*** Settings *** Documentation Module for testing BMC inventory via XCAT. Resource ../lib/xcat/resource.txt Resource ../lib/xcat/xcat_utils.robot Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot Suite Setup XCAT Suite Setup *** Variables *** *** Test Cases *** Verify BMC Version Via XCAT [Documentation] Verify BMC version using XCAT and REST. [Tags] Verify_BMC_Version_Via_XCAT # Get BMC version info via xcat ${version_via_xcat}= Execute Command On XCAT rinv firm # Get BMC version info via rest ${version_via_rest}= Get BMC Version Should contain ${version_via_xcat} ${version_via_rest} *** Keywords *** XCAT Suite Setup [Documentation] XCAT suite setup. Open Connection And Login To XCAT # Check if XCAT is installed. ${cmd_output}= Execute Command ${XCAT_DIR_PATH}/lsxcatd -v Should Not Be Empty ${cmd_output} msg=XCAT not installed. Add Nodes To XCAT ${OPENBMC_HOST}