description: > Interface for performing code update for various firwmare entities. methods: - name: StartUpdate description: > Start a firware update to be performed asynchronously. parameters: - name: Image type: unixfd description: > This property indicates the file descriptor of the firmware image. - name: ApplyTime type: enum[self.ApplyTimes] description: > This property indicates when the software image update should be applied. returns: - name: ObjectPath type: object_path description: > The object path where the image interfaces will be hosted, for example, required interfaces such as ActivationStatus, ActivationProgress and optional interfaces such as Version. errors: - xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update.Error.Incompatible - xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update.Error.InvalidSignature - xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update.Error.InvalidImage - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.Unavailable properties: - name: AllowedApplyTimes type: set[enum[self.ApplyTimes]] description: > This property indicates the apply times allowed for this device. flags: - readonly enumerations: - name: ApplyTimes description: > The possible values of this property indicate when the newly updated software image will be activated. values: - name: Immediate description: > Apply immediately. - name: OnReset description: > Apply on reset of device being updated.