extern "C" { #include <libpdbg.h> } #include "create_pel.hpp" #include "dump_utils.hpp" #include "extensions/phal/common_utils.hpp" #include "phal_error.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include <attributes_info.H> #include <libekb.H> #include <libphal.H> #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> #include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <format> #include <iomanip> #include <list> #include <map> #include <sstream> #include <string> namespace openpower { namespace phal { using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace openpower::phal::exception; using Severity = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Logging::server::Entry::Level; /** * Used to pass buffer to pdbg callback api to get required target * data (attributes) based on given data (attribute). */ struct TargetInfo { ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Type physBinPath; ATTR_LOCATION_CODE_Type locationCode; ATTR_PHYS_DEV_PATH_Type physDevPath; ATTR_MRU_ID_Type mruId; bool deconfigure; TargetInfo() { memset(&physBinPath, '\0', sizeof(physBinPath)); memset(&locationCode, '\0', sizeof(locationCode)); memset(&physDevPath, '\0', sizeof(physDevPath)); mruId = 0; deconfigure = false; } }; /** * Used to return in callback function which are used to get * physical path value and it binary format value. * * The value for constexpr defined based on pdbg_target_traverse function usage. */ constexpr int continueTgtTraversal = 0; constexpr int requireAttrFound = 1; constexpr int requireAttrNotFound = 2; /** * @brief Used to get target location code from phal device tree * * @param[in] target current device tree target * @param[out] appPrivData used for accessing|storing from|to application * * @return 0 to continue traverse, non-zero to stop traverse */ int pdbgCallbackToGetTgtReqAttrsVal(struct pdbg_target* target, void* appPrivData) { using namespace openpower::phal::pdbg; TargetInfo* targetInfo = static_cast<TargetInfo*>(appPrivData); ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Type physBinPath; /** * TODO: Issue: phal/pdata#16 * Should not use direct pdbg api to read attribute. Need to use DT_GET_PROP * macro for bmc app's and this will call libdt-api api but, it will print * "pdbg_target_get_attribute failed" trace if attribute is not found and * this callback will call recursively by using pdbg_target_traverse() until * find expected attribute based on return code from this callback. Because, * need to do target iteration to get actual attribute (ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH) * value when device tree target info doesn't know to read attribute from * device tree. So, Due to this error trace user will get confusion while * looking traces. Hence using pdbg api to avoid trace until libdt-api * provides log level setup. */ if (!pdbg_target_get_attribute( target, "ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH", std::stoi(dtAttr::fapi2::ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Spec), dtAttr::fapi2::ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_ElementCount, physBinPath)) { return continueTgtTraversal; } if (std::memcmp(physBinPath, targetInfo->physBinPath, sizeof(physBinPath)) != 0) { return continueTgtTraversal; } // Found Target, now collect the required attributes associated to the // target. Incase of any attribute read failure, initialize the data with // default value. try { // Get location code information openpower::phal::pdbg::getLocationCode(target, targetInfo->locationCode); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>(std::format("getLocationCode({}): Exception({})", pdbg_target_path(target), e.what()) .c_str()); } if (DT_GET_PROP(ATTR_PHYS_DEV_PATH, target, targetInfo->physDevPath)) { log<level::ERR>( std::format("Could not read({}) PHYS_DEV_PATH attribute", pdbg_target_path(target)) .c_str()); } if (DT_GET_PROP(ATTR_MRU_ID, target, targetInfo->mruId)) { log<level::ERR>(std::format("Could not read({}) ATTR_MRU_ID attribute", pdbg_target_path(target)) .c_str()); } return requireAttrFound; } /** * @brief Used to get target info (attributes data) * * To get target required attributes value using another attribute value * ("PHYS_BIN_PATH" which is present in same target attributes list) by using * "ipdbg_target_traverse" api because, here we have attribute value only and * doesn't have respective device tree target info to get required attributes * values from it attributes list. * * @param[in] physBinPath to pass PHYS_BIN_PATH value * @param[out] targetInfo to pas buufer to fill with required attributes * * @return true on success otherwise false */ bool getTgtReqAttrsVal(const std::vector<uint8_t>& physBinPath, TargetInfo& targetInfo) { std::memcpy(&targetInfo.physBinPath, physBinPath.data(), sizeof(targetInfo.physBinPath)); int