/** * Copyright © 2021 IBM Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "signal.hpp" #include "../manager.hpp" #include "action.hpp" #include "group.hpp" #include "handlers.hpp" #include "trigger_aliases.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace phosphor::fan::control::json::trigger::signal { using json = nlohmann::json; using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace sdbusplus::bus::match; void subscribe(const std::string& match, SignalPkg&& signalPkg, std::function isSameSig, Manager* mgr) { auto& signalData = mgr->getSignal(match); if (signalData.empty()) { // Signal subscription doesnt exist, add signal package and subscribe std::unique_ptr> pkgs = std::make_unique>(); pkgs->emplace_back(std::move(signalPkg)); std::unique_ptr ptrMatch = nullptr; if (!match.empty()) { // Subscribe to signal ptrMatch = std::make_unique( mgr->getBus(), match.c_str(), std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Manager::handleSignal), &(*mgr), std::placeholders::_1, pkgs.get())); } signalData.emplace_back(std::move(pkgs), std::move(ptrMatch)); } else { // Signal subscription already exists // Only a single signal data entry tied to each match is supported auto& pkgs = std::get>>( signalData.front()); auto sameSignal = false; for (auto& pkg : *pkgs) { if (isSameSig(pkg)) { // Same SignalObject signal to trigger event actions, // add actions to be run when signal for SignalObject received auto& pkgActions = std::get(signalPkg); auto& actions = std::get(pkg); actions.insert(actions.end(), pkgActions.begin(), pkgActions.end()); sameSignal = true; break; } } if (!sameSignal) { // Expected signal differs, add signal package pkgs->emplace_back(std::move(signalPkg)); } } } void propertiesChanged(Manager* mgr, const Group& group, TriggerActions& actions, const json&) { // Groups are optional, but a signal triggered event with no groups // will do nothing since signals require a group for (const auto& member : group.getMembers()) { // Setup property changed signal handler on the group member's // property const auto match = rules::propertiesChanged(member, group.getInterface()); SignalPkg signalPkg = {Handlers::propertiesChanged, SignalObject(std::cref(member), std::cref(group.getInterface()), std::cref(group.getProperty())), actions}; auto isSameSig = [&prop = group.getProperty()](SignalPkg& pkg) { auto& obj = std::get(pkg); return prop == std::get(obj); }; subscribe(match, std::move(signalPkg), isSameSig, mgr); } } void interfacesAdded(Manager* mgr, const Group& group, TriggerActions& actions, const json&) { // Groups are optional, but a signal triggered event with no groups // will do nothing since signals require a group for (const auto& member : group.getMembers()) { // Setup interfaces added signal handler on the group member const auto match = rules::interfacesAdded() + rules::argNpath(0, member); SignalPkg signalPkg = {Handlers::interfacesAdded, SignalObject(std::cref(member), std::cref(group.getInterface()), std::cref(group.getProperty())), actions}; auto isSameSig = [&intf = group.getInterface()](SignalPkg& pkg) { auto& obj = std::get(pkg); return intf == std::get(obj); }; subscribe(match, std::move(signalPkg), isSameSig, mgr); } } void interfacesRemoved(Manager* mgr, const Group& group, TriggerActions& actions, const json&) { // Groups are optional, but a signal triggered event with no groups // will do nothing since signals require a group for (const auto& member : group.getMembers()) { // Setup interfaces removed signal handler on the group member const auto match = rules::interfacesRemoved() + rules::argNpath(0, member); SignalPkg signalPkg = {Handlers::interfacesRemoved, SignalObject(std::cref(member), std::cref(group.getInterface()), std::cref(group.getProperty())), actions}; auto isSameSig = [&intf = group.getInterface()](SignalPkg& pkg) { auto& obj = std::get(pkg); return intf == std::get(obj); }; subscribe(match, std::move(signalPkg), isSameSig, mgr); } } void nameOwnerChanged(Manager* mgr, const Group& group, TriggerActions& actions, const json&) { std::vector grpServices; // Groups are optional, but a signal triggered event with no groups // will do nothing since signals require a group for (const auto& member : group.getMembers()) { auto serv = group.getService(); if (serv.empty()) { serv = Manager::getService(member, group.getInterface()); } if (!serv.empty()) { // No need to re-subscribe to the same service's nameOwnerChanged // signal when a prior group member provided by the same service // already did the subscription if (std::find(grpServices.begin(), grpServices.end(), serv) == grpServices.end()) { // Setup name owner changed signal handler on the group // member's service const auto match = rules::nameOwnerChanged(serv); SignalPkg signalPkg = {Handlers::nameOwnerChanged, SignalObject(), actions}; // If signal match already exists, then the service will be the // same so add action to be run auto isSameSig = [](SignalPkg&) { return true; }; subscribe(match, std::move(signalPkg), isSameSig, mgr); grpServices.emplace_back(serv); } } else { // Unable to construct nameOwnerChanged match string // Path and/or interface configured does not exist on dbus yet? // TODO How to handle this? Create timer to keep checking for // service to appear? When to stop checking? log( fmt::format("Events will not be triggered by name owner changed" "signals from service of path {}, interface {}", member, group.getInterface()) .c_str()); } } } void member(Manager* mgr, const Group& group, TriggerActions& actions, const json&) { // No SignalObject required to associate to this signal SignalPkg signalPkg = {Handlers::member, SignalObject(), actions}; // If signal match already exists, then the member signal will be the // same so add action to be run auto isSameSig = [](SignalPkg&) { return true; }; // Groups are optional, but a signal triggered event with no groups // will do nothing since signals require a group for (const auto& member : group.getMembers()) { // Subscribe for signal from each group member const auto match = rules::type::signal() + rules::member(group.getProperty()) + rules::path(member) + rules::interface(group.getInterface()); subscribe(match, std::move(signalPkg), isSameSig, mgr); } } enableTrigger triggerSignal(const json& jsonObj, const std::string& eventName, std::vector>& /*actions*/) { auto subscriber = signals.end(); if (jsonObj.contains("signal")) { auto signal = jsonObj["signal"].get(); std::transform(signal.begin(), signal.end(), signal.begin(), tolower); subscriber = signals.find(signal); } if (subscriber == signals.end()) { // Construct list of available signals auto availSignals = std::accumulate( std::next(signals.begin()), signals.end(), signals.begin()->first, [](auto list, auto signal) { return std::move(list) + ", " + signal.first; }); auto msg = fmt::format("Event '{}' requires a supported signal given to be " "triggered by signal, available signals: {}", eventName, availSignals); log(msg.c_str()); throw std::runtime_error(msg.c_str()); } return [subscriber = std::move(subscriber), jsonObj](const std::string& /*eventName*/, Manager* mgr, const std::vector& groups, std::vector>& actions) { TriggerActions signalActions; std::for_each(actions.begin(), actions.end(), [&signalActions](auto& action) { signalActions.emplace_back(std::ref(action)); }); for (const auto& group : groups) { // Call signal subscriber for each group subscriber->second(mgr, group, signalActions, jsonObj); } }; } } // namespace phosphor::fan::control::json::trigger::signal