description: > Interface to query trusted component info. properties: - name: TrustedComponentType type: enum[self.ComponentAttachType] default: Unknown flags: - readonly description: > The type of trusted component, such as any physical distinction about the trusted component. associations: - name: reported_by description: > Objects that implement TrustedComponent can implement the "reported_by" association to provide a link to component integrity object that the trusted component is reported by. reverse_name: reporting required_endpoint_interfaces: - xyz.openbmc_project.Attestation.ComponentIntegrity - name: protecting description: > Objects that implement TrustedComponent can implement the "protecting" association to provide a link to the target component whose security this resource protects. reverse_name: protected_by required_endpoint_interfaces: - xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item enumerations: - name: ComponentAttachType description: > The type of trusted component, such as any physical distinction about the trusted component. values: - name: Discrete description: > A discrete trusted component. It is "discrete" when basic electronic components are connected through a wire or soldered on a printed circuit board (PCB). - name: Integrated description: > An integrated trusted component. - name: Unknown description: > Attach type not known yet.