/** * Copyright © 2017 IBM Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <chrono> #include <functional> #include <fstream> #include <cereal/cereal.hpp> #include <cereal/archives/json.hpp> #include <experimental/filesystem> #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp> #include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp> #include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp> #include <stdexcept> #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp> #include "config.h" #include "zone.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" #include "sdbusplus.hpp" namespace phosphor { namespace fan { namespace control { using namespace std::chrono; using namespace phosphor::fan; using namespace phosphor::logging; namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; using InternalFailure = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common:: Error::InternalFailure; Zone::Zone(Mode mode, sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const std::string& path, const sdeventplus::Event& event, const ZoneDefinition& def) : ThermalObject(bus, path.c_str(), true), _bus(bus), _path(path), _ifaces({"xyz.openbmc_project.Control.ThermalMode"}), _fullSpeed(std::get<fullSpeedPos>(def)), _zoneNum(std::get<zoneNumPos>(def)), _defFloorSpeed(std::get<floorSpeedPos>(def)), _defCeilingSpeed(std::get<fullSpeedPos>(def)), _incDelay(std::get<incDelayPos>(def)), _decInterval(std::get<decIntervalPos>(def)), _incTimer(event, std::bind(&Zone::incTimerExpired, this)), _decTimer(event, std::bind(&Zone::decTimerExpired, this)), _eventLoop(event) { auto& fanDefs = std::get<fanListPos>(def); for (auto& def : fanDefs) { _fans.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Fan>(bus, def)); } // Do not enable set speed events when in init mode if (mode == Mode::control) { // Process any zone handlers defined for (auto& hand : std::get<handlerPos>(def)) { hand(*this); } // Restore thermal control current mode state restoreCurrentMode(); // Emit objects added in control mode only this->emit_object_added(); // Update target speed to current zone target speed if (!_fans.empty()) { _targetSpeed = _fans.front()->getTargetSpeed(); } // Setup signal trigger for set speed events for (auto& event : std::get<setSpeedEventsPos>(def)) { initEvent(event); } // Start timer for fan speed decreases _decTimer.restart(_decInterval); } } void Zone::setSpeed(uint64_t speed) { if (_isActive) { _targetSpeed = speed; for (auto& fan : _fans) { fan->setSpeed(_targetSpeed); } } } void Zone::setFullSpeed() { if (_fullSpeed != 0) { _targetSpeed = _fullSpeed; for (auto& fan : _fans) { fan->setSpeed(_targetSpeed); } } } void Zone::setActiveAllow(const Group* group, bool isActiveAllow) { _active[*(group)] = isActiveAllow; if (!isActiveAllow) { _isActive = false; } else { // Check all entries are set to allow control active auto actPred = [](auto const& entry) {return entry.second;}; _isActive = std::all_of(_active.begin(), _active.end(), actPred); } } void Zone::removeService(const Group* group, const std::string& name) { try { auto& sNames = _services.at(*group); auto it = std::find_if( sNames.begin(), sNames.end(), [&name](auto const& entry) { return name == std::get<namePos>(entry); } ); if (it != std::end(sNames)) { // Remove service name from group sNames.erase(it); } } catch (const std::out_of_range& oore) { // No services for group found } } void Zone::setServiceOwner(const Group* group, const std::string& name, const bool hasOwner) { try { auto& sNames = _services.at(*group); auto it = std::find_if( sNames.begin(), sNames.end(), [&name](auto const& entry) { return name == std::get<namePos>(entry); } ); if (it != std::end(sNames)) { std::get<hasOwnerPos>(*it) = hasOwner; } else { _services[*group].emplace_back(name, hasOwner); } } catch (const std::out_of_range& oore) { _services[*group].emplace_back(name, hasOwner); } } void