# Software Version Management and Image Update ## Overview There are two types of processes involved in software version management and code update: 1. *ImageManager* - This is a process which manages a collection of, likely temporary, images located somewhere in a file system. These are images which are available on the BMC for update. 2. *ItemUpdater* - This is a process which manages specific storage elements, likely for an inventory item, to determine which software versions are installed onto that item. A specific example of this would be a process that controls and updates the BIOS flash module for a managed host. A simple system design would be to include a single *ImageManager* and two *ItemUpdater*s: one for the BMC itself and one for the Host. ### ImageManager The *ImageManager* would provide interfaces at `/xyz/openbmc_project/software` to allow additional images to be added to the BMC, such as Object.Add() for REST and DownloadViaTFTP() for TFTP. The standard Object.Delete() interface would also be provided to facilitate removing images which are no longer needed. Images maintained in the file system would be presented as a corresponding `/xyz/openbmc_project/software/` object. In addition, the `xyz.openbmc_project.Common.FilePath` interface would be provided to specify the location of the image. It is assumed that the *ImageManager* has [at least] a bare minimum amount of parsing knowledge, perhaps due to a common image format, to allow it to populate all of the properties of `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version`. *ItemUpdater*s will likely listen for standard D-Bus signals to identify new images being created. ### *ItemUpdater* The *ItemUpdater* is responsible for monitoring for new `Software.Version` elements being created to identify versions that are applicable to the inventory element(s) it is managing. The *ItemUpdater* should dynamically create an `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation` interface under `/xyz/openbmc_project/software/`, an association of type `{active_image,software_version}` between the `Software.Version` and `Software.Activation` under `/xyz/openbmc_project/software/`, and an association of type `{activation,item}` between the `Inventory.Item` and `Software.Activation` under `/xyz/openbmc_project/software/`. Application of the software image is then handled through the `RequestedActivation` property of the `Software.Activation` interface. The *ItemUpdater* should, if possible, also create its own `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version` objects, and appropriate associations for software versions that are currently present on the managed inventory element(s). This provides a mechanism for interrogation of the software versions when the *ImageManager* no longer contains a copy. ## Details ### Image Identifier The *ImageManager* and *ItemUpdater* should use a common, though perhaps implementation specific, algorithm for the `` portion of a D-Bus path for each `Software.Version`. This allows the same software version to be contained in multiple locations but represented by the same object path. A reasonable algorithm might be: `echo | sha512sum | cut -b 1-8` > TODO: May need an issue against the REST server to 'merge' two copies of > a single D-Bus object into a single REST object. ### Activation States `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation` has a property Activation that can be in the following states: 1. *NotReady* - Indicating that the *ItemUpdater* is still processing the version and it is therefore not ready for activation. This might be used on an image that has a security header while verification is being performed. 2. *Invalid* - Indicating that, while the `Software.Version.Purpose` suggested the image was valid for a managed element, a detailed analysis by the *ItemUpdater* showed that it was not. Reasons may include image corruption detected via CRC or security verification failure. An event may be recorded with additional details. 3. *Ready* - Indicating that the `Software.Version` can be activated. 4. *Activating* - Indicating that the `Software.Version` is in the process of being activated. 5. *Active* - The `Software.Version` is active on the managed element. Note that on systems with redundant storage devices a version might be *Active* but not the primary version. 6. *Failed* - The `Software.Version` or the storage medium on which it is stored has failed. An event may be recorded with additional details. 7. *Staged* - The `Software.Version` is in staged flash region. This will be moved from staged flash region to active flash region upon reset. Staged flash region is the designated flash area which is used to store the integrity validated firmware image that comes in during firmware update process. Note that the staged image is not necessarily a functional firmware. ### Image Apply Time `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ApplyTime` has a property called RequestedApplyTime that indicates when the newly applied software image will be activated. RequestedApplyTime is a D-Bus property that maps to the "ApplyTime" property in the Redfish UpdateService schema. Below are the currently supported values and the value can be supplied through HttpPushUriApplyTime object: 1. *Immediate* - Indicating that the `Software.Version` needs to be activated immediately. 2. *OnReset* - Indicating that the `Software.Version` needs to be activated on the next reset. ### Blocking State Transitions It is sometimes useful to block a system state transition while activations are being performed. For example, we do not want to boot a managed host while its BIOS is being updated. In order to facilitate this, the interface `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationBlocksTransition` may be added to any object with `Software.Activation` to indicate this behavior. See that interface for more details. It is strongly suggested that any activations are completed prior to a managed BMC reboot. This could be facilitated with systemd service specifiers. ### Software Versions All version identifiers are implementation specific strings. No format should be assumed. Some software versions are a collection of images, each with their own version identifiers. The `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ExtendedVersion` interface can be added to any `Software.Version` to express the versioning of the aggregation. ### Activation Progress The `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationProgress` interface is provided to show current progress while a software version is *Activating*. It is expected that an *ItemUpdater* will dynamically create this interface while the version is *Activating* and dynamically remove it when the activation is complete (or failed). ### Handling Redundancy The `xyz.openbmc_project.Software.RedundancyPriority` interface is provided to express the relationship between two (or more) software versions activated for a single managed element. It is expected that all installed versions are listed as *Active* and the `Priority` shows which version is the primary and which are available for redundancy. Prior to `Activation`, it can be useful to indicate a desired `RedundancyPriority`. This can be done by setting the `Priority` on the `RequestedRedundancyPriority` interface. Some *ItemUpdater* implementations may not honor this field or be unable to comply with the request, in which case the resulting `Activation` may result in one of two conditions: a `ActivationState = Failed` or an `ActivateState = Active`` with a `RedundancyPriority = 0 (High)`. ## REST use-cases ### Find all software versions on the system, either active or available. List `/xyz/openbmc_project/software/`. This list can be filtered to just active listing `.../software/active/` and following the `software_version` association to retrieve version information. To list just "functional" or running versions list `/xyz/openbmc_project/software/functional/`. ### Find all software versions on a managed element. List `/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/...//activation` association. ### Upload new version via REST HTTP PUT to `/xyz/openbmc_project/software/`. *ImageManager* will assign the `` when called for Object.Add(). ### Upload new version via ??? Need additional interfaces defined for alternative upload methods. ### Activate a version. Modify `RequestedActivation` to *Active* on the desired `Activation`. ### Switch primary image. Set `Priority` to 0 on the desired `RedundancyPriority` interface.