option('tests', type: 'feature', description: 'Build tests.') option('p9', type: 'feature', description: 'Enable support for POWER9') option('openfsi', type: 'feature', description: 'Enable support for OpenFSI') option('phal', type: 'feature', description: 'Enable support for PHAL') option('DEVTREE_EXPORT_FILTER_FILE', type : 'string', value : '/usr/share/pdata/preserved_attrs_list', description : 'Path to the phal devtree export filter file' ) option('DEVTREE_EXP_FILE', type : 'string', value : '/var/lib/phal/exportdevtree', description : 'Path to the devtree export copy file' ) option('CEC_DEVTREE_RW_PATH', type : 'string', value : '/media/hostfw/running/DEVTREE', description : 'Path to the devtree file r/w version' ) option('CEC_DEVTREE_RO_BASE_PATH', type : 'string', value : '/media/hostfw/running-ro/', description : 'Base path to the devtree file read only version' ) option('CEC_INFODB_PATH', type : 'string', value : '/usr/share/pdata/attributes_info.db', description : 'Path to the devtree attributes based database path' ) option('DEVTREE_REINIT_ATTRS_LIST', type : 'string', value : '/usr/share/pdata/reinit_devtree_attrs_list', description : 'Path to the phal devtree reinit attribute list file' )