#!/bin/bash # #Header for BMC DUMP #This script will create header file only for IBM systems. #This script will generate generic IBM dump header format. # #Note: The dump header will be imposed on the dump file i.e #.tar.xz only on IBM specific systems, user needs to #separate out the header before extracting the dump. # #Constants declare -rx INVENTORY_MANAGER='xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager' declare -rx INVENTORY_PATH='/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system' declare -rx INVENTORY_ASSET_INT='xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset' declare -rx DUMP_HEADER_ENTRY_SIZE='516' declare -rx INVENTORY_BMC_BOARD='/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard' declare -rx SIZE_4='4' declare -rx SIZE_8='8' declare -rx SIZE_12='12' declare -rx SIZE_32='32' #Variables declare -x FILE="/tmp/dumpheader_$EPOCHTIME" declare -x dumpSize=$(ls -al $name_dir.tar.xz | awk '{print $5}') declare -x modelNo=$(busctl get-property $INVENTORY_MANAGER $INVENTORY_PATH \ $INVENTORY_ASSET_INT Model | cut -d " " -f 2 | sed "s/^\(\"\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g") declare -x serialNo=$(busctl get-property $INVENTORY_MANAGER $INVENTORY_PATH \ $INVENTORY_ASSET_INT SerialNumber | cut -d " " -f 2 | sed "s/^\(\"\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g") declare -x dDay=$(date -d @$EPOCHTIME +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') declare -x bmcSerialNo=$(busctl call $INVENTORY_MANAGER $INVENTORY_BMC_BOARD \ org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties Get ss $INVENTORY_ASSET_INT \ SerialNumber | cut -d " " -f 3 | sed "s/^\(\"\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g") #Function to add NULL function add_null() { local a=$1 printf '%*s' $a | tr ' ' "\0" >> $FILE } #Function to is to convert the EPOCHTIME collected #from dreport into hex values and write the same in #header. function dump_time() { x=${#dDay} msize=`expr $x / 2` msize=`expr $SIZE_8 - $msize` for ((i=0;i<$x;i+=2)); do printf \\x${dDay:$i:2} >> $FILE done add_null $msize } #Function to fetch the size of the dump function dump_size() { #Adding 516 bytes as the total dump size is dump tar size #plus the dump header entry in this case #dump_header and dump_entry sizeDump=`expr $dumpSize + $DUMP_HEADER_ENTRY_SIZE` printf -v hex "%x" $sizeDump x=${#hex} if [ $(($x % 2)) -eq 1 ]; then hex=0$hex x=${#hex} fi msize=`expr $x / 2` msize=`expr $SIZE_8 - $msize` add_null $msize for ((i=0;i<$x;i+=2)); do printf \\x${hex:$i:2} >> $FILE done } #Function to set dump id to 8 bytes format function get_dump_id() { x=${#dump_id} nulltoadd=`expr $SIZE_8 - $x` printf '%*s' $nulltoadd | tr ' ' "0" >> $FILE printf $dump_id >> $FILE } #Function to get the bmc serial number function getbmc_serial() { x=${#bmcSerialNo} nulltoadd=`expr $SIZE_12 - $x` printf $bmcSerialNo >> $FILE printf '%*s' $nulltoadd | tr ' ' "0" >> $FILE } #Function to add virtual file directory entry, consists of below entries ####################FORMAT################ #Name Size(bytes) Value #Entry Header 8 FILE #Entry Size 2 0x0040 #Reserved 10 NULL #Entry Type 2 0x0001 #File Name Prefix 2 0x000F #Dump File Type 7 BMCDUMP #Separator 1 . #System Serial No 7 System serial number fetched from system #Dump Identifier 8 Dump Identifier value fetched from dump #Separator 1 . #Time stamp 14 Form should be yyyymmddhhmmss #Null Terminator 1 0x00 function dump_file_entry() { printf "FILE " >> $FILE add_null 1 printf '\x40' >> $FILE #Virtual file directory entry size add_null 11 printf '\x01' >> $FILE add_null 1 printf '\x0F' >> $FILE printf "BMPDUMP.%s." "$serialNo" >> $FILE get_dump_id printf "." >> $FILE printf $dDay >> $FILE #UTC time stamp add_null 1 } #Function section directory entry, consists of below entries ####################FORMAT################ #Name Size(bytes) Value #Entry Header 8 SECTION #Entry Size 2 0x0030 #Section Priority 2 0x0000 #Reserved 4 NULL #Entry Flags 4 0x00000001 #Entry Types 2 0x0002 #Reserved 2 NULL #Dump Size 8 Dump size in hex + dump header #Optional Section 16 BMCDUMP function dump_section_entry() { printf "SECTION " >> $FILE add_null 1 printf '\x30' >> $FILE #Section entry size add_null 9 printf '\x01' >> $FILE add_null 1 printf '\x02' >> $FILE add_null 2 dump_size #Dump size printf "BMCDUMP" >> $FILE add_null 9 } #Function to add dump header, consists of below entries ####################FORMAT################ #Name Size(bytes) Value #Dump type 8 BMC DUMP #Dump Request time 8 Dump request time stamp (in BCD) #Dump Identifier 4 Dump identifer fetched from dump #Dump version 2 0x0210 #Dump header 2 0x200 #Total dump size 8 Dump size + dump header #Panel function 32 System model, feature, type and IPL mode #System Name 32 System Name (in ASCII) #Serial number 7 System serial number #Reserved 1 NULL #PLID 4 Comes from errorlog #File Header Size 2 0x70 #Dump SRC Size 2 Dump SRC Size. Currently NULL #DUMP SRC 320 DUMP SRC. Currently NULL #Dump Req Type 4 Dump requester user interface type. #Dump Req ID 32 Dump requester user interface ID #Dump Req user ID 32 Dump requester user ID. # #TODO: Github issue #2639, to populate the unpopulated elements. #Note: Unpopulated elements are listed below are set as NULL #PLID #SRC size #SRC dump #Dump requestor type #Dump Req ID #Dump Req user ID function dump_header() { printf "BMC DUMP" >> $FILE dump_time add_null 4 #Dump Identifier printf '\x02' >> $FILE #Dump version 0x0210 printf '\x10' >> $FILE printf '\x02' >> $FILE #Dump header size 0x0200 add_null 1 dump_size #dump size printf $modelNo >> $FILE add_null 24 printf "Server-%s-SN-%s" "$modelNo" "$serialNo" >> $FILE add_null 7 printf $serialNo >> $FILE add_null 1 add_null 4 #PLID printf '\x70' >> $FILE #File header size add_null 2 # SRC size add_null 320 # SRC dump getbmc_serial add_null 68 # Dump requester details } #Function to add Dump entry, consists of below entries ####################FORMAT################ #Name Size(bytes) Value #Dump Entry Version 1 0x01 #BMC Dump Valid 1 0x01 #No of Dump Entry 2 Number of Dump Entry # function dump_entry() { printf '\x01' >> $FILE #Dump entry version printf '\x01' >> $FILE #Dump valid add_null 1 printf '\x10' >> $FILE #Dump entry } #main function function gen_header_package() { dump_file_entry dump_section_entry dump_header dump_entry } #Run gen_header_package gen_header_package