description: > Implement to notify the creation of new dump. This interface is used when a dump is already created and ready to be offloaded. This interface will update an existing dump object or add a new one with the provided properties. The existing create interface should be used when the data is being collected and the dump needs to be packaged. Specifically for IBM OpenPOWER systems, dumps are collected and stored in the host. Post dump completion, the host notifies via PLDM, which calls this interface with dump type, dump source id (an id assigned by the host and used for all communication with the host), and the size of the newly created dump. Any OpenBMC implementation must provide exactly one implementation of on /xyz/openbmc_project/dump. methods: - name: NotifyDump description: > Create or update a dump entry based on the parameters and the specific dump type. parameters: - name: SourceDumpId type: uint32 description: > The dump id provided by the source of the dump. In IBM OpenPOWER systems, some types of dumps are generated and stored in the host memory. All dumps have a unique id, but when communicating to the source of the dump, the SourceDumpId will be used. - name: Size type: uint64 description: > Size of the dump in bytes. On large systems, the size of the dump can be up to 32GB. - name: DumpType type: enum [self.DumpType] description: > The type of the dump. - name: Token type: uint32 default: 0 description: > Sometimes the dump is created in the host based on the request from the user, such requests come through the BMC first and then get forwaded to host in such cases host will be sending a token to identify the dump request. If the token is not valid it should be defaulted to 0. errors: - xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Create.Error.Disabled enumerations: - name: DumpType description: > The type of the host dump to be collected. values: - name: "System" description: > System Dump: A dump that contains certain hardware register data and host memory. - name: "Resource" description: > Resource Dump: A dump of host resources, created for various host components. The content may vary accordingly.