : interface->second)
        std::optional<Value> tmp;
        for (const auto& value : std::get<OffsetValueMap>(property.second))
            if (bothSet.size() <= value.first || !bothSet.test(value.first))
                // A BIOS shouldn't do this but ignore if they do.

            if (assertionSet.test(value.first))
                tmp = value.second.assert;
            if (deassertionSet.test(value.first))
                tmp = value.second.deassert;

        if (tmp)
            auto msg = makeDbusMsg("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
                                   sensorInfo.sensorPath, "Set",

            auto rc = updateToDbus(msg);
            if (rc)
                return rc;

    return IPMI_CC_OK;

} // namespace set

namespace notify

IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
                           const std::string&, const std::string& command,
                           const std::string&)
    sdbusplus::bus_t bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
    using namespace std::string_literals;

    static const auto dbusPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory"s;
    std::string dbusService = ipmi::getService(bus, updateInterface, dbusPath);

    return bus.new_method_call(dbusService.c_str(), dbusPath.c_str(),
                               updateInterface.c_str(), command.c_str());

ipmi_ret_t assertion(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData, const Info& sensorInfo)
    auto msg = makeDbusMsg(sensorInfo.sensorInterface, sensorInfo.sensorPath,
                           "Notify", sensorInfo.sensorInterface);

    std::bitset<16> assertionSet(getAssertionSet(cmdData).first);
    std::bitset<16> deassertionSet(getAssertionSet(cmdData).second);
    ipmi::sensor::ObjectMap objects;
    ipmi::sensor::InterfaceMap interfaces;
    for (const auto& interface : sensorInfo.propertyInterfaces)
        // An interface with no properties - It is possible that the sensor
        // object on DBUS implements a DBUS interface with no properties.
        // Make sure we add the interface to the list if interfaces on the
        // object with an empty property map.
        if (interface.second.empty())
            interfaces.emplace(interface.first, ipmi::sensor::PropertyMap{});
        // For a property like functional state the result will be
        // calculated based on the true value of all conditions.
        for (const auto& property : interface.second)
            ipmi::sensor::PropertyMap props;
            bool valid = false;
            auto result = true;
            for (const auto& value : std::get<OffsetValueMap>(property.second))
                if (assertionSet.test(value.first))
                    // Skip update if skipOn is ASSERT
                    if (SkipAssertion::ASSERT == value.second.skip)
                        return IPMI_CC_OK;
                    result = result && std::get<bool>(value.second.assert);
                    valid = true;
                else if (deassertionSet.test(value.first))
                    // Skip update if skipOn is DEASSERT
                    if (SkipAssertion::DEASSERT == value.second.skip)
                        return IPMI_CC_OK;
                    result = result && std::get<bool>(value.second.deassert);
                    valid = true;
            for (const auto& value :
                if (assertionSet.test(value.first))
                    result = result && std::get<bool>(value.second.assert);
                else if (deassertionSet.test(value.first))
                    result = result && std::get<bool>(value.second.deassert);
            if (valid)
                props.emplace(property.first, result);
                interfaces.emplace(interface.first, std::move(props));

    objects.emplace(sensorInfo.sensorPath, std::move(interfaces));
    return updateToDbus(msg);

} // namespace notify

namespace inventory

namespace get


GetSensorResponse assertion(const Info& sensorInfo)
    namespace fs = std::filesystem;

    fs::path path{ipmi::sensor::inventoryRoot};
    path += sensorInfo.sensorPath;

    return ipmi::sensor::get::mapDbusToAssertion(
        sensorInfo, path.string(),


std::optional<GetSensorResponse> assertion(uint8_t id, const Info& sensorInfo,
                                           const PropertyMap& /*properties*/)
    // The assertion may contain multiple properties
    // So we have to get the properties from DBus anyway
    namespace fs = std::filesystem;

    fs::path path{ipmi::sensor::inventoryRoot};
    path += sensorInfo.sensorPath;

    auto response = ipmi::sensor::get::mapDbusToAssertion(
        sensorInfo, path.string(),

    if (!sensorCacheMap[id].has_value())
        sensorCacheMap[id] = SensorData{};
    sensorCacheMap[id]->response = response;
    return response;


} // namespace get

} // namespace inventory
} // namespace sensor
} // namespace ipmi