#include "serial_uart_mux.hpp" #include "xyz/openbmc_project/Chassis/Buttons/HostSelector/client.hpp" #include "xyz/openbmc_project/Chassis/Buttons/HostSelector/server.hpp" #include #include namespace sdbusRule = sdbusplus::bus::match::rules; // add the button iface class to registry static ButtonIFRegister buttonRegister; namespace HostSelectorServerObj = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Chassis::Buttons::server; namespace HostSelectorClientObj = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Chassis::Buttons::client::HostSelector; constexpr std::string_view SERIAL_UART_RX_GPIO = "serial_uart_rx"; void SerialUartMux::init() { try { // when Host Selector Position is changed call the handler std::string matchPattern = sdbusRule::propertiesChanged( HS_DBUS_OBJECT_NAME, HostSelectorClientObj::interface); hostPositionChanged = std::make_unique( bus, matchPattern, std::bind(std::mem_fn(&SerialUartMux::hostSelectorPositionChanged), this, std::placeholders::_1)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { lg2::error( "Failed binding to matching function : {BUTTON_TYPE},Exception : {ERROR}", "BUTTON_TYPE", getFormFactorName(), "ERROR", e); throw sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Chassis::Common::Error:: IOError(); } } // check the debug card present pin bool SerialUartMux::isOCPDebugCardPresent() { auto gpioState = getGpioState(debugCardPresentGpio.fd, debugCardPresentGpio.polarity); return (gpioState == GpioState::assert); } // set the serial uart MUX to select the console w.r.t host selector position void SerialUartMux::configSerialConsoleMux(size_t position) { auto debugCardPresent = isOCPDebugCardPresent(); if (debugCardPresent) { lg2::info("Debug card is present "); } else { lg2::info("Debug card not present "); } for (size_t uartMuxSel = 0; uartMuxSel < gpioLineCount; uartMuxSel++) { auto gpioState = GpioState::invalid; gpioInfo gpioConfig = config.gpios[uartMuxSel]; if (gpioConfig.name == SERIAL_UART_RX_GPIO) { gpioState = debugCardPresent ? GpioState::assert : GpioState::deassert; } else { gpioState = (serialUartMuxMap[position] & (0x1 << uartMuxSel)) ? GpioState::assert : GpioState::deassert; } setGpioState(gpioConfig.fd, gpioConfig.polarity, gpioState); } } void SerialUartMux::hostSelectorPositionChanged(sdbusplus::message_t& msg) { std::string interface; std::map propertiesChanged; lg2::info("hostSelectorPositionChanged callback : {BUTTON_TYPE}", "BUTTON_TYPE", getFormFactorName()); try { msg.read(interface, propertiesChanged); for (auto& property : propertiesChanged) { auto propertyName = property.first; if (propertyName == "Position") { size_t hostPosition = std::get(property.second); lg2::debug("property changed : {VALUE}", "VALUE", hostPosition); configSerialConsoleMux(hostPosition); return; } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { lg2::error("exception while reading dbus property : {ERROR}", "ERROR", e.what()); return; } }