# # Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import os import glob import subprocess import shutil import re import collections import bb import tempfile import oe.utils import oe.path import string from oe.gpg_sign import get_signer import hashlib import fnmatch # this can be used by all PM backends to create the index files in parallel def create_index(arg): index_cmd = arg bb.note("Executing '%s' ..." % index_cmd) result = subprocess.check_output(index_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).decode("utf-8") if result: bb.note(result) def opkg_query(cmd_output): """ This method parse the output from the package managerand return a dictionary with the information of the packages. This is used when the packages are in deb or ipk format. """ verregex = re.compile(r' \([=<>]* [^ )]*\)') output = dict() pkg = "" arch = "" ver = "" filename = "" dep = [] prov = [] pkgarch = "" for line in cmd_output.splitlines()+['']: line = line.rstrip() if ':' in line: if line.startswith("Package: "): pkg = line.split(": ")[1] elif line.startswith("Architecture: "): arch = line.split(": ")[1] elif line.startswith("Version: "): ver = line.split(": ")[1] elif line.startswith("File: ") or line.startswith("Filename:"): filename = line.split(": ")[1] if "/" in filename: filename = os.path.basename(filename) elif line.startswith("Depends: "): depends = verregex.sub('', line.split(": ")[1]) for depend in depends.split(", "): dep.append(depend) elif line.startswith("Recommends: "): recommends = verregex.sub('', line.split(": ")[1]) for recommend in recommends.split(", "): dep.append("%s [REC]" % recommend) elif line.startswith("PackageArch: "): pkgarch = line.split(": ")[1] elif line.startswith("Provides: "): provides = verregex.sub('', line.split(": ")[1]) for provide in provides.split(", "): prov.append(provide) # When there is a blank line save the package information elif not line: # IPK doesn't include the filename if not filename: filename = "%s_%s_%s.ipk" % (pkg, ver, arch) if pkg: output[pkg] = {"arch":arch, "ver":ver, "filename":filename, "deps": dep, "pkgarch":pkgarch, "provs": prov} pkg = "" arch = "" ver = "" filename = "" dep = [] prov = [] pkgarch = "" return output def failed_postinsts_abort(pkgs, log_path): bb.fatal("""Postinstall scriptlets of %s have failed. If the intention is to defer them to first boot, then please place them into pkg_postinst_ontarget:${PN} (). Deferring to first boot via 'exit 1' is no longer supported. Details of the failure are in %s.""" %(pkgs, log_path)) def generate_locale_archive(d, rootfs, target_arch, localedir): # Pretty sure we don't need this for locale archive generation but # keeping it to be safe... locale_arch_options = { \ "arc": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "arceb": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "arm": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "armeb": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "aarch64": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "aarch64_be": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "sh4": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "powerpc": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "powerpc64": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "powerpc64le": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "mips": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "mipsisa32r6": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "mips64": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "mipsisa64r6": ["--uint32-align=4", "--big-endian"], "mipsel": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "mipsisa32r6el": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "mips64el": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "mipsisa64r6el": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "riscv64": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "riscv32": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "i586": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "i686": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"], "x86_64": ["--uint32-align=4", "--little-endian"] } if target_arch in locale_arch_options: arch_options = locale_arch_options[target_arch] else: bb.error("locale_arch_options not found for target_arch=" + target_arch) bb.fatal("unknown arch:" + target_arch + " for locale_arch_options") # Need to set this so cross-localedef knows where the archive is env = dict(os.environ) env["LOCALEARCHIVE"] = oe.path.join(localedir, "locale-archive") for name in sorted(os.listdir(localedir)): path = os.path.join(localedir, name) if os.path.isdir(path): cmd = ["cross-localedef", "--verbose"] cmd += arch_options cmd += ["--add-to-archive", path] subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=env, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) class Indexer(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, d, deploy_dir): self.d = d self.deploy_dir = deploy_dir @abstractmethod def write_index(self): pass class PkgsList(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, d, rootfs_dir): self.d = d self.rootfs_dir = rootfs_dir @abstractmethod def list_pkgs(self): pass class PackageManager(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ This is an abstract class. Do not instantiate this directly. """ def __init__(self, d, target_rootfs): self.d = d self.target_rootfs = target_rootfs self.deploy_dir = None self.deploy_lock = None self._initialize_intercepts() def _initialize_intercepts(self): bb.note("Initializing intercept dir for %s" % self.target_rootfs) # As there might be more than one instance of PackageManager operating at the same time # we need to isolate the intercept_scripts directories from each other, # hence the ugly hash digest in dir name. self.intercepts_dir = os.path.join(self.d.getVar('WORKDIR'), "intercept_scripts-%s" % (hashlib.sha256(self.target_rootfs.encode()).hexdigest())) postinst_intercepts = (self.d.getVar("POSTINST_INTERCEPTS") or "").split() if not postinst_intercepts: postinst_intercepts_path = self.d.getVar("POSTINST_INTERCEPTS_PATH") if not postinst_intercepts_path: postinst_intercepts_path = self.d.getVar("POSTINST_INTERCEPTS_DIR") or self.d.expand("${COREBASE}/scripts/postinst-intercepts") postinst_intercepts = oe.path.which_wild('*', postinst_intercepts_path) bb.debug(1, 'Collected intercepts:\n%s' % ''.join(' %s\n' % i for i in postinst_intercepts)) bb.utils.remove(self.intercepts_dir, True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(self.intercepts_dir) for intercept in postinst_intercepts: shutil.copy(intercept, os.path.join(self.intercepts_dir, os.path.basename(intercept))) @abstractmethod def _handle_intercept_failure(self, failed_script): pass def _postpone_to_first_boot(self, postinst_intercept_hook): with open(postinst_intercept_hook) as intercept: registered_pkgs = None for line in intercept.read().split("\n"): m = re.match(r"^##PKGS:(.*)", line) if m is not None: registered_pkgs = m.group(1).strip() break if registered_pkgs is not None: bb.note("If an image is being built, the postinstalls for the following packages " "will be postponed for first boot: %s" % registered_pkgs) # call the backend dependent handler self._handle_intercept_failure(registered_pkgs) def run_intercepts(self, populate_sdk=None): intercepts_dir = self.intercepts_dir bb.note("Running intercept scripts:") os.environ['D'] = self.target_rootfs os.environ['STAGING_DIR_NATIVE'] = self.d.getVar('STAGING_DIR_NATIVE') for script in os.listdir(intercepts_dir): script_full = os.path.join(intercepts_dir, script) if script == "postinst_intercept" or not os.access(script_full, os.X_OK): continue # we do not want to run any multilib variant of this if script.startswith("delay_to_first_boot"): self._postpone_to_first_boot(script_full) continue if populate_sdk == 'host' and self.d.getVar('SDK_OS') == 'mingw32': bb.note("The postinstall intercept hook '%s' could not be executed due to missing wine support, details in %s/log.do_%s" % (script, self.d.getVar('T'), self.d.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK'))) continue bb.note("> Executing %s intercept ..." % script) try: output = subprocess.check_output(script_full, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if output: bb.note(output.decode("utf-8")) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bb.note("Exit code %d. Output:\n%s" % (e.returncode, e.output.decode("utf-8"))) if populate_sdk == 'host': bb.fatal("The postinstall intercept hook '%s' failed, details in %s/log.do_%s" % (script, self.d.getVar('T'), self.d.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK'))) elif populate_sdk == 'target': if "qemuwrapper: qemu usermode is not supported" in e.output.decode("utf-8"): bb.note("The postinstall intercept hook '%s' could not be executed due to missing qemu usermode support, details in %s/log.do_%s" % (script, self.d.getVar('T'), self.d.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK'))) else: bb.fatal("The postinstall intercept hook '%s' failed, details in %s/log.do_%s" % (script, self.d.getVar('T'), self.d.