description: >
    The priority, for redundancy purposes, of the associated
    - name: Priority
      type: byte
      description: >
          The priority order specified for the associated Software.Version,
          represented as a value between 0 (High) and 127 (Low).  Any value
          above 127 has implementation-specific purpose.

          Only one Software.Version, per associated device, may be at any
          particular priority.  A requested priority change may cause other
          Software.Versions to change priority.

          A dual-sided redundancy model could be represented by two
          Software.Version associations, one of which is at priority 0 and the
          other at priority 1.  When a new image is Activated, the old
          priority-1 association is deleted, the old priority-0 association
          becomes priority-1, and the new image is assigned priority-0.

# TODO: Specify "EAGAIN" type error when priority is unable to be modified
#       due to current system state.  Currently, sdbusplus does not support
#       errors on properties.