Zone::setServices(const Group* group) { // Remove the empty service name if exists removeService(group, ""); for (auto it = group->begin(); it != group->end(); ++it) { std::string name; bool hasOwner = false; try { name = getService(it->first, std::get<intfPos>(it->second)); hasOwner = util::SDBusPlus::callMethodAndRead<bool>( _bus, "org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "NameHasOwner", name); } catch (const util::DBusMethodError& e) { // Failed to get service name owner state hasOwner = false; } setServiceOwner(group, name, hasOwner); } } void Zone::setFloor(uint64_t speed) { // Check all entries are set to allow floor to be set auto pred = [](auto const& entry) {return entry.second;}; auto setFloor = std::all_of(_floorChange.begin(), _floorChange.end(), pred); if (setFloor) { _floorSpeed = speed; // Floor speed above target, update target to floor speed if (_targetSpeed < _floorSpeed) { requestSpeedIncrease(_floorSpeed - _targetSpeed); } } } void Zone::requestSpeedIncrease(uint64_t targetDelta) { // Only increase speed when delta is higher than // the current increase delta for the zone and currently under ceiling if (targetDelta > _incSpeedDelta && _targetSpeed < _ceilingSpeed) { auto requestTarget = getRequestSpeedBase(); requestTarget = (targetDelta - _incSpeedDelta) + requestTarget; _incSpeedDelta = targetDelta; // Target speed can not go above a defined ceiling speed if (requestTarget > _ceilingSpeed) { requestTarget = _ceilingSpeed; } setSpeed(requestTarget); // Retart timer countdown for fan speed increase _incTimer.restartOnce(_incDelay); } } void Zone::incTimerExpired() { // Clear increase delta when timer expires allowing additional speed // increase requests or speed decreases to occur _incSpeedDelta = 0; } void Zone::requestSpeedDecrease(uint64_t targetDelta) { // Only decrease the lowest target delta requested if (_decSpeedDelta == 0 || targetDelta < _decSpeedDelta) { _decSpeedDelta = targetDelta; } } void Zone::decTimerExpired() { // Check all entries are set to allow a decrease auto pred = [](auto const& entry) {return entry.second;}; auto decAllowed = std::all_of(_decAllowed.begin(), _decAllowed.end(), pred); // Only decrease speeds when allowed, // where no requested increases exist and // the increase timer is not running // (i.e. not in the middle of increasing) if (decAllowed && _incSpeedDelta == 0 && !_incTimer.isEnabled()) { auto requestTarget = getRequestSpeedBase(); // Request target speed should not start above ceiling if (requestTarget > _ceilingSpeed) { requestTarget = _ceilingSpeed; } // Target speed can not go below the defined floor speed if ((requestTarget < _decSpeedDelta) || (requestTarget - _decSpeedDelta < _floorSpeed)) { requestTarget = _floorSpeed; } else { requestTarget = requestTarget - _decSpeedDelta; } setSpeed(requestTarget); } // Clear decrease delta when timer expires _decSpeedDelta = 0; // Decrease timer is restarted since its repeating } void Zone::initEvent(const SetSpeedEvent& event) { sdbusplus::message::message nullMsg{nullptr}; for (auto& sig : std::get<signalsPos>(event)) { // Setup signal matches of the property for event std::unique_ptr<EventData> eventData = std::make_unique<EventData>( std::get<groupPos>(event), std::get<sigMatchPos>(sig), std::get<sigHandlerPos>(sig), std::get<actionsPos>(event) ); // When match is empty, handle if zone object member if (std::get<sigMatchPos>(sig).empty()) { // Set event data for each host group member for (auto it = std::get<groupPos>(event).begin(); it != std::get<groupPos>(event).end(); ++it) { if (it->first == _path) { // Group member interface in list owned by zone if (std::find(_ifaces.begin(), _ifaces.end(), std::get<intfPos>(it->second)) != _ifaces.end()) { // Store path,interface,property as a managed object _objects[it->first] [std::get<intfPos>(it->second)] [std::get<propPos>(it->second)] = eventData.get(); } } } } // Initialize the event signal using handler std::get<sigHandlerPos>(sig)(_bus, nullMsg, *this); // Subscribe to signal match std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::server::match::match> match = nullptr; if (!std::get<sigMatchPos>(sig).empty()) { match = std::make_unique<sdbusplus::server::match::match>( _bus, std::get<sigMatchPos>(sig).c_str(), std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Zone::handleEvent), this, std::placeholders::_1, eventData.get()) ); } _signalEvents.emplace_back(std::move(eventData), std::move(match)); } // Attach a timer to run the action of an event auto timerConf = std::get<timerConfPos>(event); if (std::get<intervalPos>(timerConf) != seconds(0)) { addTimer(std::get<groupPos>(event), std::get<actionsPos>(event), timerConf); } // Run action functions for initial event state std::for_each( std::get<actionsPos>(event).begin(), std::get<actionsPos>(event).end(), [this, &event](auto const& action) { action(*this, std::get<groupPos>(event)); }); } void Zone::removeEvent(const SetSpeedEvent& event) { // Remove signals of the event for (auto& sig : std::get<signalsPos>(event)) { auto it = findSignal(sig, std::get<groupPos>(event), std::get<actionsPos>(event)); if (it != std::end(getSignalEvents())) { removeSignal(it); } } // Remove timers of the event if (std::get<intervalPos>(std::get<timerConfPos>(event)) != seconds(0)) { auto it = findTimer(std::get<groupPos>(event), std::get<actionsPos>(event)); if (it != std::end(getTimerEvents())) { removeTimer(it); } } } std::vector<SignalEvent>::iterator Zone::findSignal( const Signal& signal, const Group& eGroup, const std::vector<Action>& eActions) { // Find the signal in the event to be removed for (auto it = _signalEvents.begin(); it != _signalEvents.end(); ++ it) { const auto& seEventData = *std::get<signalEventDataPos>(*it); if (eGroup == std::get<eventGroupPos>(seEventData) && std::get<sigMatchPos>(signal) == std::get<eventMatchPos>(seEventData) && std::get<sigHandlerPos>(signal).target_type().name() == std::get<eventHandlerPos>(seEventData).target_type().name() && eActions.size() == std::get<eventActionsPos>(seEventData).size()) { // TODO openbmc/openbmc#2328 - Use the function target // for comparison auto actsEqual = [](auto const& a1, auto const& a2) { return a1.target_type().name() == a2.target_type().name(); }; if (std::equal(eActions.begin(), eActions.end(), std::get<eventActionsPos>(seEventData).begin(), actsEqual)) { return it; } } } return _signalEvents.end(); } std::vector<TimerEvent>::iterator Zone::findTimer( const Group& eventGroup, const std::vector<Action>& eventActions) { for (auto it = _timerEvents.begin(); it != _timerEvents.end(); ++it) { const auto& teEventData = *std::get<timerEventDataPos>(*it); if (std::get<eventActionsPos>(teEventData).size() == eventActions.size()) { // TODO openbmc/openbmc#2328 - Use the action function target // for comparison auto actsEqual = [](auto const& a1, auto const& a2) { return a1.target_type().name() == a2.target_type().name(); }; if (std::get<eventGroupPos>(teEventData) == eventGroup && std::equal(eventActions.begin(), eventActions.end(), std::get<eventActionsPos>(teEventData).begin(), actsEqual)) { return it; } } } return _timerEvents.end(); } void Zone::addTimer(const Group& group, const std::vector<Action>& actions, const TimerConf& tConf) { auto eventData = std::make_unique<EventData>( group, "", nullptr, actions ); Timer timer( _eventLoop, std::bind(&Zone::timerExpired, this, std::cref(std::get<Group>(*eventData)), std::cref(std::get<std::vector<Action>>(*eventData)))); if (std::get<TimerType>(tConf) == TimerType::repeating) { timer.restart(std::get<intervalPos>(tConf)); } else if (std::get<TimerType>(tConf) == TimerType::oneshot) { timer.restartOnce(std::get<intervalPos>(tConf)); } else { throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid Timer Type"); } _timerEvents.emplace_back(std::move(eventData), std::move(timer)); } void Zone::timerExpired(const Group& eventGroup, const std::vector<Action>& eventActions) { // Perform the actions std::for_each(eventActions.begin(), eventActions.end(), [this, &eventGroup](auto const& action) { action(*this, eventGroup); }); } void Zone::handleEvent(sdbusplus::message::message& msg, const EventData* eventData) { // Handle the callback std::get<eventHandlerPos>(*eventData)(_bus, msg, *this); // Perform the actions std::for_each( std::get<eventActionsPos>(*eventData).begin(), std::get<eventActionsPos>(*eventData).end(), [this, &eventData](auto const& action) { action(*this, std::get<eventGroupPos>(*eventData)); }); } const std::string& Zone::getService(const std::string& path, const std::string& intf) { // Retrieve service from cache auto srvIter = _servTree.find(path); if (srvIter != _servTree.end()) { for (auto& serv : srvIter->second) { auto it = std::find_if( serv.second.begin(), serv.second.end(), [&intf](auto const& interface) { return intf == interface; }); if (it != std::end(serv.second)) { // Service found return serv.first; } } // Interface not found in cache, add and return return addServices(path, intf, 0); } else { // Path not found in cache, add and return return addServices(path, intf, 0); } } const std::string& Zone::addServices(const std::string& path, const std::string& intf, int32_t depth) { static const std::string empty = ""; auto it = _servTree.end(); // Get all subtree objects for the given interface auto objects = util::SDBusPlus::getSubTree(_bus, "/", intf, depth); // Add what's returned to the cache of path->services for (auto& pIter : objects) { auto pathIter = _servTree.find(pIter.first); if (pathIter != _servTree.end()) { // Path found in cache for (auto& sIter : pIter.second) { auto servIter = pathIter->second.find(sIter.first); if (servIter != pathIter->second.end()) { // Service found in cache for (auto& iIter : sIter.second) { if (std::find(servIter->second.begin(), servIter->second.end(), iIter) == servIter->second.end()) { // Add interface to cache servIter->second.emplace_back(iIter); } } } else { // Service not found in cache pathIter->second.insert(sIter); } } } else { _servTree.insert(pIter); } // When the paths match, since a single interface constraint is given, // that is the service to return if (path == pIter.first) { it = _servTree.find(pIter.first); } } if (it != _servTree.end()) { return it->second.begin()->first; } return empty; } std::string Zone::current(std::string value) { auto current = value; if (current != ThermalObject::current()) { current = ThermalObject::current(value); saveCurrentMode(); // Trigger event(s) for custom mode property change auto eData = _objects[_path] ["xyz.openbmc_project.Control.ThermalMode"] ["Current"]; if (eData != nullptr) { sdbusplus::message::message nullMsg{nullptr}; handleEvent(nullMsg, eData); } } return current; } void Zone::saveCurrentMode() { fs::path path{CONTROL_PERSIST_ROOT_PATH}; // Append zone and property description path /= std::to_string(_zoneNum); path /= "CurrentMode"; std::ofstream ofs(path.c_str(), std::ios::binary); cereal::JSONOutputArchive oArch(ofs); oArch(ThermalObject::current()); } void Zone::restoreCurrentMode() { std::string current = "Default"; fs::path path{CONTROL_PERSIST_ROOT_PATH}; path /= std::to_string(_zoneNum); path /= "CurrentMode"; fs::create_directories(path.parent_path()); try { if (fs::exists(path)) { std::ifstream ifs(path.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); cereal::JSONInputArchive iArch(ifs); iArch(current); } } catch (std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>(e.what()); fs::remove(path); current = "Default"; } this->current(current); } } } }