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK'))) else: if "qemuwrapper: qemu usermode is not supported" in e.output.decode("utf-8"): bb.note("The postinstall intercept hook '%s' could not be executed due to missing qemu usermode support, details in %s/log.do_%s" % (script, self.d.getVar('T'), self.d.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK'))) self._postpone_to_first_boot(script_full) else: bb.fatal("The postinstall intercept hook '%s' failed, details in %s/log.do_%s" % (script, self.d.getVar('T'), self.d.getVar('BB_CURRENTTASK'))) @abstractmethod def update(self): """ Update the package manager package database. """ pass @abstractmethod def install(self, pkgs, attempt_only=False, hard_depends_only=False): """ Install a list of packages. 'pkgs' is a list object. If 'attempt_only' is True, installation failures are ignored. """ pass @abstractmethod def remove(self, pkgs, with_dependencies=True): """ Remove a list of packages. 'pkgs' is a list object. If 'with_dependencies' is False, then any dependencies are left in place. """ pass @abstractmethod def write_index(self): """ This function creates the index files """ pass @abstractmethod def remove_packaging_data(self): pass @abstractmethod def list_installed(self): pass @abstractmethod def extract(self, pkg): """ Returns the path to a tmpdir where resides the contents of a package. Deleting the tmpdir is responsability of the caller. """ pass @abstractmethod def insert_feeds_uris(self, feed_uris, feed_base_paths, feed_archs): """ Add remote package feeds into repository manager configuration. The parameters for the feeds are set by feed_uris, feed_base_paths and feed_archs. See http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-PACKAGE_FEED_URIS for their description. """ pass def install_glob(self, globs, sdk=False): """ Install all packages that match a glob. """ # TODO don't have sdk here but have a property on the superclass # (and respect in install_complementary) if sdk: pkgdatadir = self.d.getVar("PKGDATA_DIR_SDK") else: pkgdatadir = self.d.getVar("PKGDATA_DIR") try: bb.note("Installing globbed packages...") cmd = ["oe-pkgdata-util", "-p", pkgdatadir, "list-pkgs", globs] bb.note('Running %s' % cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if stderr: bb.note(stderr.decode("utf-8")) pkgs = stdout.decode("utf-8") self.install(pkgs.split(), attempt_only=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # Return code 1 means no packages matched if e.returncode != 1: bb.fatal("Could not compute globbed packages list. Command " "'%s' returned %d:\n%s" % (' '.join(cmd), e.returncode, e.output.decode("utf-8"))) def install_complementary(self, globs=None): """ Install complementary packages based upon the list of currently installed packages e.g. locales, *-dev, *-dbg, etc. Note: every backend needs to call this function explicitly after the normal package installation. """ if globs is None: globs = self.d.getVar('IMAGE_INSTALL_COMPLEMENTARY') split_linguas = set() for translation in self.d.getVar('IMAGE_LINGUAS').split(): split_linguas.add(translation) split_linguas.add(translation.split('-')[0]) split_linguas = sorted(split_linguas) for lang in split_linguas: globs += " *-locale-%s" % lang for complementary_linguas in (self.d.getVar('IMAGE_LINGUAS_COMPLEMENTARY') or "").split(): globs += (" " + complementary_linguas) % lang if globs is None: return # we need to write the list of installed packages to a file because the # oe-pkgdata-util reads it from a file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", prefix="installed-pkgs") as installed_pkgs: pkgs = self.list_installed() provided_pkgs = set() for pkg in pkgs.values(): provided_pkgs |= set(pkg.get('provs', [])) output = oe.utils.format_pkg_list(pkgs, "arch") installed_pkgs.write(output) installed_pkgs.flush() cmd = ["oe-pkgdata-util", "-p", self.d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR'), "glob", installed_pkgs.name, globs] exclude = self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_EXCLUDE_COMPLEMENTARY') if exclude: cmd.extend(['--exclude=' + '|'.join(exclude.split())]) try: bb.note('Running %s' % cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if stderr: bb.note(stderr.decode("utf-8")) complementary_pkgs = stdout.decode("utf-8") complementary_pkgs = set(complementary_pkgs.split()) skip_pkgs = sorted(complementary_pkgs & provided_pkgs) install_pkgs = sorted(complementary_pkgs - provided_pkgs) bb.note("Installing complementary packages ... %s (skipped already provided packages %s)" % ( ' '.join(install_pkgs), ' '.join(skip_pkgs))) self.install(install_pkgs, hard_depends_only=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bb.fatal("Could