*** Settings *** Documentation Module for testing BMC via XCAT. Resource ../lib/xcat/resource.robot Resource ../lib/xcat/xcat_utils.robot Library OperatingSystem Library String Suite Setup Validate XCAT Setup Suite Teardown Close All Connections *** Variables *** ${poweron_flag} ON ${poweroff_flag} OFF ${NUM_POWER_STATUS_CHECKS} 1000 *** Test Cases *** Add BMC Nodes To XCAT [Documentation] Connect and add BMC nodes. [Tags] Add_BMC_Nodes_To_XCAT # Add BMC nodes one by one and check whether it is successfully added. : FOR ${bmc} IN @{BMC_LIST} \ Add Nodes To XCAT ${bmc} \ Validate Added Node ${bmc} Power On Via XCAT And Validate [Documentation] Power on via XCAT and validate. [Tags] Power_On_Via_XCAT_And_Validate # Power on each BMC node and validate the power status. : FOR ${bmc} IN @{BMC_LIST} \ Power On Via XCAT ${bmc} \ Validate Power Status Via XCAT ${bmc} ${poweron_flag} Power Off Via XCAT And Validate [Documentation] Power off via XCAT and validate. [Tags] Power_Off_Via_XCAT_And_Validate # Power off each BMC node and validate the power status. : FOR ${bmc} IN @{BMC_LIST} \ Power Off Via XCAT ${bmc} \ Validate Power Status Via XCAT ${bmc} ${poweroff_flag} Add Nodes To Group List [Documentation] Add BMC nodes into group. [Tags] Move_Added_Nodes_To_Group # Add BMC nodes to group and validate. : FOR ${bmc} IN @{BMC_LIST} \ Add Nodes To Group ${bmc} ${GROUP} \ Validate Node Added In Group ${bmc} ${GROUP} Power On Group And Validate [Documentation] Power on all BMCs in group and validate. [Tags] Power_On_Group_And_Validate # Sample output of this keyword: # XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX # YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY # ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ ${nodes}= Get List Of Nodes In Group ${GROUP} Should Not Be Empty ${nodes} msg=Group is empty. Power On Via XCAT ${GROUP} # List the BMC nodes. @{bmc_nodes}= Split String ${nodes} # Validate power status on each BMC node one by one. : FOR ${bmc_node} IN @{bmc_nodes} \ Validate Power Status Via XCAT ${bmc_node} ${poweron_flag} Power Off Group And Validate [Documentation] Power off all BMCs in group and validate. [Tags] Power_Off_Group_And_Validate # Sample output of this keyword: # XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX # YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY # ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ ${nodes}= Get List Of Nodes In Group ${GROUP} Should Not Be Empty ${nodes} msg=Group is empty. Power Off Via XCAT ${GROUP} # List the BMC nodes. @{bmc_nodes}= Split String ${nodes} # Validate power status on each BMC node one by one. : FOR ${bmc_node} IN @{bmc_nodes} \ Validate Power Status Via XCAT ${bmc_node} ${poweroff_flag} Continuous Node Power Status [Documentation] Continuously get the power status. # This keyword verifies the REST connectivity between XCAT and the BMC node. [Tags] Continuos_Node_Power_Status # Performing this operation only on one BMC node. Power On Via XCAT ${BMC_LIST[1]} # Get the power status of the node repeatedly. # By default it gets power status 1000 times. # It bascially stress the BMC node and test REST implementation # of the BMC node : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 1 ${NUM_POWER_STATUS_CHECKS} \ Validate Power Status Via XCAT ${BMC_LIST[1]} ${poweron_flag} Get Temperature Reading Via XCAT [Documentation] Get temperature reading via XCAT. [Tags] Get_Temperature_Reading_Via_XCAT # Sample output of the keyword: # node1: Ambient: 28.62 C # node1: P0 Vcs Temp: 35 C # node1: P0 Vdd Temp: 35 C # node1: P0 Vddr Temp: 35 C # node1: P0 Vdn Temp: 35 C # node1: P1 Vcs Temp: 33 C # node1: P1 Vdd Temp: 33 C # node1: P1 Vddr Temp: 34 C # node1: P1 Vdn Temp: 34 C # Get temperature reading from each BMC node. : FOR ${bmc} IN @{BMC_LIST} \ ${temp_reading}= Get Hardware Vitals Via XCAT ${bmc} temp \ Should Match ${temp_reading} ${bmc}* C \ Log \n Temperature reading on $[bmc}\n ${temp_reading} Get Fanspeed Via XCAT [Documentation] Get fanspeed via XCAT. [Tags] Get_Fanspeed_Reading_Via_XCAT # Sample output of the keyword: # node1: Fan0 0: 10714 RPMS # node1: Fan1 0: 10216 RPMS # node1: Fan2 0: 14124 RPMS # node1: Fan3 0: 11114 RPMS # Get fanspeed from each BMC node. : FOR ${bmc} IN @{BMC_LIST} \ ${fanspeed}= Get Hardware Vitals Via XCAT ${bmc} fanspeed \ Should Match ${fanspeed} ${bmc}* RPMS \ Log \n fanspeed on $[bmc}\n ${fanspeed} Get Voltage Reading Via XCAT [Documentation] Get voltage via XCAT. [Tags] Get_Voltage_Via_XCAT # Sample output of the keyword: # node1: No attributes returned from the BMC. # BMC node is not returning anything, this will fail at present. # Get voltage reading from each BMC node. : FOR ${bmc} IN @{BMC_LIST} \ ${voltage}= Get Hardware Vitals Via XCAT ${bmc} voltage \ Log \n Voltage reading on $[bmc}\n ${voltage} Get Wattage Via XCAT [Documentation] Get wattage via XCAT. [Tags] Get_Wattage_Via_XCAT # Sample output of the keyword: # node1: No attributes returned from the BMC. # BMC node is not returning anything, this will fail at present. # Get wattage reading from each BMC node. : FOR ${bmc} IN @{BMC_LIST} \ ${wattage}= Get Hardware Vitals Via XCAT ${bmc} wattage \ Log \n Wattage reading on $[bmc}\n ${wattage} *** Keywords *** Validate XCAT Setup [Documentation] Validate XCAT setup. Open Connection And Login To XCAT # Check if XCAT is installed. ${cmd_output}= Execute Command ${XCAT_DIR_PATH}/lsxcatd -v Should Not Be Empty ${cmd_output} msg=XCAT not installed. Log \n XCAT Version is: \n${cmd_output} # Get all the BMC nodes from the config file. ${nodes}= Get List Of BMC Nodes # Make a list of BMC nodes. @{BMC_LIST}= Split To Lines ${nodes} Log To Console BMC nodes to be added:\n ${BMC_LIST} Set Suite Variable @{BMC_LIST} # GROUP should not be empty. Should Not Be EMPTY ${GROUP} msg=Group does not exist. Validate Power Status Via XCAT [Documentation] Validate power status. [Arguments] ${node} ${flag}=ON ${status}= Get Power Status ${node} Run Keyword If '${flag}' == 'ON' ... Should Contain ${status} on msg=Host is off. ... ELSE Should Contain ${status} off msg=Host is on.