#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script reads in fan definition and zone definition YAML files and generates a set of structures for use by the fan control code. """ import os import sys import yaml from argparse import ArgumentParser from mako.template import Template tmpl = '''/* This is a generated file. */ #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp> #include "manager.hpp" #include "functor.hpp" #include "actions.hpp" #include "handlers.hpp" using namespace phosphor::fan::control; using namespace sdbusplus::bus::match::rules; const unsigned int Manager::_powerOnDelay{${mgr_data['power_on_delay']}}; const std::vector<ZoneGroup> Manager::_zoneLayouts { %for zone_group in zones: ZoneGroup{ std::vector<Condition>{ %for condition in zone_group['conditions']: Condition{ "${condition['type']}", std::vector<ConditionProperty>{ %for property in condition['properties']: ConditionProperty{ "${property['property']}", "${property['interface']}", "${property['path']}", static_cast<${property['type']}>(${property['value']}), }, %endfor }, }, %endfor }, std::vector<ZoneDefinition>{ %for zone in zone_group['zones']: ZoneDefinition{ ${zone['num']}, ${zone['full_speed']}, ${zone['default_floor']}, ${zone['increase_delay']}, ${zone['decrease_interval']}, std::vector<FanDefinition>{ %for fan in zone['fans']: FanDefinition{ "${fan['name']}", std::vector<std::string>{ %for sensor in fan['sensors']: "${sensor}", %endfor } }, %endfor }, std::vector<SetSpeedEvent>{ %for event in zone['events']: SetSpeedEvent{ Group{ %for member in event['group']: { "${member['name']}", {"${member['interface']}", "${member['property']}"} }, %endfor }, make_action(action::${event['action']['name']}( %for i, p in enumerate(event['action']['parameters']): %if (i+1) != len(event['action']['parameters']): static_cast<${p['type']}>(${p['value']}), %else: static_cast<${p['type']}>(${p['value']}) %endif %endfor )), std::vector<PropertyChange>{ %for s in event['signal']: PropertyChange{ interface("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") + member("PropertiesChanged") + type::signal() + path("${s['path']}") + arg0namespace("${s['interface']}"), make_handler(propertySignal<${s['type']}>( "${s['interface']}", "${s['property']}", handler::setProperty<${s['type']}>( "${s['member']}", "${s['interface']}", "${s['property']}" ) )) }, %endfor } }, %endfor } }, %endfor } }, %endfor }; ''' def convertToMap(listOfDict): """ Converts a list of dictionary entries to a std::map initialization list. """ listOfDict = listOfDict.replace('[', '{') listOfDict = listOfDict.replace(']', '}') listOfDict = listOfDict.replace(':', ',') return listOfDict def getEventsInZone(zone_num, zone_conditions, events_data): """ Constructs the event entries defined for each zone using the events yaml provided. """ events = [] if 'events' in events_data: for e in events_data['events']: # Zone numbers are optional in the events yaml but skip if this # zone's zone number is not in the event's zone numbers if all('zones' in z and z['zones'] is not None and zone_num not in z['zones'] for z in e['zone_conditions']): continue # Zone conditions are optional in the events yaml but skip if this # event's condition is not in this zone's conditions if all('name' in z and z['name'] is not None and not any(c['name'] == z['name'] for c in zone_conditions) for z in e['zone_conditions']): continue event = {} # Add set speed event group group = [] groups = next(g for g in events_data['groups'] if g['name'] == e['group']) for member in groups['members']: members = {} members['type'] = groups['type'] members['name'] = ("/xyz/openbmc_project/" + groups['type'] + member) members['interface'] = e['interface'] members['property'] = e['property']['name'] group.append(members) event['group'] = group # Add set speed action and function parameters action = {} actions = next(a for a in events_data['actions'] if a['name'] == e['action']['name']) action['name'] = actions['name'] params = [] for p in actions['parameters']: param = {} if type(e['action'][p]) is not dict: if p == 'property': param['value'] = str(e['action'][p]).lower() param['type'] = str(e['property']['type']).lower() else: # Default type to 'size_t' when not given param['value'] = str(e['action'][p]).lower() param['type'] = 'size_t' params.append(param) else: param['type'] = str(e['action'][p]['type']).lower() if p != 'map': param['value'] = str(e['action'][p]['value']).lower() else: emap = convertToMap(str(e['action'][p]['value'])) param['value'] = param['type'] + emap params.append(param) action['parameters'] = params event['action'] = action # Add property change signal handler signal = [] for path in group: signals = {} signals['path'] = path['name'] signals['interface'] = e['interface'] signals['property'] = e['property']['name'] signals['type'] = e['property']['type'] signals['member'] = path['name'] signal.append(signals) event['signal'] = signal