description: > SMBIOS MDR V2 service methods: - name: GetDirectoryInformation description: > Get the directory with directory index. parameters: - name: dirIndex type: byte description: > Directory index of SMBIOS. returns: - name: dir type: array[byte] description: > Directory of agent. errors: - self.Error.InvalidParameter - name: GetDataInformation description: > Get the data info with id index and data set ID. parameters: - name: idIndex type: byte description: > Index of SMBIOS directory. returns: - name: dataInfo type: array[byte] description: > Data information of SMBIOS. errors: - self.Error.InvalidParameter - name: SendDirectoryInformation description: > Send directory information to SMBIOS directory. parameters: - name: dirVersion type: byte description: > A counter which increments each time directory updated. - name: dirIndex type: byte description: > Directory index of SMBIOS. - name: returnedEntries type: byte description: > Indicates number of directory entries. - name: remainingEntries type: byte description: > Remaining entries which are higher than index in this transfer. - name: dirEntry type: array[byte] description: > Data set ID of SMBIOS table. returns: - name: status type: boolean description: > Need to continue directory transmission or not. errors: - self.Error.InvalidParameter - name: GetDataOffer description: > Get data set ID. returns: - name: offer type: array[byte] description: > Data set ID. errors: - self.Error.UpdateInProgress - name: SendDataInformation description: > Send data information with directory index. parameters: - name: idIndex type: byte description: > Index of SMBIOS directory. - name: flag type: byte description: > Valid flag to set dir entry status. - name: dataLen type: uint32 description: > The length of the data in bytes. - name: dataVer type: uint32 description: > The version number of this data. - name: timeStamp type: uint32 description: > Timestamp determined by the agent. returns: - name: status type: boolean description: > Whether data changes. errors: - self.Error.InvalidParameter - name: FindIdIndex description: > Find id index by data info. parameters: - name: dataInfo type: array[byte] description: > Data info of data entry. returns: - name: idIndex type: int32 description: > Id index of data entry. errors: - self.Error.InvalidId - name: AgentSynchronizeData description: > Synchronize SMBIOS data from file. returns: - name: status type: boolean description: > Whether synchronization succeed or not. - name: SynchronizeDirectoryCommonData description: > Synchronize directory common data. parameters: - name: idIndex type: byte description: > Index of SMBIOS directory. - name: size type: uint32 description: > Size of data that BIOS prepare to transfer. returns: - name: commonData type: array[uint32] description: > Directory common data includes data size, version and timestamp. properties: - name: DirectoryEntries type: byte description: > Numbers of directory entries.