#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This script reads in fan definition and zone definition YAML files and generates a set of structures for use by the fan control code. """ import os import sys import yaml from argparse import ArgumentParser from mako.template import Template from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup def parse_cpp_type(typeName): """ Take a list of dbus types from YAML and convert it to a recursive cpp formed data structure. Each entry of the original list gets converted into a tuple consisting of the type name and a list with the params for this type, e.g. ['dict', ['string', 'dict', ['string', 'int64']]] is converted to [('dict', [('string', []), ('dict', [('string', []), ('int64', [])]]] """ if not typeName: return None # Type names are _almost_ valid YAML. Insert a , before each [ # and then wrap it in a [ ] and it becomes valid YAML (assuming # the user gave us a valid typename). typeArray = yaml.safe_load("[" + ",[".join(typeName.split("[")) + "]") typeTuple = preprocess_yaml_type_array(typeArray).pop(0) return get_cpp_type(typeTuple) def preprocess_yaml_type_array(typeArray): """ Flattens an array type into a tuple list that can be used to get the supported cpp type from each element. """ result = [] for i in range(len(typeArray)): # Ignore lists because we merge them with the previous element if type(typeArray[i]) is list: continue # If there is a next element and it is a list, merge it with the # current element. if i < len(typeArray)-1 and type(typeArray[i+1]) is list: result.append( (typeArray[i], preprocess_yaml_type_array(typeArray[i+1]))) else: result.append((typeArray[i], [])) return result def get_cpp_type(typeTuple): """ Take a list of dbus types and perform validity checking, such as: [ variant [ dict [ int32, int32 ], double ] ] This function then converts the type-list into a C++ type string. """ propertyMap = { 'byte': {'cppName': 'uint8_t', 'params': 0}, 'boolean': {'cppName': 'bool', 'params': 0}, 'int16': {'cppName': 'int16_t', 'params': 0}, 'uint16': {'cppName': 'uint16_t', 'params': 0}, 'int32': {'cppName': 'int32_t', 'params': 0}, 'uint32': {'cppName': 'uint32_t', 'params': 0}, 'int64': {'cppName': 'int64_t', 'params': 0}, 'uint64': {'cppName': 'uint64_t', 'params': 0}, 'double': {'cppName': 'double', 'params': 0}, 'string': {'cppName': 'std::string', 'params': 0}, 'array': {'cppName': 'std::vector', 'params': 1}, 'dict': {'cppName': 'std::map', 'params': 2}} if len(typeTuple) != 2: raise RuntimeError("Invalid typeTuple %s" % typeTuple) first = typeTuple[0] entry = propertyMap[first] result = entry['cppName'] # Handle 0-entry parameter lists. if (entry['params'] == 0): if (len(typeTuple[1]) != 0): raise RuntimeError("Invalid typeTuple %s" % typeTuple) else: return result # Get the parameter list rest = typeTuple[1] # Confirm parameter count matches. if (entry['params'] != -1) and (entry['params'] != len(rest)): raise RuntimeError("Invalid entry count for %s : %s" % (first, rest)) # Parse each parameter entry, if appropriate, and create C++ template # syntax. result += '<' if entry.get('noparse'): # Do not parse the parameter list, just use the first element # of each tuple and ignore possible parameters result += ", ".join([e[0] for e in rest]) else: result += ", ".join([get_cpp_type(e) for e in rest]) result += '>' return result def convertToMap(listOfDict): """ Converts a list of dictionary entries to a std::map initialization list. """ listOfDict = listOfDict.replace('\'', '\"') listOfDict = listOfDict.replace('[', '{') listOfDict = listOfDict.replace(']', '}') listOfDict = listOfDict.replace(':', ',') return listOfDict def genEvent(event): """ Generates the source code of an event and returns it as a string """ e = "SetSpeedEvent{\n" e += "\"" + event['name'] + "\",\n" e += "Group{\n" for group in event['groups']: for member in group['members']: e += "{\"" + member['object'] + "\",\n" e += "\"" + member['interface'] + "\",\n" e += "\"" + member['property'] + "\"},\n" e += "},\n" e += "ActionData{\n" for d in event['action']: e += "{Group{\n" for g in d['groups']: for m in g['members']: e += "{\"" + m['object'] + "\",\n" e += "\"" + m['interface'] + "\",\n" e += "\"" + m['property'] + "\"},\n" e += "},\n" e += "std::vector{\n" for a in d['actions']: if len(a['parameters']) != 0: e += "make_action(action::" + a['name'] + "(\n" else: e += "make_action(action::" + a['name'] + "\n" for i, p in enumerate(a['parameters']): if (i+1) != len(a['parameters']): e += p + ",\n" else: e += p + "\n" if len(a['parameters']) != 0: e += ")),\n" else: e += "),\n" e += "}},\n" e += "},\n" e += "std::vector{\n" if ('timer' in event['triggers']) and \ (event['triggers']['timer'] is not None): e += "\tmake_trigger(trigger::timer(TimerConf{\n" e += "\t" + event['triggers']['timer']['interval'] + ",\n" e += "\t" + event['triggers']['timer']['type'] + "\n" e += "\t})),\n" if ('signals' in event['triggers']) and \ (event['triggers']['signals'] is not None): for s in event['triggers']['signals']: e += "\tmake_trigger(trigger::signal(\n" e += "match::" + s['match'] + "(\n" for i, mp in enumerate(s['mparams']['params']): if (i+1) != len(s['mparams']['params']): e += "\t\t\t" + s['mparams'][mp] + ",\n" else: e += "\t\t\t" + s['mparams'][mp] + "\n" e += "\t\t),\n" e += "\t\tmake_handler(\n" if ('type' in s['sparams']) and (s['sparams']['type'] is not None): e += s['signal'] + "<" + s['sparams']['type'] + ">(\n" else: e += s['signal'] + "(\n" for sp in s['sparams']['params']: e += s['sparams'][sp] + ",\n" if ('type' in s['hparams']) and (s['hparams']['type'] is not None): e += ("handler::" + s['handler'] + "<" + s['hparams']['type'] + ">(\n") else: e += "handler::" + s['handler'] + "(\n)" for i, hp in enumerate(s['hparams']['params']): if (i+1) != len(s['hparams']['params']): e += s['hparams'][hp] + ",\n" else: e += s['hparams'][hp] + "\n" e += "))\n" e += "\t\t)\n" e += "\t)),\n" if ('init' in event['triggers']): for i in event['triggers']['init']: e += "\tmake_trigger(trigger::init(\n" if ('method' in i): e += "\t\tmake_handler(\n" if ('type' in i['mparams']) and \ (i['mparams']['type'] is not None): e += i['method'] + "<" + i['mparams']['type'] + ">(\n" else: e += i['method'] + "(\n" for ip in i['mparams']['params']: e += i['mparams'][ip] + ",\n" if ('type' in i['hparams']) and \ (i['hparams']['type'] is not None): e += ("handler::" + i['handler'] + "<" + i['hparams']['type'] + ">(\n") else: e += "handler::" + i['handler'] + "(\n)" for i, hp in enumerate(i['hparams']['params']): if (i+1) != len(i['hparams']['params']): e += i['hparams'][hp] + ",\n" else: e += i['hparams'][hp] + "\n" e += "))\n" e += "\t\t)\n" e += "\t)),\n" e += "},\n" e += "}" return e def getGroups(zNum, zCond, edata, events): """ Extract and construct the groups for the given event. """ groups = [] if ('groups' in edata) and (edata['groups'] is not None): for eGroups in edata['groups']: if ('zone_conditions' in eGroups) and \ (eGroups['zone_conditions'] is not None): # Zone conditions are optional in the events yaml but skip # if this event's condition is not in this zone's conditions if all('name' in z and z['name'] is not None and not any(c['name'] == z['name'] for c in zCond) for z in eGroups['zone_conditions']): continue # Zone numbers are optional in the events yaml but skip if this # zone's zone number is not in the event's zone numbers if all('zones' in z and z['zones'] is not None and zNum not in z['zones'] for z in eGroups['zone_conditions']): continue eGroup = next(g for g in events['groups'] if g['name'] == eGroups['name']) group = {} members = [] group['name'] = eGroup['name'] for m in eGroup['members']: member = {} member['path'] = eGroup['type'] member['object'] = (eGroup['type'] + m) member['interface'] = eGroups['interface'] member['property'] = eGroups['property']['name'] member['type'] = eGroups['property']['type'] # Use defined service to note member on zone object if ('service' in eGroup) and \ (eGroup['service'] is not None): member['service'] = eGroup['service'] # Add expected group member's property value if given if ('value' in eGroups['property']) and \ (eGroups['property']['value'] is