description: >
    Implement to provide host state management

    - name: RequestedHostTransition
      type: enum[self.Transition]
      default: "Off"
      description: >
          The desired host transition.  This will be preserved across AC power
          cycles of the BMC.

    - name: CurrentHostState
      type: enum[self.HostState]
      description: >
          A read-only property describing the current state of the host
          firmware. A user can determine if a system is in transition by
          comparing the CurrentHostState and the RequestedHostTransition

    - name: RestartCause
      type: enum[self.RestartCause]
      default: "Unknown"
      description: >
          A property to define restart cause of a host.

    - name: Transition
      description: >
          The desired transition for host firmware
          - name: "Off"
            description: >
                Host firmware should be off
          - name: "On"
            description: >
                Host firmware should be on
          - name: "Reboot"
            description: >
                Host firmware should be rebooted. Chassis power will be cycled
                from off to on during this reboot
          - name: "GracefulWarmReboot"
            description: >
                Host firmware be will notified to shutdown and once complete,
                the host firmware will be rebooted. Chassis power will remain on
                throughout the reboot
          - name: "ForceWarmReboot"
            description: >
                Host firmware will be rebooted without notification and chassis
                power will remain on throughout the reboot

    - name: HostState
      description: >
          The current state of the host firmware
          - name: "Off"
            description: >
                Host firmware is not running
          - name: "TransitioningToOff"
            description: >
                Host firmware is transitioning to an Off state
          - name: "Standby"
            description: >
                Host firmware is in a standby state. It is awaiting a Transition
                request to On to move to Running. This is an intermediate state
                that some implementations of this object may move to between Off
                and Running.
          - name: "Running"
            description: >
                Host firmware is running
          - name: "TransitioningToRunning"
            description: >
                Host firmware is transitioning to a Running state
          - name: "Quiesced"
            description: >
                Host firmware is quiesced. The host firmware is enabled but
                either unresponsive or only processing a restricted set of
                commands. This state can be a result of the host entering an
                error state or booting into a BIOS setup environment. The
                BootProgress property will provide details on which it is.
          - name: "DiagnosticMode"
            description: >
                Host firmware is capturing debug information. Powering off your
                system while the host is in this state will prevent the debug
                data from being properly collected. The host will move to one of
                the other states once complete.

    - name: RestartCause
      description: >
          The reason for host restart.
          - name: "Unknown"
            description: >
                Reason Unknown
          - name: "RemoteCommand"
            description: >
                Remote command issued
          - name: "ResetButton"
            description: >
                Reset button pressed
          - name: "PowerButton"
            description: >
                Power button pressed
          - name: "WatchdogTimer"
            description: >
                Watchdog Timer expired
          - name: "PowerPolicyAlwaysOn"
            description: >
                Power Policy Host Always on
          - name: "PowerPolicyPreviousState"
            description: >
                Power Policy Previous State of Host
          - name: "SoftReset"
            description: >
                Soft reset of Host
          - name: "ScheduledPowerOn"
            description: >
                The restart was scheduled via the
                xyz.openbmc_project.State.ScheduledHostTransition interface
          - name: "HostCrash"
            description: >
                The host firmware crashed and the BMC has automatically
                initiated a restart of the host firmware