description: >
    This interface defines methods and properties required for Time-based
    One-time Password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication at user level to
    support multi-factor authentication secret key setup for each user. This
    interface implemented by each user object to support TOTP based
    authenticators like google, microsoft, etc.

    - name: CreateSecretKey
      description: >
          This method setup Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) authenticator
          secret key for the given user and returns secret key string to share
          secret key to user.
          - name: SecretKey
            type: string
            description: >
                Secret key string which will be shared to user to setup TOTP
                applications to generate TOTP token.

    - name: VerifyOTP
      description: >
          This method verifies OTP with Time-based One-time Password
          authenticator secret key for the given user and returns weather this
          OTP is valid or not which make sure user has setup valid secret key
          for two factor authentication.
          - name: OTP
            type: string
            description: >
                One-time password string
          - name: Status
            type: boolean
            description: >
                Returns true if provided OTP is valid otherwise returns false.

    - name: SecretKeyGenerationRequired
      type: boolean
      default: false
          - readonly
      description: >
          This property indicates whether TOTP authenticator secret key setup
          required for the given user to complete Time-based One-time Password
          authentication setup

    - name: SecretKeyIsValid
      type: boolean
      default: false
      description: >
          This property indicates whether TOTP authenticator secret key setup
          for the given user

    - name: BypassedProtocol
      type: enum[xyz.openbmc_project.User.MultiFactorAuthConfiguration.Type]
      default: None
      description: >
          User level multi-factor authentication bypass settings. This interface
          will be implemented by user D-bus object to support user's MFA bypass