not None): if isinstance(eGroups['property']['value'], str) or \ "string" in str(member['type']).lower(): member['value'] = ( "\"" + eGroups['property']['value'] + "\"") else: member['value'] = eGroups['property']['value'] members.append(member) group['members'] = members groups.append(group) return groups def getParameters(member, groups, section, events): """ Extracts and constructs a section's parameters """ params = {} if ('parameters' in section) and \ (section['parameters'] is not None): plist = [] for sp in section['parameters']: p = str(sp) if (p != 'type'): plist.append(p) if (p != 'group'): params[p] = "\"" + member[p] + "\"" else: params[p] = "Group\n{\n" for g in groups: for m in g['members']: params[p] += ( "{\"" + str(m['object']) + "\",\n" + "\"" + str(m['interface']) + "\",\n" + "\"" + str(m['property']) + "\"},\n") params[p] += "}" else: params[p] = member[p] params['params'] = plist else: params['params'] = [] return params def getInit(eGrps, eTrig, events): """ Extracts and constructs an init trigger for the event's groups which are required to be of the same type. """ method = {} methods = [] if (len(eGrps) > 0): # Use the first group member for retrieving the type member = eGrps[0]['members'][0] if ('method' in eTrig) and \ (eTrig['method'] is not None): # Add method parameters eMethod = next(m for m in events['methods'] if m['name'] == eTrig['method']) method['method'] = eMethod['name'] method['mparams'] = getParameters( member, eGrps, eMethod, events) # Add handler parameters eHandler = next(h for h in events['handlers'] if h['name'] == eTrig['handler']) method['handler'] = eHandler['name'] method['hparams'] = getParameters( member, eGrps, eHandler, events) methods.append(method) return methods def getSignal(eGrps, eTrig, events): """ Extracts and constructs for each group member a signal subscription of each match listed in the trigger. """ signals = [] for group in eGrps: for member in group['members']: signal = {} # Add signal parameters eSignal = next(s for s in events['signals'] if s['name'] == eTrig['signal']) signal['signal'] = eSignal['name'] signal['sparams'] = getParameters(member, eGrps, eSignal, events) # If service not given, subscribe to signal match if ('service' not in member): # Add signal match parameters eMatch = next(m for m in events['matches'] if m['name'] == eSignal['match']) signal['match'] = eMatch['name'] signal['mparams'] = getParameters(member, eGrps, eMatch, events) # Add handler parameters eHandler = next(h for h in events['handlers'] if h['name'] == eTrig['handler']) signal['handler'] = eHandler['name'] signal['hparams'] = getParameters(member, eGrps, eHandler, events) signals.append(signal) return signals def getTimer(eTrig): """ Extracts and constructs the required parameters for an event timer. """ timer = {} timer['interval'] = ( "static_cast" + "(" + str(eTrig['interval']) + ")") timer['type'] = "TimerType::" + str(eTrig['type']) return timer def getActions(zNum, zCond, edata, actions, events): """ Extracts and constructs the make_action function call for all the actions within the given event. """ action = [] for eActions in actions['actions']: actions = {} eAction = next(a for a in events['actions'] if a['name'] == eActions['name']) actions['name'] = eAction['name'] actions['groups'] = getGroups(zNum, zCond, eActions, events) params = [] if ('parameters' in eAction) and \ (eAction['parameters'] is not None): for p in eAction['parameters']: param = "static_cast<" if type(eActions[p]) is not dict: if p == 'actions': param = "std::vector{" pActs = getActions(zNum, zCond, edata, eActions, events) for a in pActs: if (len(a['parameters']) != 0): param += ( "make_action(action::" + a['name'] + "(\n") for i, ap in enumerate(a['parameters']): if (i+1) != len(a['parameters']): param += (ap + ",") else: param += (ap + ")") else: param += ("make_action(action::" + a['name']) param += ")," param += "}" elif p == 'defevents' or p == 'altevents' or p == 'events': param = "std::vector{\n" for i, e in enumerate(eActions[p]): aEvent = getEvent(zNum, zCond, e, events) if