# See README.md for details. project('openpower-hw-diags', 'cpp', version: '0.1', meson_version: '>=1.1.1', default_options: [ 'warning_level=3', 'werror=true', 'cpp_std=c++23', ]) # Package directory root, which will contain required data files. package_dir = join_paths( get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir'), meson.project_name() ) # Compiler option so that source knows the package directory. package_args = [ '-DPACKAGE_DIR="' + package_dir + '/"' ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Versioning #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- buildinfo = vcs_tag(command: ['git', 'describe', '--always', '--long'], input: 'buildinfo.hpp.in', output: 'buildinfo.hpp', replace_string:'@BUILDINFO@', fallback: '0') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compiler #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmplr = meson.get_compiler('cpp') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Config file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- conf = configuration_data() # OpenPOWER dump object path override conf.set_quoted('OP_DUMP_OBJ_PATH', get_option('op_dump_obj_path')) conf.set('CONFIG_PHAL_API', get_option('phal').allowed()) configure_file(input: 'config.h.in', output: 'config.h', configuration: conf) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include directories #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Only using the base directory. All header includes should provide the full # path from the base directory. incdir = include_directories('.') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # External library dependencies #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Look if the libhei library has already been built and installed. If not, # default to the subproject. libhei_dep = dependency('hei', fallback : ['libhei', 'libhei_dep']) phosphor_logging_dep = dependency('phosphor-logging', fallback: ['phosphor-logging', 'phosphor_logging_dep']) sdbusplus_dep = dependency('sdbusplus', version : '>=1.0') dbus_interfaces_dep = dependency('phosphor-dbus-interfaces') libpdbg_dep = dependency('pdbg') if get_option('phal').allowed() libphal_dep = cmplr.find_library('phal') endif libpldm_dep = dependency('libpldm') pthread = declare_dependency(link_args : '-pthread') lrt = declare_dependency(link_args : '-lrt') # JSON parser nlohmann_json_dep = dependency('nlohmann_json', include_type: 'system') # JSON validator if cmplr.has_header('valijson/validator.hpp') valijson_dep = declare_dependency() else valijson_dep = dependency('valijson', include_type: 'system') endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build the local static libraries #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subdir('analyzer') subdir('attn') subdir('util') hwdiags_libs = [ analyzer_lib, attn_lib, util_lib, ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build the executable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no_listener_mode = get_option('nlmode') if not no_listener_mode.disabled() executable('openpower-hw-diags', sources : [ 'main_nl.cpp', 'cli.cpp', buildinfo, plugins_src ], dependencies : [ libhei_dep ], link_with : hwdiags_libs, install : true) else executable('openpower-hw-diags', sources : [ 'main.cpp', 'cli.cpp', 'listener.cpp', buildinfo, plugins_src ], dependencies : [lrt, pthread, libhei_dep], link_with : hwdiags_libs, install : true) endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test, if configured #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- build_tests = get_option('tests') if not build_tests.disabled() # IMPORTANT NOTE: # We cannot link the test executables to `util_lib` because: # - It is built without `-DTEST_TRACE` and any of the util functions that # use `trace.hpp` will throw a linker error because we don't have access # to phosphor-logging in test ... yet. This issue will go away once we # have converted all of our trace to use the `lg2` interfaces. # - Some functions related to pdbg and dbus simply cannot be built in the # test environment. Instead, there are alternate implementation of those # functions to simulate them for testing (see `test/*-sim-only.cpp`). # Instead we will build a `test_util_lib` that will contain the `util` files # that we need in test along with simulated versions of some util functions. # IMPORTANT NOTE: # When running GCOV reports, the Jenkins CI script explicitly ignores any # libraries and executables built in the `test/` directory. Therefore, this # `test_util_lib` library must be built here instead in order to get any GCOV # credit for the code. test_args = [ '-DTEST_TRACE', package_args, ] test_util_srcs = [ files( 'util/data_file.cpp', 'util/ffdc_file.cpp', 'util/pdbg.cpp', 'util/temporary_file.cpp', 'test/dbus-sim-only.cpp', 'test/pdbg-sim-only.cpp', ), ] test_util_deps = [ libhei_dep, libpdbg_dep, phosphor_logging_dep, ] test_util_lib = static_library('test_util_lib', sources : test_util_srcs, include_directories : incdir, dependencies : test_util_deps, cpp_args : test_args, install : true, ) test_libs = [ analyzer_lib, attn_lib, test_util_lib, ] subdir('test') endif