ret = pdbg_target_traverse(NULL, pdbgCallbackToGetTgtReqAttrsVal, &targetInfo); if (ret == 0) { std::string fmt; for (auto value : targetInfo.physBinPath) { fmt += std::format("{:02X} ", value); } log<level::ERR>(std::format("Given ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH value {} " "not found in phal device tree", fmt) .c_str()); return false; } else if (ret == requireAttrNotFound) { return false; } return true; } } // namespace phal namespace pel { using namespace phosphor::logging; namespace detail { using json = nlohmann::json; // keys need to be unique so using counter value to generate unique key static int counter = 0; // list of debug traces static std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> traceLog; /** * @brief Process platform realted boot failure * * @param[in] errInfo - error details */ static void processPlatBootError(const ipl_error_info& errInfo); void processLogTraceCallback(void*, const char* fmt, va_list ap) { va_list vap; va_copy(vap, ap); std::vector<char> logData(1 + std::vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, ap)); std::vsnprintf(logData.data(), logData.size(), fmt, vap); va_end(vap); std::string logstr(logData.begin(), logData.end()); log<level::INFO>(logstr.c_str()); char timeBuf[80]; time_t t = time(0); tm myTm{}; gmtime_r(&t, &myTm); strftime(timeBuf, 80, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &myTm); // key values need to be unique for PEL // TODO #openbmc/dev/issues/1563 // If written to Json no need to worry about unique KEY std::stringstream str; str << std::setfill('0'); str << "LOG" << std::setw(3) << counter; str << " " << timeBuf; traceLog.emplace_back(std::make_pair(str.str(), std::move(logstr))); counter++; } /** * @brief GET PEL priority from pHAL priority * * The pHAL callout priority is in different format than PEL format * so, this api is used to return current phal supported priority into * PEL expected format. * * @param[in] phalPriority used to pass phal priority format string * * @return pel priority format string else empty if failure * * @note For "NONE" returning "L" (LOW) */ static std::string getPelPriority(const std::string& phalPriority) { const std::map<std::string, std::string> priorityMap = { {"HIGH", "H"}, {"MEDIUM", "M"}, {"LOW", "L"}, {"NONE", "L"}}; auto it = priorityMap.find(phalPriority); if (it == priorityMap.end()) { log<level::ERR>(std::format("Unsupported phal priority({}) is given " "to get pel priority format", phalPriority) .c_str()); return "H"; } return it->second; } /** * @brief Helper function to create PEL for non functional boot * processor related failure. * This function adds the BMC code callout as priority 1 to fix * devtree related software issue. Incase the issue still persist * after reboot recommend to replacing the primary processor. */ void processNonFunctionalBootProc() { json jsonCalloutDataList; json jsonProcedCallout; // Add BMC code callout jsonProcedCallout["Procedure"] = "BMC0001"; jsonProcedCallout["Priority"] = "H"; jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(std::move(jsonProcedCallout)); // get primary processor struct pdbg_target* procTarget; pdbg_for_each_class_target("proc", procTarget) { if (openpower::phal::isPrimaryProc(procTarget)) break; procTarget = nullptr; } // check valid primary processor is available if (procTarget == nullptr) { log<level::ERR>( "processNonFunctionalBootProc: fail to get primary processor"); } else { try { ATTR_LOCATION_CODE_Type locationCode = {'\0'}; // Get location code information openpower::phal::pdbg::getLocationCode(procTarget, locationCode); json jsonProcCallout; jsonProcCallout["LocationCode"] = locationCode; jsonProcCallout["Deconfigured"] = false; jsonProcCallout["Guarded"] = false; jsonProcCallout["Priority"] = "M"; jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(std::move(jsonProcCallout)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>(std::format("getLocationCode({}): Exception({})", pdbg_target_path(procTarget), e.what()) .c_str()); } } // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data FFDCData pelAdditionalData; for_each( traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(), [&pelAdditionalData](std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void { pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second); }); openpower::pel::createErrorPEL( "org.open_power.PHAL.Error.NonFunctionalBootProc", jsonCalloutDataList, pelAdditionalData, Severity::Error); // reset trace log and exit reset(); } /** * @brief processClockInfoErrorHelper * * Creates informational PEL for spare clock failure * * @param[in] ffdc - FFDC data capturd by the HWP * @param[in] ffdc_prefix - prefix string for logging the