not aEvent: continue if (i+1) != len(eActions[p]): param += genEvent(aEvent) + ",\n" else: param += genEvent(aEvent) + "\n" param += "\t}" elif p == 'property': if isinstance(eActions[p], str) or \ "string" in str(eActions[p]['type']).lower(): param += ( str(eActions[p]['type']).lower() + ">(\"" + str(eActions[p]) + "\")") else: param += ( str(eActions[p]['type']).lower() + ">(" + str(eActions[p]['value']).lower() + ")") else: # Default type to 'size_t' when not given param += ("size_t>(" + str(eActions[p]).lower() + ")") else: if p == 'timer': t = getTimer(eActions[p]) param = ( "TimerConf{" + t['interval'] + "," + t['type'] + "}") else: param += (str(eActions[p]['type']).lower() + ">(") if p != 'map': if isinstance(eActions[p]['value'], str) or \ "string" in str(eActions[p]['type']).lower(): param += \ "\"" + str(eActions[p]['value']) + "\")" else: param += \ str(eActions[p]['value']).lower() + ")" else: param += ( str(eActions[p]['type']).lower() + convertToMap(str(eActions[p]['value'])) + ")") params.append(param) actions['parameters'] = params action.append(actions) return action def getEvent(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data): """ Parses the sections of an event and populates the properties that construct an event within the generated source. """ event = {} # Add set speed event name event['name'] = e['name'] # Add set speed event groups event['groups'] = getGroups(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data) # Add optional set speed actions and function parameters event['action'] = [] if ('actions' in e) and \ (e['actions'] is not None): # List of dicts containing the list of groups and list of actions sseActions = [] eActions = getActions(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, e, events_data) for eAction in eActions: # Skip events that have no groups defined for the event or actions if not event['groups'] and not eAction['groups']: continue # Find group in sseActions grpExists = False for sseDict in sseActions: if eAction['groups'] == sseDict['groups']: # Extend 'actions' list del eAction['groups'] sseDict['actions'].append(eAction) grpExists = True break if not grpExists: grps = eAction['groups'] del eAction['groups'] actList = [] actList.append(eAction) sseActions.append({'groups': grps, 'actions': actList}) event['action'] = sseActions # Add event triggers event['triggers'] = {} for trig in e['triggers']: triggers = [] if (trig['name'] == "timer"): event['triggers']['timer'] = getTimer(trig) elif (trig['name'] == "signal"): if ('signals' not in event['triggers']): event['triggers']['signals'] = [] triggers = getSignal(event['groups'], trig, events_data) event['triggers']['signals'].extend(triggers) elif (trig['name'] == "init"): triggers = getInit(event['groups'], trig, events_data) event['triggers']['init'] = triggers return event def addPrecondition(zNum, zCond, event, events_data): """ Parses the precondition section of an event and populates the necessary structures to generate a precondition for a set speed event. """ precond = {} # Add set speed event precondition name precond['pcname'] = event['name'] # Add set speed event precondition group precond['pcgrps'] = getGroups(zNum, zCond, event['precondition'], events_data) # Add set speed event precondition actions pc = [] pcs = {} pcs['name'] = event['precondition']['name'] epc = next(p for p in events_data['preconditions'] if p['name'] == event['precondition']['name']) params = [] for p in epc['parameters'] or []: param = {} if p == 'groups': param['type'] = "std::vector" param['open'] = "{" param['close'] = "}" values = [] for group in precond['pcgrps']: for pcgrp in group['members']: value = {} value['value'] = ( "PrecondGroup{\"" + str(pcgrp['object']) + "\",\"" + str(pcgrp['interface']) + "\",\"" + str(pcgrp['property']) + "\"," + "static_cast<" + str(pcgrp['type']).lower() + ">") if isinstance(pcgrp['value'], str) or \ "string" in str(pcgrp['type']).lower(): value['value'] += ("(" + str(pcgrp['value']) + ")}") else: value['value'] += \ ("(" + str(pcgrp['value']).lower() + ")}") values.append(value) param['values'] = values