#pragma once #include "config.h" #include "dump_manager_bmc.hpp" #include <cereal/access.hpp> #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp> #include <sdbusplus/server.hpp> #include <filesystem> #include <set> namespace phosphor { namespace dump { namespace elog { using IMgr = phosphor::dump::bmc::internal::Manager; using EId = uint32_t; using ElogList = std::set<EId>; /** @class Watch * @brief Adds d-bus signal based watch for elog add and delete. * @details This implements methods for watching for InternalFailure * type error message and call appropriate function to initiate dump */ class Watch { public: Watch() = delete; ~Watch() = default; Watch(const Watch&) = delete; Watch& operator=(const Watch&) = delete; Watch(Watch&&) = default; Watch& operator=(Watch&&) = default; /** @brief constructs watch for elog add and delete signals. * @param[in] bus - The Dbus bus object * @param[in] intMgr - Dump internal Manager object */ Watch(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, IMgr& iMgr); private: friend class cereal::access; /** @brief Function required by Cereal to perform serialization. * @tparam Archive - Cereal archive type (binary in our case). * @param[in] a - reference to Cereal archive. * @param[in] version - Class version that enables handling * a serialized data across code levels */ template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive& a, const std::uint32_t version) { a(elogList); // TODO: openbmc/phosphor-debug-collector#1 // Split into load/save so that it enables // version compare during serialization } /** @brief Callback function for error log add. * @details InternalError type error message initiates * Internal error type dump request. * @param[in] msg - Data associated with subscribed signal */ void addCallback(sdbusplus::message_t& msg); /** @brief Callback function for error log delete. * @param[in] msg - Data associated with subscribed signal */ void delCallback(sdbusplus::message_t& msg); /** @brief get elog ID from elog entry object string. * @param[in] objectPath - elog entry object path. * @return - elog id. */ inline EId getEid(const std::string& objectPath) { std::filesystem::path path(objectPath); return std::stoul(path.filename()); } /** @brief Dump internal Manager object. */ IMgr& iMgr; /** @brief sdbusplus signal match for elog add */ sdbusplus::bus::match_t addMatch; /** @brief sdbusplus signal match for elog delete */ sdbusplus::bus::match_t delMatch; /** @brief List of elog ids, which have associated dumps created */ ElogList elogList; }; } // namespace elog } // namespace dump } // namespace phosphor