#include "software_utils.hpp" #include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp> PHOSPHOR_LOG2_USING; namespace phosphor::software::utils { static bool writeToFile(int imageFd, FILE* outStream) { const int bSize = 100; ssize_t nRead = 0; unsigned char buf[bSize]; while ((nRead = read(imageFd, buf, bSize)) > 0) { if (fwrite(buf, 1, nRead, outStream) != (size_t)nRead) { error("Failed to write to file"); return false; } } if (nRead < 0) { error("Failed to read from input file"); return false; } return true; } bool unTar(int imageFd, const std::string& extractDirPath) { std::string tarCmd = "tar -xf - -C " + extractDirPath + " --no-same-owner"; info("Executing command: {CMD}", "CMD", tarCmd); FILE* outStream = popen(tarCmd.c_str(), "w"); if (outStream == nullptr) { error("Failed to open pipe to execute command: {CMD}", "CMD", tarCmd); return false; } if (!writeToFile(imageFd, outStream)) { error("Failed to write to file"); pclose(outStream); return false; } if (pclose(outStream) != 0) { error("Failed to close pipe"); return false; } return true; } } // namespace phosphor::software::utils boost::asio::io_context& getIOContext() { static boost::asio::io_context io; return io; }