events.append(event) return events def getFansInZone(zone_num, profiles, fan_data): """ Parses the fan definition YAML files to find the fans that match both the zone passed in and one of the cooling profiles. """ fans = [] for f in fan_data['fans']: if zone_num != f['cooling_zone']: continue # 'cooling_profile' is optional (use 'all' instead) if f.get('cooling_profile') is None: profile = "all" else: profile = f['cooling_profile'] if profile not in profiles: continue fan = {} fan['name'] = f['inventory'] fan['sensors'] = f['sensors'] fans.append(fan) return fans def getConditionInZoneConditions(zone_condition, zone_conditions_data): """ Parses the zone conditions definition YAML files to find the condition that match both the zone condition passed in. """ condition = {} for c in zone_conditions_data['conditions']: if zone_condition != c['name']: continue condition['type'] = c['type'] properties = [] for p in c['properties']: property = {} property['property'] = p['property'] property['interface'] = p['interface'] property['path'] = p['path'] property['type'] = p['type'].lower() property['value'] = str(p['value']).lower() properties.append(property) condition['properties'] = properties return condition def buildZoneData(zone_data, fan_data, events_data, zone_conditions_data): """ Combines the zone definition YAML and fan definition YAML to create a data structure defining the fan cooling zones. """ zone_groups = [] for group in zone_data: conditions = [] # zone conditions are optional if 'zone_conditions' in group and group['zone_conditions'] is not None: for c in group['zone_conditions']: if not zone_conditions_data: sys.exit("No zone_conditions YAML file but " + "zone_conditions used in zone YAML") condition = getConditionInZoneConditions(c['name'], zone_conditions_data) if not condition: sys.exit("Missing zone condition " + c['name']) conditions.append(condition) zone_group = {} zone_group['conditions'] = conditions zones = [] for z in group['zones']: zone = {} # 'zone' is required if ('zone' not in z) or (z['zone'] is None): sys.exit("Missing fan zone number in " + zone_yaml) zone['num'] = z['zone'] zone['full_speed'] = z['full_speed'] zone['default_floor'] = z['default_floor'] # 'increase_delay' is optional (use 0 by default) key = 'increase_delay' zone[key] = z.setdefault(key, 0) # 'decrease_interval' is optional (use 0 by default) key = 'decrease_interval' zone[key] = z.setdefault(key, 0) # 'cooling_profiles' is optional (use 'all' instead) if ('cooling_profiles' not in z) or \ (z['cooling_profiles'] is None): profiles = ["all"] else: profiles = z['cooling_profiles'] fans = getFansInZone(z['zone'], profiles, fan_data) events = getEventsInZone(z['zone'], group['zone_conditions'], events_data) if len(fans) == 0: sys.exit("Didn't find any fans in zone " + str(zone['num'])) zone['fans'] = fans zone['events'] = events zones.append(zone) zone_group['zones'] = zones zone_groups.append(zone_group) return zone_groups if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser( description="Phosphor fan zone definition parser") parser.add_argument('-z', '--zone_yaml', dest='zone_yaml', default="example/zones.yaml", help='fan zone definitional yaml') parser.add_argument('-f', '--fan_yaml', dest='fan_yaml', default="example/fans.yaml", help='fan definitional yaml') parser.add_argument('-e', '--events_yaml', dest='events_yaml', help='events to set speeds yaml') parser.add_argument('-c', '--zone_conditions_yaml', dest='zone_conditions_yaml', help='conditions to determine zone yaml') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', dest='output_dir', default=".", help='output directory') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.zone_yaml or not args.fan_yaml: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(-1) with open(args.zone_yaml, 'r') as zone_input: zone_data = yaml.safe_load(zone_input) or {} with open(args.fan_yaml, 'r') as fan_input: fan_data = yaml.safe_load(fan_input) or {} events_data = {} if args.events_yaml: with open(args.events_yaml, 'r') as events_input: events_data = yaml.safe_load(events_input) or {} zone_conditions_data = {} if args.zone_conditions_yaml: with open(args.zone_conditions_yaml, 'r') as zone_conditions_input: zone_conditions_data = yaml.safe_load(zone_conditions_input) or {} zone_config = buildZoneData(zone_data.get('zone_configuration', {}), fan_data, events_data, zone_conditions_data) manager_config = zone_data.get('manager_configuration', {}) if manager_config.get('power_on_delay') is None: manager_config['power_on_delay'] = 0 output_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "fan_zone_defs.cpp") with open(output_file, 'w') as output: output.write(Template(tmpl).render(zones=zone_config, mgr_data=manager_config))