description: > Button interface is a generic phosphor button interface which supports two primary actions (pressed/releasd). When the button is pressed "Pressed" signal is emitted and when button is released then "Released" signal is emitted. methods: - name: simPress description: > Emulate button press. errors: - xyz.openbmc_project.Chassis.Common.Error.UnsupportedCommand - xyz.openbmc_project.Chassis.Common.Error.IOError - name: simRelease description: > Emulate button release. errors: - xyz.openbmc_project.Chassis.Common.Error.UnsupportedCommand - xyz.openbmc_project.Chassis.Common.Error.IOError - name: simLongPress description: > Emulate long button press. errors: - xyz.openbmc_project.Chassis.Common.Error.UnsupportedCommand - xyz.openbmc_project.Chassis.Common.Error.IOError properties: - name: Enabled type: boolean default: true description: > Enable/disable the button object. false means button is disabled true means button is enabled errors: - xyz.openbmc_project.Chassis.Common.Error.UnsupportedCommand - xyz.openbmc_project.Chassis.Common.Error.IOError signals: - name: Released description: > Button released signal - name: Pressed description: > Button pressed signal - name: PressedLong description: > Button long pressed signal