not compute complementary packages list. Command " "'%s' returned %d:\n%s" % (' '.join(cmd), e.returncode, e.output.decode("utf-8"))) if self.d.getVar('IMAGE_LOCALES_ARCHIVE') == '1': target_arch = self.d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH') localedir = oe.path.join(self.target_rootfs, self.d.getVar("libdir"), "locale") if os.path.exists(localedir) and os.listdir(localedir): generate_locale_archive(self.d, self.target_rootfs, target_arch, localedir) # And now delete the binary locales self.remove(fnmatch.filter(self.list_installed(), "glibc-binary-localedata-*"), False) def deploy_dir_lock(self): if self.deploy_dir is None: raise RuntimeError("deploy_dir is not set!") lock_file_name = os.path.join(self.deploy_dir, "deploy.lock") self.deploy_lock = bb.utils.lockfile(lock_file_name) def deploy_dir_unlock(self): if self.deploy_lock is None: return bb.utils.unlockfile(self.deploy_lock) self.deploy_lock = None def construct_uris(self, uris, base_paths): """ Construct URIs based on the following pattern: uri/base_path where 'uri' and 'base_path' correspond to each element of the corresponding array argument leading to len(uris) x len(base_paths) elements on the returned array """ def _append(arr1, arr2, sep='/'): res = [] narr1 = [a.rstrip(sep) for a in arr1] narr2 = [a.rstrip(sep).lstrip(sep) for a in arr2] for a1 in narr1: if arr2: for a2 in narr2: res.append("%s%s%s" % (a1, sep, a2)) else: res.append(a1) return res return _append(uris, base_paths) def create_packages_dir(d, subrepo_dir, deploydir, taskname, filterbydependencies): """ Go through our do_package_write_X dependencies and hardlink the packages we depend upon into the repo directory. This prevents us seeing other packages that may have been built that we don't depend upon and also packages for architectures we don't support. """ import errno taskdepdata = d.getVar("BB_TASKDEPDATA", False) mytaskname = d.getVar("BB_RUNTASK") pn = d.getVar("PN") seendirs = set() multilibs = {} bb.utils.remove(subrepo_dir, recurse=True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(subrepo_dir) # Detect bitbake -b usage nodeps = d.getVar("BB_LIMITEDDEPS") or False if nodeps or not filterbydependencies: oe.path.symlink(deploydir, subrepo_dir, True) return start = None for dep in taskdepdata: data = taskdepdata[dep] if data[1] == mytaskname and data[0] == pn: start = dep break if start is None: bb.fatal("Couldn't find ourself in BB_TASKDEPDATA?") pkgdeps = set() start = [start] seen = set(start) # Support direct dependencies (do_rootfs -> do_package_write_X) # or indirect dependencies within PN (do_populate_sdk_ext -> do_rootfs -> do_package_write_X) while start: next = [] for dep2 in start: for dep in taskdepdata[dep2][3]: if taskdepdata[dep][0] != pn: if "do_" + taskname in dep: pkgdeps.add(dep) elif dep not in seen: next.append(dep) seen.add(dep) start = next for dep in pkgdeps: c = taskdepdata[dep][0] manifest, d2 = oe.sstatesig.find_sstate_manifest(c, taskdepdata[dep][2], taskname, d, multilibs) if not manifest: bb.fatal("No manifest generated from: %s in %s" % (c, taskdepdata[dep][2])) if not os.path.exists(manifest): continue with open(manifest, "r") as f: for l in f: l = l.strip() deploydir = os.path.normpath(deploydir) if bb.data.inherits_class('packagefeed-stability', d): dest = l.replace(deploydir + "-prediff", "") else: dest = l.replace(deploydir, "") dest = subrepo_dir + dest if l.endswith("/"): if dest not in seendirs: bb.utils.mkdirhier(dest) seendirs.add(dest) continue # Try to hardlink the file, copy if that fails destdir = os.path.dirname(dest) if destdir not in seendirs: bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) seendirs.add(destdir) try: os.link(l, dest) except OSError as err: if err.errno == errno.EXDEV: bb.utils.copyfile(l, dest) else: raise def generate_index_files(d): from oe.package_manager.rpm import RpmSubdirIndexer from oe.package_manager.ipk import OpkgIndexer from oe.package_manager.deb import DpkgIndexer classes = d.getVar('PACKAGE_CLASSES').replace("package_", "").split() indexer_map = { "rpm": (RpmSubdirIndexer, d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_RPM')), "ipk": (OpkgIndexer, d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IPK')), "deb": (DpkgIndexer, d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_DEB')) } result = None for pkg_class in classes: if not pkg_class in indexer_map: continue if os.path.exists(indexer_map[pkg_class][1]): result = indexer_map[pkg_class][0](d, indexer_map[pkg_class][1]).write_index() if result is not None: bb.fatal(result)