data. */ void processClockInfoErrorHelper(FFDC* ffdc, const std::string& ffdc_prefix) { try { log<level::INFO>( std::format("processClockInfoErrorHelper: FFDC Message[{}]", ffdc->message) .c_str()); // To store callouts details in json format as per pel expectation. json jsonCalloutDataList; jsonCalloutDataList = json::array(); // To store phal trace and other additional data about ffdc. FFDCData pelAdditionalData; std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "RC"); // Adding hardware procedures return code details pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.rc); keyWithPrefix = ffdc_prefix + "RC_DESC"; pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.rc_desc); // Adding hardware procedures required ffdc data for debug for_each(ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.ffdcs_data.begin(), ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.ffdcs_data.end(), [&pelAdditionalData, &ffdc_prefix]( std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void { std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "FFDC_"); keyWithPrefix.append(ele.first); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ele.second); }); // get clock position information auto clk_pos = 0xFF; // Invalid position. for (auto& hwCallout : ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts) { if ((hwCallout.hwid == "PROC_REF_CLOCK") || (hwCallout.hwid == "PCI_REF_CLOCK")) { clk_pos = hwCallout.clkPos; break; } } // Adding CDG (Only deconfigure) targets details for_each(ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.begin(), ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.end(), [&pelAdditionalData, &jsonCalloutDataList, clk_pos](const CDG_Target& cdg_tgt) -> void { json jsonCalloutData; std::string pelPriority = "L"; jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority; // Not used jsonCalloutData["SymbolicFRU"] = "REFCLK" + std::to_string(clk_pos); jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = cdg_tgt.deconfigure; jsonCalloutData["EntityPath"] = cdg_tgt.target_entity_path; jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData); }); // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data for_each(traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(), [&pelAdditionalData]( std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void { pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second); }); openpower::pel::createErrorPEL("org.open_power.PHAL.Error.SpareClock", jsonCalloutDataList, pelAdditionalData, Severity::Informational); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { reset(); throw ex; } reset(); } void processIplErrorCallback(const ipl_error_info& errInfo) { log<level::INFO>( std::format("processIplErrorCallback: Error type({})", static_cast<std::underlying_type<ipl_error_type>::type>( errInfo.type)) .c_str()); switch (errInfo.type) { case IPL_ERR_OK: // reset trace log and exit reset(); break; case IPL_ERR_SBE_BOOT: case IPL_ERR_SBE_CHIPOP: // handle SBE related failures. processSbeBootError(); break; case IPL_ERR_HWP: // Handle hwp failure processBootError(false); break; case IPL_ERR_PLAT: processPlatBootError(errInfo); break; case IPL_ERR_PRI_PROC_NON_FUNC: // Handle non functional boot processor error. processNonFunctionalBootProc(); break; case IPL_ERR_GUARD_PARTITION_ACCESS: processGuardPartitionAccessError(); break; default: createPEL("org.open_power.PHAL.Error.Boot"); // reset trace log and exit reset(); break; } } /** * @brief addPlanarCallout * * This function will add a json for planar callout in the input json list. * The caller can pass this json list into createErrorPEL to apply the callout. * * @param[in,out] jsonCalloutDataList - json list where callout json will be * emplaced * @param[in] priority - string indicating priority. */ static void addPlanarCallout(json& jsonCalloutDataList, const std::string& priority) { json jsonCalloutData; // Inventory path for planar jsonCalloutData["InventoryPath"] = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard"; jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = false; jsonCalloutData["Guarded"] = false; jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = priority; jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData); } /** * @brief processPoweroffError * * Creates informational PEL for the PLAT/HWP error occured during poweroff * * Not adding callouts from FFDC as the hardware errors in the poweroff path * should be non-visible. so that we don't throw out extraneous callouts for * power errors or because the CEC is just not in an expected state. * * @param[in] ffdc - FFDC data capturd by the HWP * @param[in] ffdc_prefix - prefix string for logging the data. */ void processPoweroffError(FFDC* ffdc, const std::string& ffdc_prefix) { try { log<level::INFO>( std::format("processPoweroffError: Message[{}]", ffdc->message) .c_str()); // To store phal trace and other additional data about ffdc. FFDCData pelAdditionalData; if (ffdc->ffdc_type == FFDC_TYPE_HWP) { std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "RC"); // Adding hardware procedures return code details pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.rc); keyWithPrefix = ffdc_prefix + "RC_DESC"; pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.rc_desc); } else if ((ffdc->ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_NONE) && (ffdc->ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED)) { log<level::ERR>( std::format("Unsupported phal FFDC type to create PEL. " "MSG: {}", ffdc->message) .c_str()); } // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data for_each(traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(), [&pelAdditionalData]( std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void { pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second); }); openpower::pel::createErrorPEL("org.open_power.PHAL.Error.Boot", {}, pelAdditionalData, Severity::Informational); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { reset(); throw ex; } reset(); } void processBootErrorHelper(FFDC* ffdc, const std::string& ffdc_prefix) { log<level::INFO>("processBootErrorHelper "); try { log<level::INFO>( std::format("PHAL FFDC: Return Message[{}]", ffdc->message) .c_str()); // Special handling for spare clock related errors. if (ffdc->ffdc_type == FFDC_TYPE_SPARE_CLOCK_INFO) { processClockInfoErrorHelper(ffdc, ffdc_prefix); return; } // To store callouts details in json format as per pel expectation. json jsonCalloutDataList; jsonCalloutDataList = json::array(); // To store phal trace and other additional data about ffdc. FFDCData pelAdditionalData; if (ffdc->ffdc_type == FFDC_TYPE_HWP) { std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "RC"); // Adding hardware procedures return code details pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.rc); keyWithPrefix = ffdc_prefix + "RC_DESC"; pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.rc_desc); // Adding hardware procedures required ffdc data for debug for_each(ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.ffdcs_data.begin(), ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.ffdcs_data.end(), [&pelAdditionalData, &ffdc_prefix]( std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void { std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "FFDC_"); keyWithPrefix.append(ele.first); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ele.second); }); // Adding hardware callout details int calloutCount = 0; for_each( ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.begin(), ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.end(), [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList, &ffdc_prefix](const HWCallout& hwCallout) -> void { calloutCount++; std::stringstream keyPrefix; keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "HW_CO_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_"; pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("HW_ID"), hwCallout.hwid); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"), hwCallout.callout_priority); // Log target details only if entity path is // available. For example target entity path will not // be available for non-hwp clock failure. if (!hwCallout.target_entity_path.empty()) { phal::TargetInfo targetInfo; phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(hwCallout.target_entity_path, targetInfo); std::string locationCode = std::string(targetInfo.locationCode); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("LOC_CODE"), locationCode); std::string physPath = std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PHYS_PATH"), physPath); } pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CLK_POS"), std::to_string(hwCallout.clkPos)); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CALLOUT_PLANAR"), (hwCallout.isPlanarCallout == true ? "true" : "false")); std::string pelPriority = getPelPriority(hwCallout.callout_priority); if (hwCallout.isPlanarCallout) { addPlanarCallout(jsonCalloutDataList, pelPriority); } }); // Adding CDG (callout, deconfigure and guard) targets details calloutCount = 0; for_each( ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.begin(), ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.end(), [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList, &ffdc_prefix](const CDG_Target& cdg_tgt) -> void { calloutCount++; std::stringstream keyPrefix; keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "CDG_TGT_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_"; phal::TargetInfo targetInfo; targetInfo.deconfigure = cdg_tgt.deconfigure; phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(cdg_tgt.target_entity_path, targetInfo); std::string locationCode = std::string(targetInfo.locationCode); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("LOC_CODE"), locationCode); std::string physPath = std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PHYS_PATH"), physPath); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_REQ"), (cdg_tgt.callout == true ? "true" : "false")); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_PRIORITY"), cdg_tgt.callout_priority); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("DECONF_REQ"), (cdg_tgt.deconfigure == true ? "true" : "false")); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_REQ"), (cdg_tgt.guard == true ? "true" : "false")); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_TYPE"), cdg_tgt.guard_type); json jsonCalloutData; jsonCalloutData["LocationCode"] = locationCode; std::string pelPriority = getPelPriority(cdg_tgt.callout_priority); jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority; if (targetInfo.mruId != 0) { jsonCalloutData["MRUs"] = json::array({ {{"ID", targetInfo.mruId}, {"Priority", pelPriority}}, }); } jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = cdg_tgt.deconfigure; jsonCalloutData["Guarded"] = cdg_tgt.guard; jsonCalloutData["GuardType"] = cdg_tgt.guard_type; jsonCalloutData["EntityPath"] = cdg_tgt.target_entity_path; jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData); }); // Adding procedure callout calloutCount = 0; for_each( ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.procedures_callout.begin(), ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.procedures_callout.end(), [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList, &ffdc_prefix](const ProcedureCallout& procCallout) -> void { calloutCount++; std::stringstream keyPrefix; keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "PROC_CO_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_"; pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"), procCallout.callout_priority); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back( std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("MAINT_PROCEDURE"), procCallout.proc_callout); json jsonCalloutData; jsonCalloutData["Procedure"] = procCallout.proc_callout; std::string pelPriority = getPelPriority(procCallout.callout_priority); jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority; jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData); }); } else if ((ffdc->ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_NONE) && (ffdc->ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED)) { log<level::ERR>( std::format("Unsupported phal FFDC type to create PEL. " "MSG: {}", ffdc->message) .c_str()); } // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data for_each(traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(), [&pelAdditionalData]( std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void { pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second); }); // TODO: #ibm-openbmc/dev/issues/2595 : Once enabled this support, // callout details is not required to sort in H,M and L orders which // are expected by pel because, pel will take care for sorting callouts // based on priority so, now adding support to send callout in order // i.e High -> Medium -> Low. std::sort( jsonCalloutDataList.begin(), jsonCalloutDataList.end(), [](const json& aEle, const json& bEle) -> bool { // Considering b element having higher priority than a element // or Both element will be same priorty (to keep same order // which are given by phal when two callouts are having same // priority) if (((aEle["Priority"] == "M") && (bEle["Priority"] == "H")) || ((aEle["Priority"] == "L") && ((bEle["Priority"] == "H") || (bEle["Priority"] == "M"))) || (aEle["Priority"] == bEle["Priority"])) { return false; } // Considering a element having higher priority than b element return true; }); openpower::pel::createErrorPEL("org.open_power.PHAL.Error.Boot", jsonCalloutDataList, pelAdditionalData, Severity::Error); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { reset(); throw ex; } reset(); } void processPlatBootError(const ipl_error_info& errInfo) { log<level::INFO>("processPlatBootError "); // Collecting ffdc details from phal FFDC* ffdc = reinterpret_cast<FFDC*>(errInfo.private_data); try { if (util::isHostPoweringOff()) { processPoweroffError(ffdc, "PLAT_"); } else { processBootErrorHelper(ffdc, "PLAT_"); } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { log<level::ERR>( std::format("processPlatBootError: exception({})", ex.what()) .c_str()); throw ex; } } void processBootError(bool status) { log<level::INFO>( std::format("processBootError: status({})", status).c_str()); try { // return If no failure during hwp execution if (status) return; // Collecting ffdc details from phal FFDC ffdc; libekb_get_ffdc(ffdc); if (util::isHostPoweringOff()) { processPoweroffError(&ffdc, "HWP_"); } else { processBootErrorHelper(&ffdc, "HWP_"); } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { log<level::ERR>( std::format("processBootError: exception({})", ex.what()).c_str()); throw ex; } } void processSbeBootError() { log<level::INFO>("processSbeBootError : Entered "); using namespace openpower::phal::sbe; // To store phal trace and other additional data about ffdc. FFDCData pelAdditionalData; // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data for_each( traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(), [&pelAdditionalData](std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void { pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second); }); // reset the trace log and counter reset(); // get primary processor to collect FFDC/Dump information. struct pdbg_target* procTarget; pdbg_for_each_class_target("proc", procTarget) { if (openpower::phal::isPrimaryProc(procTarget)) break; procTarget = nullptr; } // check valid primary processor is available if (procTarget == nullptr) { log<level::ERR>("processSbeBootError: fail to get primary processor"); // Add BMC code callout and create PEL json jsonCalloutDataList; jsonCalloutDataList = json::array(); json jsonCalloutData; jsonCalloutData["Procedure"] = "BMC0001"; jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = "H"; jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData); openpower::pel::createErrorPEL( "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeBootFailure", jsonCalloutDataList, {}, Severity::Error); return; } // SBE error object. sbeError_t sbeError; bool dumpIsRequired = false; try { // Capture FFDC information on primary processor sbeError = captureFFDC(procTarget); } catch (const phalError_t& phalError) { // Fail to collect FFDC information , trigger Dump log<level::ERR>( std::format("captureFFDC: Exception({})", phalError.what()) .c_str()); dumpIsRequired = true; } std::string event; if ((sbeError.errType() == SBE_FFDC_NO_DATA) || (sbeError.errType() == SBE_CMD_TIMEOUT) || (dumpIsRequired)) { event = "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeBootTimeout"; dumpIsRequired = true; } else { event = "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeBootFailure"; } // SRC6 : [0:15] chip position uint32_t index = pdbg_target_index(procTarget); pelAdditionalData.emplace_back("SRC6", std::to_string(index << 16)); // Create SBE Error with FFDC data. auto logId = createSbeErrorPEL(event, sbeError, pelAdditionalData, procTarget); if (dumpIsRequired) { using namespace openpower::phal::dump; DumpParameters dumpParameters = {logId, index, SBE_DUMP_TIMEOUT, DumpType::SBE}; try { requestDump(dumpParameters); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { // Allowing call back to handle the error gracefully. log<level::ERR>("Dump collection failed"); // TODO revist error handling. } } } void processGuardPartitionAccessError() { // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data FFDCData pelAdditionalData; for_each( traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(), [&pelAdditionalData](std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void { pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second); }); openpower::pel::createPEL("org.open_power.PHAL.Error.GuardPartitionAccess", pelAdditionalData); } void reset() { // reset the trace log and counter traceLog.clear(); counter = 0; } void pDBGLogTraceCallbackHelper(int, const char* fmt, va_list ap) { processLogTraceCallback(NULL, fmt, ap); } } // namespace detail static inline uint8_t getLogLevelFromEnv(const char* env, const uint8_t dValue) { auto logLevel = dValue; try { if (const char* env_p = std::getenv(env)) { logLevel = std::stoi(env_p); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { log<level::ERR>(("Conversion Failure"), entry("ENVIRONMENT=%s", env), entry("EXCEPTION=%s", e.what())); } return logLevel; } void addBootErrorCallbacks() { // Get individual phal repos log level from environment variable // and update the log level. pdbg_set_loglevel(getLogLevelFromEnv("PDBG_LOG", PDBG_INFO)); libekb_set_loglevel(getLogLevelFromEnv("LIBEKB_LOG", LIBEKB_LOG_IMP)); ipl_set_loglevel(getLogLevelFromEnv("IPL_LOG", IPL_INFO)); // add callback for debug traces pdbg_set_logfunc(detail::pDBGLogTraceCallbackHelper); libekb_set_logfunc(detail::processLogTraceCallback, NULL); ipl_set_logfunc(detail::processLogTraceCallback, NULL); // add callback for ipl failures ipl_set_error_callback_func(detail::processIplErrorCallback); } } // namespace pel } // namespace openpower