params.append(param) pcs['params'] = params pc.append(pcs) precond['pcact'] = pc pcevents = [] for pce in event['precondition']['events']: pcevent = getEvent(zNum, zCond, pce, events_data) if not pcevent: continue pcevents.append(pcevent) precond['pcevts'] = pcevents # Add precondition event triggers precond['triggers'] = {} for trig in event['precondition']['triggers']: triggers = [] if (trig['name'] == "timer"): precond['triggers']['pctime'] = getTimer(trig) elif (trig['name'] == "signal"): if ('pcsigs' not in precond['triggers']): precond['triggers']['pcsigs'] = [] triggers = getSignal(precond['pcgrps'], trig, events_data) precond['triggers']['pcsigs'].extend(triggers) elif (trig['name'] == "init"): triggers = getInit(precond['pcgrps'], trig, events_data) precond['triggers']['init'] = triggers return precond def getEventsInZone(zone_num, zone_conditions, events_data): """ Constructs the event entries defined for each zone using the events yaml provided. """ events = [] if 'events' in events_data: for e in events_data['events']: event = {} # Add precondition if given if ('precondition' in e) and \ (e['precondition'] is not None): event['pc'] = addPrecondition(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data) else: event = getEvent(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data) # Remove empty events and events that have # no groups defined for the event or any of the actions if not event or \ (not event['groups'] and all(not a['groups'] for a in event['action'])): continue events.append(event) return events def getFansInZone(zone_num, profiles, fan_data): """ Parses the fan definition YAML files to find the fans that match both the zone passed in and one of the cooling profiles. """ fans = [] for f in fan_data['fans']: if zone_num != f['cooling_zone']: continue # 'cooling_profile' is optional (use 'all' instead) if f.get('cooling_profile') is None: profile = "all" else: profile = f['cooling_profile'] if profile not in profiles: continue fan = {} fan['name'] = f['inventory'] fan['sensors'] = f['sensors'] fan['target_interface'] = f.get( 'target_interface', 'xyz.openbmc_project.Control.FanSpeed') fans.append(fan) return fans def getIfacesInZone(zone_ifaces): """ Parse given interfaces for a zone for associating a zone with an interface and set any properties listed to defined values upon fan control starting on the zone. """ ifaces = [] for i in zone_ifaces: iface = {} # Interface name not needed yet for fan zones but # may be necessary as more interfaces are extended by the zones iface['name'] = i['name'] if ('properties' in i) and \ (i['properties'] is not None): props = [] for p in i['properties']: prop = {} prop['name'] = p['name'] prop['func'] = str(p['name']).lower() prop['type'] = parse_cpp_type(p['type']) if ('persist' in p): persist = p['persist'] if (persist is not None): if (isinstance(persist, bool)): prop['persist'] = 'true' if persist else 'false' else: prop['persist'] = 'false' vals = [] for v in p['values']: val = v['value'] if (val is not None): if (isinstance(val, bool)): # Convert True/False to 'true'/'false' val = 'true' if val else 'false' elif (isinstance(val, str)): # Wrap strings with double-quotes val = "\"" + val + "\"" vals.append(val) prop['values'] = vals props.append(prop) iface['props'] = props ifaces.append(iface) return ifaces def getConditionInZoneConditions(zone_condition, zone_conditions_data): """ Parses the zone conditions definition YAML files to find the condition that match both the zone condition passed in. """ condition = {} for c in zone_conditions_data['conditions']: if zone_condition != c['name']: continue condition['type'] = c['type'] properties = [] for p in c['properties']: property = {} property['property'] = p['property'] property['interface'] = p['interface'] property['path'] = p['path'] property['type'] = p['type'].lower() property['value'] = str(p['value']).lower() properties.append(property) condition['properties'] = properties return condition def buildZoneData(zone_data, fan_data, events_data, zone_conditions_data): """ Combines the zone definition YAML and fan definition YAML to create a data structure defining the fan cooling zones. """ zone_groups = [] # Allow zone_conditions to not be in yaml (since its optional) if not isinstance(zone_data, list) and zone_data != {}: zone_data = [zone_data] for group in zone_data: conditions = [] # zone conditions are optional if 'zone_conditions' in group and group['zone_conditions'] is not None: for c in group['zone_conditions']: if not zone_conditions_data: sys.exit("No zone_conditions YAML file but " + "zone_conditions used in zone YAML") condition = getConditionInZoneConditions(c['name'], zone_conditions_data) if not condition: sys.exit("Missing zone condition " + c['name']) conditions.append(condition) zone_group = {} zone_group['conditions'] = conditions zones = [] for z in group['zones']: zone = {} # 'zone' is required if ('zone' not in z) or (z['zone'] is None): sys.exit("Missing fan zone number in " + zone_yaml) zone['num'] = z['zone'] zone['full_speed'] = z['full_speed'] zone['default_floor'] = z['default_floor'] # 'increase_delay' is optional (use 0 by default) key = 'increase_delay' zone[key] = z.setdefault(key, 0) # 'decrease_interval' is optional (use 0 by default) key = 'decrease_interval' zone[key] = z.setdefault(key, 0) # 'cooling_profiles' is optional (use 'all' instead) if ('cooling_profiles' not in z) or \ (z['cooling_profiles'] is None): profiles = ["all"] else: profiles = z['cooling_profiles'] # 'interfaces' is optional (no default) ifaces = [] if ('interfaces' in z) and \ (z['interfaces'] is not None): ifaces = getIfacesInZone(z['interfaces']) fans = getFansInZone(z['zone'], profiles, fan_data) events = getEventsInZone(z['zone'], group.get('zone_conditions', {}), events_data) if len(fans) == 0: sys.exit("Didn't find any fans in zone " + str(zone['num'])) if (ifaces): zone['ifaces'] = ifaces zone['fans'] = fans zone['events'] = events zones.append(zone) zone_group['zones'] = zones zone_groups.append(zone_group) return zone_groups if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser( description="Phosphor fan zone definition parser") parser.add_argument('-z', '--zone_yaml', dest='zone_yaml', default="example/zones.yaml", help='fan zone definitional yaml') parser.add_argument('-f', '--fan_yaml', dest='fan_yaml', default="example/fans.yaml", help='fan definitional yaml') parser.add_argument('-e', '--events_yaml', dest='events_yaml', help='events to set speeds yaml') parser.add_argument('-c', '--zone_conditions_yaml', dest='zone_conditions_yaml', help='conditions to determine zone yaml') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', dest='output_dir', default=".", help='output directory') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.zone_yaml or not args.fan_yaml: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) with open(args.zone_yaml, 'r') as zone_input: zone_data = yaml.safe_load(zone_input) or {} with open(args.fan_yaml, 'r') as fan_input: fan_data = yaml.safe_load(fan_input) or {} events_data = {} if args.events_yaml: with open(args.events_yaml, 'r') as events_input: events_data = yaml.safe_load(events_input) or {} zone_conditions_data = {} if args.zone_conditions_yaml: with open(args.zone_conditions_yaml, 'r') as zone_conditions_input: zone_conditions_data = yaml.safe_load(zone_conditions_input) or {} zone_config = buildZoneData(zone_data.get('zone_configuration', {}), fan_data, events_data, zone_conditions_data) manager_config = zone_data.get('manager_configuration', {}) if manager_config.get('power_on_delay') is None: manager_config['power_on_delay'] = 0 tmpls_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "templates") output_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "fan_zone_defs.cpp") if sys.version_info < (3, 0): lkup = TemplateLookup( directories=tmpls_dir.split(), disable_unicode=True) else: lkup = TemplateLookup( directories=tmpls_dir.split()) tmpl = lkup.get_template('fan_zone_defs.mako.cpp') with open(output_file, 'w') as output: output.write(tmpl.render(zones=zone_config, mgr_data=manager_config))